Kumkum Bhagya Written Update 10th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Kumkum Bhagya Written Update 10th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, the Malhotra family faces the shocking news of Purvi’s kidnapping. RV desperately seeks help from the media and police, while Purvi fights against her captors. Tensions rise as secrets unfold, leaving viewers eager for the next turn in this thrilling story….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Kumkum Bhagya Written Update.

Scene 1: News Break at the Malhotra House

The episode starts with Deepika rushing into the Malhotra family home. Her face looks serious, and everyone turns to her. “I have some bad news,” she says. “The media has found out about Purvi’s kidnapping.” Harleen quickly grabs the remote and turns on the TV. The news anchor is talking about Purvi, saying she has been kidnapped. The anchor also mentions that maybe Purvi left the house on her own.

Harman shakes his head. “Turn that off! The media always talks nonsense,” he says, his voice full of frustration. Dadi, sitting nearby, tells Harman, “We can’t let these false rumors spread. We need to focus on finding Purvi.” The mood in the room is tense as they see RV on the news, just coming out of the police station. The reporters crowd around him, asking questions like, “Is it true that Purvi has been kidnapped? Why couldn’t your family protect her?”

Diya and Yug, feeling angry, argue with the reporters. “Stop bothering him!” Diya shouts, her voice full of emotion. But RV raises his hand to calm them down. “Let me speak,” he says. He looks at the reporters and says, “I promise I will tell you what is happening, but please trust me.” He confirms that Purvi has indeed been kidnapped but adds that the police do not believe him. “The police said they would take action in three or four hours, but what if something bad happens before then?” RV pleads, looking worried. He holds up a picture of Purvi and asks the reporters for help in finding her.

Scene 2: A Threatening Encounter

Meanwhile, at a dark and dimly lit place, Matthew is watching the news with Sahil. “Look at this,” Matthew says, pointing to the TV. “Purvi has been kidnapped.” Suddenly, Matthew’s men surround Sahil. They hold a sword to his throat, looking fierce. “Did you give the hit order to someone else?” one of the men asks, his voice low and threatening.

Sahil feels scared. “No! Please believe me!” he cries, shaking his head. Matthew, looking serious, says, “We have two things to do now. First, we need to find Purvi. Second, we need to kill her.” He stares at Sahil, making sure he understands the seriousness of the situation. “I need another Rs 10 lakhs to do this job,” Matthew demands, his voice firm.

Sahil, feeling trapped, sighs heavily. “Alright, I’ll get the money,” he replies. He turns to leave, heading to his car, hoping to find a way out of this dangerous situation. The pressure is on, and he knows time is not on his side.

Scene 3: Purvi’s Desperate Situation

Meanwhile, Purvi is hiding in a dark room. She looks scared as she hears voices outside. “Where are you, Purvi?” Jasbir calls out, sounding confident. “You can’t escape from here! There’s nowhere to go!” He laughs as he explains that behind the building is a jungle, and she won’t find any cars there.

Purvi feels a rush of panic. She knows she must stay quiet and hidden. Her heart beats fast as she glances around the room, looking for a way out. But just as she thinks about escaping, Jasbir and his men burst in. They catch her quickly, and Purvi realizes there is no way to run now. “You’ll regret this!” she shouts, trying to sound brave, but fear creeps into her voice.

Jasbir smirks, enjoying her fear. “You’re mine now,” he says, his tone cold. Purvi feels trapped and helpless, but she vows to fight back. She knows RV will come looking for her, and she clings to that hope.

Scene 4: RV’s Desperate Plea

Back at the police station, RV is pacing back and forth. He looks worried and frustrated. He calls for the reporters again. “We need to act now!” he says, his voice filled with urgency. The reporters look at him, sensing the seriousness of the situation. “We need to put pressure on the police. They are not taking this seriously,” RV insists.

One of the reporters nods. “What do you want us to do?” they ask. RV takes a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. “Tell everyone what is happening. Make the police act!” he pleads. The reporters agree, promising to help him.

“Let’s go talk to the police inspector together,” RV says, leading the group into the station. He feels a rush of determination. He won’t give up until Purvi is found. “We need answers!” he demands as they enter the police station, ready to fight for his wife.

Scene 5: Monisha’s Arrival

Just then, Monisha arrives at the Malhotra mansion. She walks in with a concerned look on her face. Deepika sees her and asks, “Are you behind Purvi’s kidnapping?” Monisha shakes her head quickly. “No, I had nothing to do with it!” she insists, looking upset.

Deepika thinks for a moment and says, “According to Vaishali and RV, the kidnapper might be Jasbir.” Monisha pulls out her phone, calling Jasbir to get more information. “What’s going on?” she asks him. Jasbir, on the other end, admits, “Yes, I have Purvi.” Monisha gasps, feeling a chill run down her spine. “Why did you do it?” she asks, feeling the weight of his actions.

“Because I had no choice!” Jasbir replies angrily. “Neha and Sahil were planning to double-cross us. And do you remember how Neha danced in front of RV’s family? She will never marry RV!” Monisha listens, her mind racing. Then Jasbir adds, “I plan to marry Purvi soon.” Monisha feels a mix of fear and shock at his words.

Scene 6: The Family Confronts Monisha

As Monisha talks to Jasbir, the Malhotra family approaches. They notice her serious expression and ask, “What’s going on?” Monisha quickly pretends she just found out about Purvi’s kidnapping. “I can’t believe this is happening!” she exclaims, trying to act shocked.

Dadi looks closely at Monisha. “We need to do something. We can’t let this go on,” she says, determination in her voice. “Our family is in danger!” The others nod in agreement, and Harman adds, “We must find Purvi before it’s too late.” They all feel the urgency of the situation, ready to take action.

Meanwhile, Sahil is busy gathering the money to pay Matthew. He knows he must hurry if he wants to save Purvi. The clock is ticking, and the tension builds as everyone tries to figure out their next steps.

Scene 7: A Final Confrontation

Back at the police station, RV is still talking to the police inspector. “Why hasn’t anything been done yet?” RV demands, frustration boiling over. “I reported this hours ago!” The inspector looks uneasy but offers no real answers.

Suddenly, Jasbir orders his men to cut off the video feed they had set up. Purvi stands defiantly in front of him, looking strong despite her fear. “I will never marry you, Jasbir!” she declares, her voice filled with determination. “RV will come for me!” Jasbir laughs, clearly enjoying her bravado. “We’ll see about that,” he replies, his eyes cold and threatening.

The episode ends with a sense of uncertainty hanging in the air. RV is desperate, Purvi is scared but fighting, and Jasbir seems to be one step ahead. The stakes are high, and everyone is left wondering what will happen next.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Kumkum Bhagya Written Updates!

Read Latest One: Kumkum Bhagya Written Update 14th October 2024

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