President of India graces yuva sammelan organized

OV Digital Desk

In New Delhi today (July 9, 2022), President Ram Nath Kovind graced and addressed the Yuva Sammelan organized by ‘My Home India’.

During his remarks on the occasion, the President stated that youth is both the present and the future of any nation. Talent and ability play an important role in making a country proud. Therefore, it would be fair to say that today’s youth are the creators of tomorrow’s history.

We know that India has the largest population of adolescents and youth in the world, according to the President. This is known as the ‘Demographic Dividend’ and represents an opportunity for our country. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, we should take all necessary steps. Our goal should be to ensure that our youth contribute to the development and progress of our country to the fullest extent possible. The future of our country depends on the initiative and determination of our youth.

Indian youth have laid the foundation of many start-ups through their talent and hard work, which is a source of great pride for all of us. The youth of today are on the path to becoming job creators rather than job seekers. The youth should develop some kind of skill and choose their career based on that skill. We live in an era of specialization in today’s society. Our youth can only reach the top through technology and expertise.

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103 unicorns have been established in India as of 29 June 2022, with a total valuation of approximately $336 billion. Today, one out of every ten unicorns in the world are located in India. As of May 2022, 47 companies around the world have achieved the status of decacorns, of which four are Indian start-ups and three are run by young entrepreneurs. While noting that Indian unicorns have increased even during COVID-19, he added on to say that this pandemic has caused significant socioeconomic suffering worldwide, but even during this time, our young entrepreneurs have set a wonderful example of courage and talent.

The President said that the culture and civilization of our country is very ancient. And since ancient times, we have adopted the principle of unity in diversity. The land of India has always been adorned with various civilizations and traditions. He was happy to note that ‘My Home India’ is spreading the spirit of national unity and integrity through its various initiatives. He said that the youth conference to make young people aware of nationalism is a commendable effort. He appreciated ‘My Home India’ for instituting awards like ‘One India’ and ‘Karmayogi’. He noted that this NGO is also engaged in many social works.

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