11 January: National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

OV Digital Desk

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is observed on January 11th every year and it serves as a reminder that human trafficking is a serious crime and a violation of human rights that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. On this day, communities and organizations across the country hold events and activities to raise awareness about human trafficking and to educate the public about how to recognize and report the signs of trafficking.

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: History

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is a day designated by the US government to raise awareness about human trafficking and to encourage the public to take action to combat this criminal enterprise in 2007. Human trafficking is the exploitation of people through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of labor or commercial sex. It is a global problem that affects millions of people around the world, including in the United States.

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: Significance

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is also an opportunity for policymakers, law enforcement, and other stakeholders to come together to discuss ways to address this issue and to share information about ongoing efforts to combat human trafficking. The U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (J/TIP) has taken a leadership role in coordinating and promoting national human trafficking awareness day.

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: How To Observe It

There are many ways that individuals and organizations can observe National Human Trafficking Awareness Day and take action to raise awareness about human trafficking and to combat this serious crime. Some ways to observe the day include:

Educating yourself and others: Learn about the issue of human trafficking and share that information with others. Read about the issue online, watch documentaries, or attend a workshop or seminar.

Organizing an event: Plan and participate in a community event that raises awareness about human trafficking. It could be a walk, a film screening, a panel discussion or a fundraiser event.

Wearing blue: Wear blue, which is the color of human trafficking awareness, to show your support for victims and survivors of human trafficking.

Supporting Organizations working on anti-trafficking: Research and support organizations that work on anti-trafficking efforts and also volunteer your time or provide financial support to these organizations.

Take a pledge: Take a pledge to combat human trafficking. This can be by spreading awareness on social media, by volunteering or by making a donation.

Share information: Share information about human trafficking with your family, friends, and community members, and encourage them to take action as well.

By participating in these activities, you can help to raise awareness about human trafficking and support victims and survivors. Remember that if you suspect someone is a victim of human trafficking, you should contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 for confidential assistance.