Parveen Shakir: A Literary Trailblazer’s Journey Through Poetry and Education

Saurav Singh

Parveen Shakir (November 24, 1952 – December 26, 1994) was a Pakistani poet, teacher, and civil servant, celebrated for her profound and evocative poetry that resonates with readers globally.

Life & Career

Parveen Shakir was born on November 24, 1952, in Karachi, Pakistan, the second daughter of Syed Shakir Hussain and Afzal-Un-Nisha. Despite her untimely death on December 26, 1994, at the age of 42, Shakir’s impact on Urdu poetry endures.

Her journey into the world of poetry began early, and her distinct voice soon gained recognition. Parveen Shakir’s initial education took place in her hometown, Lahiria Sarai in the Darbhanga district of Bihar. She later pursued higher education, earning two master’s degrees, one in English Literature and the other in Linguistics, from the University of Karachi. Her academic pursuits reflected in the depth and intellectual richness of her poetry. In 1976, Parveen Shakir published her first volume of poetry Khushbu (Fragrance) to great acclaim. She was awarded one of the highest honours of Pakistan, the Pride of Performance, for her outstanding contributions to literature.

The two main styles she wrote in were ghazal and āzād nazm (free verse) where she utilized several literary techniques and examined delicate topics to create a full image of the female experience. Parveen Shakir’s professional career included serving as a civil servant in the Government of Pakistan and as an educator. Her commitment to education was not only evident in her career but also in her poetry, which often carried themes of social issues and women’s rights. Shakir’s poetry presented a nuanced understanding of both feminine and feminist identities in a patriarchal society.

Legacy & Awards

Parveen Shakir’s legacy lies in her groundbreaking contributions to Urdu poetry. Her verses, marked by simplicity and depth, explored the complexities of life, love, and societal expectations. Shakir’s poetry transcended cultural boundaries, making her a revered figure not only in Pakistan but also among Urdu poetry enthusiasts worldwide.

Her significant impact on literature earned her accolades posthumously. Parveen Shakir was honored with the President’s Pride of Performance Award, a testament to her lasting influence on the literary landscape. Her work continues to be studied and celebrated, shaping the discourse on Urdu poetry.

Parveen Shakir’s life and career, though brief, left an enduring imprint on the world of Urdu literature. Her words, a blend of elegance and substance, continue to inspire generations of poets and readers. Parveen Shakir’s legacy as a poet and advocate for education stands as a testament to the transformative power of words in shaping societal narratives.

On 24 November 2019, a Google Doodle was created to celebrate Parveen Shakir’s 67th Birthday.

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