GHKKPM Written Update 15th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to GHKKPM Written Update 15th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Rajat begins to realize the truth about Jigar’s deceit. Determined to clear Savi’s name, he sets out to expose Jigar and save Savi from further humiliation….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise GHKKPM Written Update.

Scene 1: Savi’s Joyful Reunion with Sai

The episode opens with Savi feeling an immense sense of happiness the moment she hears Sai’s voice. Without wasting any time, Savi rushes out to meet her mother. The atmosphere is filled with joy and relief as soon as the two come face-to-face. Sai, equally emotional, wraps Savi in a tight hug, both overwhelmed by their reunion. Savi’s voice is filled with concern as she asks, “Are you okay, Mom?” Sai smiles, reassured, and nods, “I’m fine, don’t worry.” Rajat, who has been with them, adds, “The doctor has already checked on her, Savi. She’s going to be fine.”

After a brief moment, Sai gently pulls away from the hug, her expression turning serious. “But why were you humiliated at school?” she asks Savi. Savi looks down for a moment, gathering her thoughts, before explaining. “Everyone misunderstood me, Mom. They blamed me for something I didn’t even do. It wasn’t my mistake, but no one wanted to listen,” she said softly, sadness filling her voice. But she quickly brightens up and adds, “I’m just happy that you trust me, Mom. That’s all that matters.” Sai, looking proud of her daughter, says, “Of course, I trust you. Now, come home with me.” Before Savi can respond, Isha interrupts with a warm smile. “Sai, why don’t you stay here tonight? I can make some hot chocolate for you,” she offers. Sai, hesitating for a second, asks, “What about Dad?” Shantanu, who had been listening quietly, speaks up, “I can stay too, Sai, and enjoy some coffee. We’ll all relax together.”

Scene 2: A Warm Evening at Isha’s House

Later that evening, everyone gathers in the cozy living room at Isha’s house. Isha serves Sai a warm cup of hot chocolate, the steam rising from the mug, filling the room with a sweet aroma. “This is really good,” Sai says, sipping the chocolate, enjoying the warmth of the drink. Isha then hands an empty cup to Rajat, and he takes a moment to thank her. “How’s your coffee?” Sai asks Rajat with a lighthearted tone. “It’s really good,” he responds, smiling slightly as he takes a sip. Rajat then places Savi’s phone on the table, about to leave the room. But Isha, noticing the phone, turns to Savi and says, “Isn’t that your phone?”

Savi’s expression changes instantly. She looks at the phone and replies, “Yeah, that’s the phone that ruined my life. Everyone blames me because of it, even though I’m innocent.” Rajat overhears this, and his expression shifts to one of guilt. Without saying another word, he quietly leaves the room, reflecting on Savi’s words as he goes.

Scene 3: Rajat Faces Questions at Home

Rajat returns home later that night, his mind still occupied by Savi’s words. As soon as he walks in, Bhagyashree is waiting for him. “How’s Sai doing?” she asks, her tone slightly sharp. Rajat, feeling tired, responds, “She’s staying at Savi’s house tonight.” Bhagyashree raises an eyebrow. “Why did you leave her with someone like Savi?” Before Rajat can respond, Tara, who has been sitting nearby, chimes in. “I agree with Bhagyashree. Savi isn’t trustworthy. Why would you leave her with Sai?”

Rajat’s patience wears thin. “Enough. Don’t speak like that about Savi in front of Sai. Remember, Savi is Sai’s daughter,” he says, firmly defending Savi. He turns to Raju, asking him to explain the situation to the others. Without saying more, he walks away, clearly frustrated. Once Rajat leaves the room, Tara mutters to Bhagyashree, “Savi has trapped Rajat. He’s changed so much because of her.” Bhagyashree nods in agreement, but Raju jumps in to defend Rajat, saying that things aren’t as simple as they seem. Tara, however, isn’t convinced. “We’re leaving this place. Jigar can’t stay in a house where he was falsely accused,” she adds, determined.

Scene 4: The Next Morning’s Tensions

The next morning brings tension in the household. Bhagyashree, noticing Tara’s silence, asks, “Do you want me to talk to Jigar for you?” Tara remains silent, not wanting to discuss the matter further. Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Rajat feels Savi’s absence. He’s getting ready for the office, but his mind keeps wandering to Savi. Just as he’s about to leave, Sai walks in, her mood noticeably better. “Good morning,” she greets him with a smile.

Rajat, pleasantly surprised to see her, returns the greeting. “Good morning. What brings you here?” “I came to pick up a drawing book for Savi,” she explains. Before Rajat can respond, Bhagyashree enters and asks Rajat, “Where are you going?” She looks confused by his hurried appearance. Rajat, puzzled for a moment, responds, “I’m going to the office,” but as he steps outside, Savi appears and points out, “Dad, you forgot to wear your pants.” Embarrassed, Rajat looks down and realizes his mistake. His face flushes red as he hurries back inside to fix his blunder.

Scene 5: Harini’s Concern

Meanwhile, in another house, Harini confronts Milind. She’s visibly upset and asks, “Why didn’t you tell me what happened with Savi? Why did you hide it from me?” Milind, looking guilty, tries to calm her down. “I didn’t want to upset you, Harini. It wasn’t easy.” Harini shakes her head, her voice trembling. “Why does Savi have to go through all this? Rajat didn’t even support her. He threw her out of the house.” Milind tries to console her, but the pain in Harini’s voice is clear. Nearby, Urmila overhears their conversation. Without hesitation, she picks up her phone and calls Ashika. “You won’t believe what I just heard. Bhagyashree kicked Savi out of the house, and Rajat didn’t stand up for her,” Urmila informs her. Ashika listens, her worry growing. She fears that Bhagyashree might kick her out as well, considering the arrest. “I need to use this situation to my advantage,” Ashika thinks to herself, formulating a plan.

Scene 6: Rajat’s Visit to Tapsee

Rajat, determined to get to the truth, heads to Savi’s school and manages to get Tapsee’s address. He drives to her place, filled with questions. Upon arriving, he asks the watchman, “Is Tapsee home?” The watchman shakes his head. “She’s not home right now, sir,” he informs Rajat. However, as Rajat waits in the car, the watchman spots Tapsee returning and quickly informs him. Rajat watches from afar, recognizing her instantly. He had seen her with Jigar before and pieces together the truth. “Jigar has been lying all along. Savi was telling the truth,” Rajat realizes, his heart pounding.

The watchman tells Tapsee that someone is here to meet her, but Tapsee responds coldly, “Tell him I don’t want to see anyone.” Rajat, not willing to give up, tries to approach Tapsee, but the watchman blocks his path. “Ma’am doesn’t want to meet anyone,” the watchman says firmly. Rajat is left standing outside, frustrated but more determined than ever.

Scene 7: Jigar’s Departure and Rajat’s Resolve

Back at the Thakkar household, Jigar is packing his clothes, ready to leave. Tara stands nearby, trying to convince him otherwise. “Are you sure you want to go? Think about it,” she pleads. But Jigar is resolute. “I’ve made up my mind. I’m leaving,” he replies, his voice firm. Seeing that she can’t change his decision, Tara reluctantly agrees to leave with him. As Jigar finishes packing, he receives a call from Tapsee. “Someone came to see me today,” she tells him. Jigar’s tone turns cold. “Don’t do anything against me, Tapsee. Remember what’s at stake.” Unbeknownst to Jigar, Rajat is nearby and overhears his conversation. Listening to Jigar’s threats, Rajat’s determination hardens. “I have to expose Jigar and save Savi. I won’t let him get away with this,” Rajat vows to himself.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest GHKKPM Written Updates!

Also Read: GHKKPM Written Update 14th October 2024

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