Kundali Bhagya Written Update 23rd September 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Kundali Bhagya Written Update 23rd September 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode Shaurya reveals his malicious intentions towards Rajveer, while Karan anxiously stays by Preeta’s side, hoping for her recovery. Tensions rise as Nidhi plots against the family, and Shaurya’s hatred threatens to tear them apart….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Kundali Bhagya Written Update.

Scene 1: Shaurya’s Dark Admission

The episode begins with Shaurya standing in a tense atmosphere, a smug look on his face as he openly admits to spiking Rajveer and Shanaya’s juice. He reveals his motive, stating that he wanted to humiliate Rajveer in front of everyone at the party. The guests buzz with shock, their eyes darting between Shaurya and Rajveer. Palki, standing nearby, can hardly believe what she’s hearing. She steps forward, her expression a mix of disbelief and concern.

“How could you do something like this?” she asks, her voice shaking slightly. Shaurya shrugs, his nonchalance only fueling her anger. “You don’t even deserve hatred,” she tells him, but Shaurya retorts that he is willing to go to any length to ruin Rajveer’s life. His words hang in the air like a dark cloud. “I wouldn’t hesitate to kill him if it meant getting my way,” he adds, causing Palki to gasp in horror.

“Are you serious?” she questions, her eyes wide. Shaurya merely smirks, but Palki’s voice rises as she reminds him that Rajveer is not just some rival; he is Karan’s elder son and, in a twisted sense, Shaurya’s brother. The impact of her words hits him like a slap and his expression changes. He looks momentarily shaken before quickly leaving, his mind racing with conflicting emotions.

Scene 2: Karan’s Concern for Preeta

Meanwhile, in a nearby room, Karan is anxiously waiting for news about Preeta. He has his hand tightly clasped around hers, his thumb gently rubbing her palm. “Everything will be fine, I promise,” he murmurs softly. Dr. Siddharth enters the room, and Karan looks up expectantly. “How is she?” he asks, worry etched on his face. Gurpreet stands beside him, equally anxious.

Dr. Siddharth clears his throat and tells everyone to wait outside while he checks on Preeta. Karan protests, “I just want to be here for her.” He squeezes Preeta’s hand, trying to lend her his strength. The doctor pauses for a moment before relenting. “Fine, but don’t disturb me,” he warns, and Karan breathes a sigh of relief, thankful for the chance to stay by Preeta’s side.

As Dr. Siddharth begins his examination, Karan can’t shake the feeling of dread. “You’ll wake up soon, right?” he whispers to Preeta, brushing a strand of hair from her face. She stirs slightly, giving him hope.

Scene 3: Nidhi’s Bitter Thoughts

In another part of the house, Nidhi is stewing in her own bitterness. “Preeta ruined everything,” she mutters to herself, pacing back and forth. She feels frustration bubbling inside her. Just then, Kareena walks in and asks, “What’s wrong, Nidhi?”

Nidhi snaps back, “I’m just annoyed because everyone seems to care only about Preeta.” Kareena raises an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by Nidhi’s outburst. Before she can respond, Rakhi enters, looking concerned. “What happened to Preeta?” she asks, her voice filled with maternal worry.

Nidhi, sensing an opportunity to stir the pot, sighs dramatically. “Oh, just the usual. Everyone is focused on her like she’s the only one who matters.” Rakhi shoots her a disapproving look but doesn’t respond, choosing instead to focus on Preeta.

Scene 4: Shaurya’s Anger Intensifies

Back with Shaurya, he is now alone, his mind racing with thoughts of Rajveer. Memories flood back to him—times when Karan chose Rajveer over him, moments that cut deep. Palki finds him and tries to reach out. “Shaurya, how are you feeling?” she asks gently, hoping to soothe his anger.

“Don’t you dare act like you care!” he snaps, his voice rising. Palki presses on, reminding him that his actions could have serious consequences. “You were about to ruin your brother’s life,” she points out, emphasizing the word ‘brother.’

Shaurya shakes his head defiantly. “I don’t have a brother!” he exclaims, his voice laced with bitterness. Palki insists that Rajveer is indeed part of their family. “You need to accept that,” she urges, but Shaurya remains unyielding. He tells her that he feels nothing for Rajveer and that he deserves whatever humiliation is coming his way.

Scene 5: Family Tensions

Meanwhile, in the main room, Rakhi and Mahesh continue their worried conversation about Preeta. Rakhi’s distress is evident as she says, “I can’t bear to see her like this. It’s breaking my heart.” Mahesh tries to console her, telling her to stay calm. “She will regain her memories, I know she will,” he reassures her, though his own voice carries uncertainty.

Just then, Dr. Siddharth steps out of Preeta’s room. He appears serious, which sends a wave of panic through the family. Nidhi, lurking nearby, overhears snippets of their conversation, her eyes glinting with a mixture of malice and intrigue.

Scene 6: Nidhi’s Manipulative Plans

Dr. Siddharth gives Preeta an injection to help her. As the doctor leaves, Nidhi slips into the room. “Why did you faint at such an inconvenient time?” she asks, feigning concern. Preeta, barely conscious, stirs and asks, “What do you mean? What’s your plan?”

Nidhi brushes her off, claiming she doesn’t know what Preeta is talking about. “You’re just confused,” she says with a sinister smile. Preeta, however, can see through her facade and presses for the truth. “You want to break up our family, don’t you?” she accuses.

Scene 7: Shaurya’s Hatred Surfaces

Back with Shaurya, he is boiling over with rage. “Karan only has one son, and that’s me!” he declares to Palki, his voice filled with venom. He continues, saying that Rajveer has made his life a nightmare. “He just wants our family’s money and power. He doesn’t even deserve to be in the same room as me,” he asserts, his anger boiling over.

Palki can’t hold back any longer. “You need to stop this, Shaurya! This isn’t who you are,” she pleads, but he dismisses her words as if they were nothing. “You think I care what anyone thinks? They all look at me like I’m worthless!” he shouts, and Palki takes a step back, hurt by his words.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Kundali Bhagya Written Updates!

Also Read: Kundali Bhagya Written Update 21st September 2024

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