PM addresses Natural Farming Conclave

OV Digital Desk

Shri Narendra Modi spoke via video conference today at a Natural Farming Conclave. The conclave, held in Surat, Gujarat, is attracting thousands of farmers and other stakeholders who have made natural farming a success story. Gujarat’s Governor and Chief Minister also attended the conclave.

The Prime Minister said today’s program shows how Gujarat is leading the country to achieve the Amrit Kaal goals. โ€œSuccess of Surat in connecting 75 farmers in every panchayat with natural farming is going to become an example for the entire countryโ€, the Prime Minister said. He praised Sarpanches and congratulated farmers for going natural.

In celebration of 75 years of independence, the country has started working on many goals that will lead to major changes. The spirit of ‘Sabka Prayas‘, which is leading this development journey of ours, is what drives progress and speed in the country.” That’s why Gram Panchayats play a big role in welfare projects.

13 May in Indian and World History

He said that when big projects are done with people’s participation, their success is ensured by the people. Shri Modi gave the example of the Jal Jeevan Mission, in which people played a key role. “Digital India’s success is also the country’s answer to those who said changing villages was hard. Our villages have shown that villages can not only bring change but can also lead the change.โ€ The Prime Minister expressed confidence that Jan Andolan (Peopleโ€™s movement) regarding natural farming will also be a huge success in the coming days. Farmers who will get involved early with this movement will reap great benefit, he said.

The Prime Minister stressed that the basis of our life, our health, our society is our agriculture system. India has been an agriculture-based country by nature and culture. Therefore, as our farmer progresses, as our agriculture progresses and prospers, so will our country progress.โ€ He reminded the farmers that natural farming is a means of prosperity as well as respecting and serving our mother earth. โ€œWhen you do natural farming, you serve Mother Earth, protect the quality of the soil, its productivity. When you do natural farming, you are serving nature and the environment. Why You also have the privilege of serving Gaumata when you join natural farming, he added.