Kundali Bhagya Written Update 16th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Kundali Bhagya Written Update 16th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Karan and Rakhi preparing for Ramleela, while Nidhi’s insecurity grows over Preeta’s role in Shaurya’s life. Family dynamics intensify as Nidhi’s resentment deepens, and she faces confrontations with both the Luthras and Varun’s gang….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Kundali Bhagya Written Update.

Scene 1: Karan and Rakhi at the Ramleela Venue

The episode opens with Karan excitedly showing Rakhi the preparations for the Ramleela performance. Karan points out the decorations and tells Rakhi that this year’s performance will be just as good as last year’s, as they have hired the same troupe. Rakhi smiles, remembering how much everyone enjoyed the previous year’s show. “They performed so well last year, Karan. I’m sure this year will be even better,” she says with a sense of satisfaction. Karan nods in agreement, clearly happy to have made the right arrangements.

Meanwhile, the scene cuts to Kavya, who is sitting with Rajveer. She shares an incident involving Shaurya and Preeta having lunch together. Kavya explains how Preeta is trying to bring Shaurya onto the right path, which Rajveer agrees with wholeheartedly. “Preeta Ma will definitely succeed,” Rajveer says confidently. Mahesh, overhearing the conversation, joins in, expressing how proud he is of Preeta. “She’s doing an amazing job, Rajveer. Shaurya is lucky to have her guiding him,” Mahesh adds with pride in his voice. Dadi, too, expresses her gratitude. “I’m so glad Preeta has taken up this mission. It’s time Shaurya gets proper guidance,” Dadi comments, but her words are soon followed by a remark about Nidhi’s negative influence on Shaurya. Unbeknownst to them, Nidhi overhears the entire conversation, her face reflecting a mix of anger and hurt.

Scene 2: Palki’s Family Discusses Preeta and Shaurya

Elsewhere, Palki tells her family about the lunch incident involving Preeta and Shaurya. Daljeet, Palki’s mother, appears worried and unhappy with Preeta’s involvement in the Luthras’ affairs. “Preeta has no business getting involved with them,” Daljeet says sternly. She adds her own concerns about how Preeta might influence Shanaya after she marries into the Luthra family. “What if she starts ordering Shanaya around once Shanaya becomes their daughter-in-law?” Daljeet wonders aloud, causing Palki to look at her in disbelief. “What are you saying, Mom?” Palki asks, her confusion evident. Shanaya, on the other hand, seems more composed and confident. “Don’t worry about me, Mom. I’m not naive. I know how to handle Preeta,” Shanaya replies firmly.

Palki, however, still stands by Preeta and defends her actions. “Don’t you think Preeta is doing the right thing by helping Shaurya change?” Palki asks Shanaya. Shanaya brushes her off, saying, “You stay out of it, Palki. This is none of your concern.” Disappointed by Shanaya’s reaction, Palki quietly walks away, leaving the room. Shukwinder, another family member, suggests that Daljeet speak to Preeta directly. “It’s better you talk to her alone. Maybe she’ll listen to you,” Shukwinder advises. Daljeet nods in agreement, contemplating the idea.

Scene 3: Nidhi Confronts Rakhi

Back at the Luthra house, Nidhi, still reeling from overhearing Mahesh and Dadi, approaches Rakhi. “I’ve given my life to this family, Rakhi. How can you just hand over Shaurya’s mother’s position to Preeta like that?” Nidhi’s voice is filled with hurt and frustration. Rakhi, maintaining her calm, responds gently, “Preeta is Shaurya’s mother, Nidhi. That’s just the truth.” Nidhi, clearly not satisfied, questions further, “Then what am I? I may not have given birth to him, but no one loves Shaurya more than I do.”

Rakhi, while empathetic to Nidhi’s pain, firmly reminds her that Preeta has a special place in Shaurya’s life. “Nidhi, you failed to raise Shaurya the right way. Preeta is stepping in because that’s her duty as his real mother,” Rakhi says. Nidhi’s anger boils over, and she retorts, “Preeta only became Shaurya’s mother because of you! You gave her those rights!” At that moment, Karan enters the scene and sides with Rakhi. “Nidhi, you have failed as a mother. Shaurya is the way he is because of you. And yes, it’s because of your actions that Rakhi had to turn to Preeta for help,” Karan says sharply. Rakhi tries to de-escalate the tension, “Karan, let’s not drag this out.” Nidhi, trying to hold back her tears, apologizes to Rakhi and storms out, clearly hurt.

Scene 4: Rakhi and Karan Discuss Nidhi’s Pain

After Nidhi leaves, Rakhi sighs deeply and turns to Karan. “We hurt her, Karan. I understand her pain,” Rakhi says softly. Karan, however, remains firm. “Mom, we are doing the right thing. Preeta will bring Shaurya back to the right path. This is for the best,” Karan reassures her. Rakhi nods slowly, but the sadness in her eyes is still visible. Nidhi, once again overhearing their conversation, walks away, her emotions in turmoil.

Scene 5: Nidhi Meets Aarohi

Later, Nidhi meets with Aarohi, clearly upset and frustrated with the entire situation. “I’m losing my rights as Shaurya’s mother,” Nidhi says, her voice shaking. Aarohi, trying to calm her down, suggests, “You should go to Varun’s house tomorrow. It’s time to take control of the situation.”

Scene 6: Preeta Prepares for Vijayadashami Puja

The next day, Preeta is busy decorating the house for the Vijayadashami puja. She’s carefully placing flowers and arranging everything perfectly. Rakhi watches her, clearly pleased. “You’ve done a wonderful job, Preeta. The house looks beautiful,” Rakhi compliments her. Karan, overhearing this, chimes in, “Everyone talks about Preeta in this house. It’s like she’s already won.” His tone is a mix of admiration and humor. Nidhi, passing by, hears this and her face tightens with jealousy and frustration as she quickly leaves without a word.

Scene 7: Nidhi’s Encounter with Varun and Anshuman

Later, Nidhi meets Varun and Anshuman, who have been part of her plan for a while. She asks them how they’re feeling and reminds them of the promises they made to her. “I helped you with your bail, don’t forget that. Now, I need your help,” Nidhi says, her tone sharp. Varun, annoyed, snaps back, “You did that because you needed us. Don’t act like it was a favor.” Nidhi, unfazed, insults Varun’s family. “You’re just as useless as your parents, Varun. No wonder you turned out like this,” she sneers. Angered by her words, Varun grabs Nidhi by the throat, attempting to strangle her. “You dare talk about my family like that?” he growls. Anshuman rushes to pull Varun away before things escalate further. Nidhi, furious, slaps Varun across the face. In a fit of rage, Varun attempts to attack her again, but Anshuman intervenes once more, declaring, “If anyone’s going to kill Nidhi, it’ll be me, not you.” The tension between them reaches its peak, leaving the situation dangerously unresolved.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Kundali Bhagya Written Updates!

Also Read: Kundali Bhagya Written Update 15th October 2024

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