PM addresses birth centenary celebration of Swami Atmasthananda

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Shri Narendra Modi spoke via video message today at Swami Atmasthananda’s birth centenary celebration.

Reminiscing about his time with Swami Atmasthananda Ji, the Prime Minister paid tribute to Swami Ji. In his address, the Prime Minister said, “this event is filled with many memories and feelings.” I’ve always been blessed by him; I’ve had the chance to be with him. ‘It’s my good fortune that I kept in touch with him until the end.’

In a photo biography and documentary, Swami Ji’s mission is brought to the masses, the Prime Minister said. Shri Modi heartily congratulated the President of Ramakrishna Mission Pujya Swami Smarananand Ji Maharaj ji for this work.

The Prime Minister, Shri Modi highlighted that Swami Atmasthananand Ji received initiation from Pujya Swami Vijnanand Ji, a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa. He remarked that the awakened state and the spiritual energy of Swami Ramkrishna Paramhansa was clearly visible in him. Shri Modi also remarked on the great tradition of renunciation in the country. Vanprastha Ashram is also a step towards sanyas. He said, โ€˜The meaning of sannyas is to work for the society by rising above oneself, and to live for the sake of society. The expansion of the self-up to the community. For a sanyasi, service towards living beings is the lord’s service, seeing Shiva in the living being is paramount.โ€™ The Prime Minister remarked that Swami Vivekanand Ji moulded the great tradition of sanyasth into a modern form. Swami Atmasthananand Ji also retired to this form and lived and implemented it in life. The Prime Minister, Shri Modi also highlighted the tremendous relief and rescue operations that were carried out not just in India but also in Nepal and Bangladesh under his directive by Belur Matt and Ramakrishna Mission. He mentioned the relentless work that Swami Ji did for the welfare of the people in rural areas. Shri Modi also remarked on the institutions created by Swami Ji for helping the poor in employment and livelihood.

20 May in Indian and World History

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi stated that Swami Ji considered the service of the poor, the spread of knowledge and its work, as worship. Shri Modi highlighted that the ideals of Ramakrishna Mission are to work in mission mode, to create new institutions, and to strengthen the institutions. The Prime Minister remarked that wherever there are such saints, the centers of service to humanity come up on its own, Swami ji proved this by his sanyasa life. Shri Modi said that be it Adi Shankaracharya from hundreds of years ago or Swami Vivekananda in modern times, the saint tradition of India has always been proclaiming ‘Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’. The establishment of Ramakrishna Mission is also associated with the idea of โ€‹โ€‹’Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat’. While highlighting the contributions of Swami Vivekananda, the Prime Minister said that he lived this resolution in the form of a mission. His influence was seen in all parts of the country and his travels made the country realize its ancient national consciousness in the era of slavery, and also infused new confidence in it. This tradition of Ramakrishna Mission was carried forward by Swami Atmasthananand ji throughout his life.

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