World Hepatitis Day 2024: History, Theme, and Significance

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On 28 July, World Hepatitis Day raises awareness about viral hepatitis and encourages global action. Inflammation of the liver is known as hepatitis. A, B, C, D, and E are the five types of hepatitis virus. Globally, hundreds of millions of people suffer from chronic hepatitis B and C, which cause liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and viral hepatitis-related deaths.

History of World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day, observed on July 28th each year, is a significant date in the global health calendar that aims to raise awareness about viral hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver that causes a range of health problems, including liver cancer and cirrhosis. The day is marked to encourage better awareness, action, and support to prevent and treat this group of infectious diseases known as hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E.

The history of World Hepatitis Day is a testament to the concerted efforts of patient groups, advocates, and international organizations to bring global attention to a disease that affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, causing acute and chronic diseases and killing close to 1.34 million people every year.

The inaugural International Hepatitis C Awareness Day took place on October 1, 2004, coordinated by various European and Middle Eastern Patient Groups and Baby Muriel. However, many patient groups continued to mark ‘hepatitis day’ on disparate dates. To unify these efforts, the World Hepatitis Alliance, in collaboration with patient groups, declared May 19th as the first global World Hepatitis Day in 2008. This initiative gained further momentum when, in 2010, the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution to officially endorse July 28th as World Hepatitis Day, in honor of Nobel Laureate Baruch Samuel Blumberg, discoverer of the hepatitis B virus, who was born on that date.

Since then, World Hepatitis Day has been recognized in over 100 countries each year through various events such as free screenings, poster campaigns, demonstrations, concerts, talk shows, flash mobs, and vaccination drives, among many others. Each year, the World Health Organization and the World Hepatitis Alliance publish a report detailing all the events across the world, highlighting the ongoing battle against this global public health problem.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recognizes World Hepatitis Day by raising awareness about viral hepatitis and the burdens people with hepatitis face. The CDC collaborates with international partners to help countries experiencing high rates of infection to prevent, control, and eliminate viral hepatitis. Success stories like the Hepatitis C Elimination Program in Georgia, which achieved a 67% reduction in chronic hepatitis C virus infection compared to 2015, showcase the potential impact of such global health initiatives.

The theme of World Hepatitis Day 2024

The theme for World Hepatitis Day in 2024 is “It’s Time for Action,” which underscores the urgency for immediate and collective efforts to combat the global challenge of viral hepatitis. This theme calls for a multi-faceted approach, emphasizing the need for collaborative action to expand access to diagnosis and treatment. With a focus on accelerating action towards better prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, the campaign aims to save lives and improve health outcomes. As viral hepatitis continues to be a major global health concern, this theme serves as a rallying cry to encourage stakeholders at all levels to take decisive steps toward eliminating viral hepatitis as a public health threat.

The theme for World Hepatitis Day in 2023 was โ€œWe’re not waitingโ€, which aims to raise awareness about the need to simplify and bring hepatitis care to primary health facilities, community-based venues, and locations beyond hospital sites, so that care is closer to communities and people wherever they are.

What is Hepatitis?

Inflammation of the liver occurs as a result of hepatitis. Viral infections are the most common cause of hepatitis. Hepatitis can also be caused by several other factors. As an example, there is autoimmune hepatitis and hepatitis caused by the overuse of drugs, medications, toxins, and most importantly alcohol. Hepatitis caused by autoimmunity occurs when the body makes antibodies against the liver tissue.

Read More: 28 July in Indian and World History

Causes of Hepatitis.

Hepatitis is usually caused by contaminated water, contaminated food, and contaminated syringes. Overuse of drugs and medicines can also cause hepatitis by damaging the liver. Alcohol consumption has been found to be a major cause of hepatitis.

The symptoms of hepatitis B and C might not appear until the liver is damaged. Hepatitis acute is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Flu-like symptom
  • Pale stool
  • Dark urine
  • Yellow skin and eyes
  • Weight Loss

Types of Hepatitis

Hepatitis virus has five variants: A, B, C, D, and E.

Hepatitis A

The most common means of transmission of ‘hepatitis A’ are through contaminated food and water.

Hepatitis B

Infected people transmit Hepatitis B through their body fluids. The Hepatitis B virus is present in body fluids such as semen, vaginal secretions, and blood. By injecting with the same syringe, having sex with the infected person, or using the same razor, the risk of infection increases.

Hepatitis C

By injecting or sexually contacting the body fluids of an infected person, Hepatitis C can be transmitted.

Hepatitis D

Delta hepatitis is another name for hepatitis D. The hepatitis D virus causes this serious liver disease. Blood that has been infected with HDV can be transmitted directly by direct contact. It is a rare form of hepatitis that only occurs concurrently with hepatitis B. It is impossible for the D type of this virus to multiply without the B type.

Hepatitis E

The hepatitis E virus causes waterborne hepatitis E. Regions with poor sanitation are most likely to have this type of virus. Fecal matter contamination of the water generally causes it.

5 actions to protect yourself against hepatitis:

  • Use sterile injections always.
  • Use your own razors and blades.
  • Practice safe sex.
  • Use safe tattooing and piercing equipment.
  • Vaccinate infants against Hepatitis B.

How to Observe World Hepatitis Day

To observe this day, individuals and organizations can engage in various activities such as participating in global campaigns, attending or hosting educational events, advocating for policy changes, and promoting strategies for prevention, testing, and treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) play pivotal roles by providing resources, guidance, and support for these efforts. Additionally, community involvement through local events, social media campaigns, and personal commitments to health practices like vaccination and safe hygiene can make a significant impact.

Observation Dates World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day, observed on July 28th each year, is a significant date in the global health calendar that aims to raise awareness about viral hepatitis

Year Date Day
2019 28-Jul-19 Sunday
2020 28-Jul-20 Tuesday
2021 28-Jul-21 Wednesday
2022 28-Jul-22 Thursday
2023 28-Jul-23 Friday
2024 28-Jul-24 Sunday
2025 28-Jul-25 Monday
2026 28-Jul-26 Tuesday
2027 28-Jul-27 Wednesday
2028 28-Jul-28 Friday
2029 28-Jul-29 Saturday