Paul Scott Quotes

Saurav Singh

Paul Scott (25 March 1920 – 1 March 1978) was an English novelist best known for his tetralogy The Raj Quartet. Paul Scott was born on March 25, 1920, in Palmers Green, London, England. His father, Thomas, was a commercial artist, and his mother, Frances, was a teacher. Scott spent his early years in North London and attended Winchmore Hill Collegiate School. His family’s middle-class background and early exposure to diverse cultural influences later played a significant role in shaping his literary works.

Famous Paul Scott Quotes

“English is the language of a people ho have probably earned their reputation for perfidy and hypocrisy because their language itself is so flexible, so often light-headed with with statements which appear to mean one thing one year and quite a different thing the next.” ~ Paul Scott
“Rumours began with the whispered gossip of native servants and spread quickly to the rest of the population.” ~ Paul Scott
“Ah, well, the truth is always one thing, but in a way it’s the other thing, the gossip, that counts. It shows where people’s hearts lie.” ~ Paul Scott
“The past becomes a texture, an ambience to our present.” ~ Paul Scott
“Imagination is not enough. Knowledge is necessary.” ~ Paul Scott