Top 10 Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi Quotes

Saurav Singh

Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi (born 25 November 1941) is a spiritual leader and founder of the spiritual movements RAGS International (now known as Messiah Foundation International) and Anjuman Serfaroshan-e-Islam. He is the author of many Urdu books on spirituality. The most popular of his books is Deen-e-Ilahi “The Religion of God” (2000) which has recently been republished by Hay House and translated into English, Arabic, Thai, Persian, Hindi and other languages by Messiah Foundation International.

Famous Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi Quotes

Some of the Famous quotation by Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi are mentioned below: –

Any person who, with all the sincerity of heart, is in search for God, on land or in the sea, is worthy of respect.
Superior to all the religions is the Love of God and superior to all types of worship is seeing God.
Godโ€™s love supersedes all religions and it is the core of all religions.
True fragrance speaks for itself. It does not require to be pointed out by the bearer.
Similitude of the heart is like that of a telephone operator between man and God.
Learn spiritual sciences, to recognize God and gain access to Him, no matter what religion or sect you belong to!
If you follow a religion but are devoid of the Love of God, then those that do not follow a religion but have the love of God are better.
The best among all is one who possesses God’s love no matter what religion he belongs to.
Love is an involuntary gift that manifests unplanned.
They will become Godly when they will have God in their hearts.