First ever Aadhaar Centre in Indian Army through Army Postal Service – An initiative of Department of Posts

Shri Alok Sharma, Director General Postal Services & Lt Gen Rajinder Dewan, Quartermaster General jointly inaugurated first Permanent Aadhaar Enrolment Centre (PAEC) for Army at 1 Central Base Post Office (CBPO), New Delhi on July 25, 2023. Maj Gen M K Khan, Addl DG APS, was also present.

The PAEC will facilitate Aadhaar related services (enrolment and updation) forย tri-services personnel (Defence & civil) and their dependents through their Field Post Offices (FPO) in 48 identified locations in the country. All Command HQs, Corps HQs and selected FPOs are identified for establishment of PAEC services.

Department of Posts (DoP) and UIDAI, have supported immensely for establishment of these PAEC in terms of training, equipmentโ€™s and tech support. These 48 PAEC will be functional in both Field and Peace locations.

Director General Postal Services & QMG conveyed their best wishes to Army Postal Service Corps for this new service. They also expressed that expansion of this service through more FPOs in near future will facilitate troops to get user friendly government service in their vicinity.

QMG, Addl DG APS, Officers & Other Ranks of APS have conveyed their sincere gratitude to DoP for this initiative to introduce Aadhaar service in Army through FPOs.



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