India vaccination drive administered 1.4 million doses in the last 24 hours

OV Digital Desk

India vaccination drive on Day-48  (4th March 2021), nearly 14 lakh (13,88,170) vaccine doses were given. Of these, 10.5 lakh beneficiaries were vaccinated across 16,081 sessions for 1st dose and around 3.3 lakh received 2nd dose of the vaccine. So far, 1.8 crores (1,80,05,503) vaccine doses have been administered which consists of the first and the second dosage to HCWs, FLWs, 45 years with specific co-morbidities, and beneficiaries aged more than 60 years. The vaccination rate is increased by almost 40 % in comparison to yesterday.

On day- 47 (3rd March 2021), nearly 10 lakh (9,94,452) vaccine doses were given. Of these, 8,31,590 beneficiaries were vaccinated across 10,849 sessions for 1st dose and  1,62,862  received 2nd dose of the vaccine.

COVID-19 cases across states

Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Karnataka continue to report a surge in the COVID daily new cases. In the last 24 hours. 84.44% of the new cases reported COVID case (16,838) are from these six States. Maharashtra continues to report the highest daily new cases at 8,998. It is followed by Kerala with 2,616 while Punjab reported 1,071 new cases.

India’s total Active Caseload stands at 1.76 lakh (1,76,319) today which is 1.58% of the total Positive Cases.

COVID related deaths

In the past 24 hours, 113 deaths were reported. Six States account for 88.5%of the new deaths. Maharashtra saw the maximum casualties (60). Punjab follows with 15 daily deaths. Kerala reported 14 deaths.