Weather, Satta, Sexy, and Video — Leading search queries on Google in India in 2020

David Simpson

Internet is mushrooming and reaching people at an unexpected pace. It is reaching every nook and corner of the world. India is not untouched by the pace. Currently, 45% of India’s population has access to the internet, and the number is doubled in the last four years.  It is also expected that the pace of rising will pace up further — India may add 350 million smartphones by 2023. Thanks to the new giant JIO and spat between telecom giants which lead to cheap data with volume. Such connectivity brings transparency in people inquisitive to search and explores the subject. Based on searches and google queries from 2020, the most common query by Indians was ‘video’ along with queries related to cricket and online lottery betting- also known as Satta in Hindi. These common search queries provide an insight into the Indian content consumption patterns. Video content was sought out actively, also clear by the fact that the video-sharing platform had the highest share of monthly social network users in the country that same year.

Weather, Satta, Sexy, and Video --- Leading search queries on Google in India in 2020
Weather, Satta, Sexy, and Video — Leading search queries on Google in India in 2020 | Source: Statista

Plausible reasonings

The word “video” is common among most of the searches. With the connectivity to the internet, easy access to YouTube, and surge in the number of content creators, and most importantly straightforward way to grasp knowledge and information, video has become a common and effortless way to get information. It is clear in the fact that video streaming accounts for a major share of online mobile traffic across the nation. The trend suggests that people are more interested in video content in comparison to graphic or text-based content. The search query with “Video” seems to derive the interests of the population from easy and affordable reach of knowledge.

The content creators are also using the power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)to fine-tune the various element to rank their contents. Creators ensure their headline, tags, event text in content align with the need and most important interests of their audience. Sound implementation of SEO in videos has become a necessity for a successful content-creating channel.

The inclusion of certain words like “Weather” has a positive observation and also a situation. Since the penetration of the internet is in villages as well, people search for weather forecasts. It is to be aware about expected weather in a week or two to plan for crop harvesting, cultivation, or other agricultural-related activities where people have limited control.

Other query words like “Satta” has root in India as a cricketing nation and quick desire to make a few bucks using online lottery betting- also known as Satta in Hindi. Yes, there is another word of top number, i.e., “Sexy” needs no further explanation why it is popping in top searches. Seems, evolutionary psychology has the answer.