Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye Written Update 17th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye Written Update 17th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Amruta and Nimrit escape from the kidnappers, but tensions rise as Priyanka plays mind games with the Ahuja family. Meanwhile, Amruta comes up with a clever plan to evade capture, leaving behind clues in the hope of being rescued….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye Written Update.

Scene 1: The Escape Plan

The episode starts with Amruta and Nimrit struggling to free themselves from the ropes that tied them up. Amruta, with determination in her eyes, whispers to Nimrit, “Don’t worry, we’ll find a way out of here.” Just as they manage to loosen the ropes, they hear footsteps coming closer. Without a second thought, they pretend to still be tied up, trying to act as if nothing had changed. The kidnappers come in, talking about making a ransom video to demand money from the Ahuja family. One of them decides to untie Amruta and Nimrit for the video. Amruta, thinking quickly, says, “We’re really hungry, can we have some food?” She tries to buy some time. The kidnappers laugh at her and mock the request, saying, “You’re not on a holiday! You’re hostages!”

Scene 2: Virat’s Suspicion

Back at the Ahuja house, Virat confronts Priyanka, who has just arrived. He doesn’t waste time, “It’s good that you came, Priyanka,” he says, but there’s a seriousness in his voice. Priyanka smiles and says, “Aren’t you going to offer me prasad (sacred offering)?” Virat’s expression hardens as he replies, “You’ll get prasad at the police station.” Without pausing, he adds, “I know you’re behind this kidnapping. You’re the one who arranged for Amruta and Nimrit to be taken.” His words shock everyone. Priyanka keeps her calm and taunts him, “Go ahead, call the police. But what will happen if the kidnappers find out? They might stop talking to me.”

Babita, who had been silent so far, steps forward and asks Priyanka, “What do you mean by that?” Priyanka reveals that the kidnappers contacted her earlier and she was trying to help. However, since they now suspect her, she might not be able to assist anymore. She tries to leave, but Virat stops her. “Tell us what they said,” he demands.

Scene 3: The Fight and Escape

As the kidnappers approach Amruta and Nimrit, one of them accidentally slips and falls. This enrages the kidnapper, and he slaps Nimrit out of frustration. Seeing her friend in pain, Amruta snaps and pushes the goon, grabbing a stick from the floor. She fiercely fights back, using the stick to hit both kidnappers. Nimrit, though injured, finds the strength to get up. Together, they manage to overpower the kidnappers and run out of the warehouse.

Outside, they take a moment to catch their breath. Amruta bandages Nimrit’s injured hand using a piece of her own clothing. “We need to keep moving,” Amruta says, knowing that the kidnappers will soon come after them.

Scene 4: Priyanka’s Trap

Back at the Ahuja house, Priyanka tells Virat that she had received a letter from the kidnappers. “They wanted me to inform your family that Amruta and Nimrit were kidnapped,” she says, but her story doesn’t sit well with Virat. “Why would they contact you instead of us?” he asks, clearly suspicious of her involvement. Priyanka acts innocent, pretending not to know the answer. Just then, her phone rings. It’s the kidnappers, asking if she delivered their message to the Ahuja family. Priyanka responds, “Yes, I did.” Virat grabs the phone from her and warns the kidnappers, “You won’t get any money until I have proof that Amruta and Nimrit are safe.” He then cuts the call, frustrated.

Turning to his family, Virat angrily says, “Priyanka is only doing this for money. She was greedy before, and she still is.” His words hit hard, but before anyone can react, Priyanka receives a video from the kidnappers.

Scene 5: The Shocking Video

Priyanka plays the video on her phone for everyone to see. In the video, the kidnappers are seen hitting Nimrit. The whole family watches in horror, and Bhavani, unable to bear the sight, faints on the spot. Virat quickly rushes to her side, trying to revive her. Babita, shocked and worried, turns to Priyanka. “Why are they hurting Nimrit? Do you know something?” she asks desperately. Priyanka, feigning concern, says, “I don’t know why, but maybe you should consider meeting their demands.” She adds that she’s willing to help, but only if Virat apologizes to her. Virat, still unsure of Priyanka’s motives, refuses. Priyanka, sensing she’s lost control of the situation, leaves, telling the Ahuja family to think about her offer.

Scene 6: Amruta’s Clever Plan

Back at the warehouse, Amruta and Nimrit are on the run. They see the kidnappers’ van parked nearby. Amruta gets an idea. “Let’s hide in the trunk of their van. They won’t expect us to use their own vehicle to escape,” she suggests. Nimrit, though weak and injured, agrees. As they prepare to hide, Nimrit’s hand starts bleeding again, leaving a small trail of blood on the ground. Amruta quickly wipes the blood from the van to cover their tracks and leaves her bangles on the road, hoping someone will find them as a clue. The two then climb into the trunk of the van, hoping their plan works.

Scene 7: Family Tensions

At the Ahuja house, the atmosphere is tense. Virat, now more worried than ever, offers Bhavani a glass of water after she regains consciousness. In her frustration, Bhavani angrily knocks the glass out of his hand. “You need to apologize to Priyanka,” she urges, “She might know something that could help us find Amruta and Nimrit.” Virat, clearly upset, argues, “Do you really think apologizing will make her help us? I don’t trust her. She’ll just leave once I apologize, and we’ll still have no idea where they are.”

Bhavani, however, is adamant. “This is not about trust. It’s about finding them before something worse happens,” she says, her voice filled with desperation. The argument between them lingers, with neither willing to back down as the episode comes to a close.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye Written Updates!

Also Read: Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye Written Update 16th October 2024

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