World Hello Day and its Significance

OV Digital Desk

World Hello Day is observed every year on 21 November to promote awareness that conflicts should be resolved through communication rather than the use of force. Participants verbally greet ten people or more on that day as an expression of the importance of personal communication in preserving peace. The annual global event began to be celebrated in 1973 as a response to the Yom Kippur War.

31 winners of the Nobel Peace Prize are among the people who have realized World Hello Day’s value as an instrument for preserving peace and as an occasion that makes it possible for anyone in the world to contribute to the process of creating peace.

Since its inception, people in 180 countries now celebrate the World Hello Day. However, there are many who are not familiar with the idea.

The word “Hello” is considered to be first used by that Mark Twain in his work Roughing It first used it, in 1872. Today, it is used by everyone. Not necessary in same way but at least in similar way. Today, there are as many as 800 diverse ways of saying hello. You may greet “Hello” in following languages:

  • Afrikaans (Southern Africa) – Goeie dag
  • Amungme (Indonesia) – Amole Kitaitirivi
  • Arabic – Marhaba, Ahlan
  • Aragonese (Aragon, Spain) – Ola
  • India – Namastey
  • Ugandan – Yoga
  • Bole (Nigerian) – Use
  • In Hungary, Szia and Szervusz can mean either ‘hello” or ‘goodbye.’ This explains why Hungarians who speak English sometimes say hello when they are leaving, instead of goodbye.
Theme of World Hello Day 2021

21 November 2021 is the 49th annual World Hello Day.  Anyone can take part in World Hello Day simply by greeting ten people.  There is no specific theme for day.

2020 Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to the World Food Programme (WFP)

History of World Hello Day

World Hello Day was originally initiated by Brian McCormack, a Ph.D. graduate of Arizona State University, and Michael McCormack, a graduate of Harvard University. It was initiated as a direct response to the Arab Israeli war officially known as the Yom Kippur War.

Gathering all the money they had at the time, these two brothers bought postage and sent out letters to as many world leaders as they could and asked them to support this new holiday. Within the first 12 months of their campaign, they received the support of over fifteen different countries. In the last 42 years, they have managed to gather the support of an added 165 countries.

Today, ordinary people observe this day – as well as world leaders – from all around the world to settle their differences with communication rather than conflict. The McCormack brothers have also received staunch support for their holiday from writers, entertainers, and Nobel Laureates from all over the globe.

The only real custom associated with World Hello Day is the practice of saying ‘hello’ to friends, families, and strangers. People who want to celebrate this holiday should take the time to say hello to at least 10 people they meet throughout the day – particularly strangers. People should also take the time to learn how to say hello in a couple of different languages and then put that into practice sometime during the day.

World Hello Day is an opportunity for everyone, all throughout the globe, to try at reaching out to one another, taking steps towards world peace. The primary means to achieving this personal connection is by simply saying, ‘hello!”

The International Day of Peace

How to celebrate World Hello Day

There are many ways to celebrate the day. When the celebration is to say hello, it is to be seen with positivity. All you must do is say hello to at least 10 people during that one day. This is supposed to send a message of openness and goodwill to others, and the creators of the holiday hoped this small gesture alone would show how communication can be instrumental in resolving disputes and preventing conflicts.

If you happen to be knowing someone and somehow got disconnected due to whatever reason, it could be moment to bridge that gap by saying “Hello”.

You may also consider organising talk and online seminar to enhance awareness about the movement and encourage people to understand and bring them in their life.