10 Jobs AI will KILL in 2023

Saurav Singh
12 Min Read
10 Jobs AI will KILL in 2023

As we move into the future, technological advancements continue to shape our world in unprecedented ways. One of the most significant developments in recent times is the rapid rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. While AI is revolutionizing various industries, there are some jobs that it is going to take away, and fast. AI will replace many white-collar jobs such as customer service representatives, accountants, and financial analysts. It is also likely to replace doctors, lawyers, and other professionals in the near future.



The impact of AI on the job market will be far-reaching, and many jobs will become obsolete in the coming years. Governments and businesses should begin to plan for these changes and invest in retraining and job retooling programs to help citizens stay employed in the AI-driven economy. In this article, we explore 10 jobs that AI will kill.

The Rise of AI and Automation

AI and automation have been transforming workplaces for years, and they will continue to do so at an accelerated pace. According to the World Economic Forum, over 85 million jobs worldwide will be displaced by 2025. The rise of AI-powered robots, self-driving cars, and smart algorithms means that some jobs will become obsolete soon. Companies must prepare for this transition by embracing the power of AI and automation to increase efficiency and profitability. They should also focus on developing new skills and training their employees to fit into the new job roles AI and automation will create. Finally, governments must create policies that provide a safety net for those who lose their jobs due to automation and AI. Here are ten jobs that AI will kill in 2023. The Rise of AI and Automation has been a major force behind the changing nature of work, with increased automation leading to a decrease in certain job roles. This trend is expected to continue, with many jobs in a variety of industries becoming increasingly automated over the next few years. Here are ten jobs that AI will kill in 2023.

1. Telemarketing

Telemarketing is one of the most despised jobs globally, and it’s no wonder why. The job involves cold-calling people to sell them products or services. Fortunately, AI is going to replace this job entirely. With the help of natural language processing, chatbots, and voice assistants, companies can now automate the telemarketing process. Customers can interact with AI-powered chatbots or voice assistants and receive the same information they would get from a human telemarketer. This will make the process more efficient and cost-effective while eliminating the need to hire people to do this tedious and often unpleasant job. AI-powered telemarketing solutions will also enable companies to better target potential customers and provide them with personalized experiences.

2. Retail Salespeople

AI-powered chatbots and smart algorithms are taking over the retail industry. With the rise of e-commerce, customers are increasingly shopping online, and many brick-and-mortar stores are closing down. As a result, retail salespeople are losing their jobs. AI-powered chatbots can provide customers with personalized product recommendations, answer their questions, and handle complaints. AI-powered chatbots have the potential to improve customer service and increase sales. However, they can also lead to a loss of customer trust and privacy concerns. As such, it is important for retailers to use AI responsibly.

3. Cashiers

Self-checkout machines are becoming increasingly popular in supermarkets and other retail stores. Customers can scan their items and pay for them without needing a cashier. As a result, cashier jobs are disappearing. This has caused economic hardship for many workers and has also made it harder for customers to get assistance with their purchases. Despite the convenience of self-checkout machines, many customers prefer to have a human cashier to help them.

4. Travel Agents

The internet has made it easier for people to book their travel plans without needing a travel agent. AI-powered travel bots can now help customers plan their trips, and book flights, hotels, and rental cars, all without needing human intervention. This process can be done quickly and efficiently, saving customers time and money. AI-powered travel bots have made the process of planning a trip easier and more accessible to everyone.

5. Data Entry Clerk

Data entry jobs are tedious and repetitive, making them prime candidates for automation. AI-powered software can now scan and process documents, eliminating the need for data entry clerks. This reduces the amount of time spent manually entering data and increases accuracy. Automation also leads to cost savings for businesses. However, automation can also result in job losses, so companies should consider the potential impact of automation on their workforce.

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6. Accountants

AI-powered accounting software can now handle tasks such as bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial analysis. This means that many accountant jobs are at risk of becoming obsolete. AI-powered accounting software is able to automate many of the tedious, manual tasks that accountants and bookkeepers used to have to do. This means that the demand for these services is decreasing, and therefore fewer people are needed to do this work. As a result, more accountants may be at risk of becoming unemployed.

Legal Secretary roles can be automated with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). AI can be used to automate legal research, document management, and other organizational tasks, reducing the need for human intervention. For example, AI-powered document management systems can be used to automate the creation and filing of legal documents, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

8. Content Writer

As AI-powered text generation tools become more prevalent, content writers’ roles will be increasingly replaced. These tools are capable of generating high-quality content in a fraction of the time as it would take a human writer. Despite this, human Content Writers will remain in high demand for their ability to create original, nuanced content that AI-powered tools cannot yet replicate.

9. Journalists

AI-powered software can now generate news articles and reports automatically. While the quality of these articles may not be up to human standards, they are becoming increasingly sophisticated. As a result, many journalist jobs are at risk of becoming obsolete. AI is also being used to identify patterns in large data sets, allowing for more efficient and accurate news gathering. This could result in more efficient use of resources and potentially more accurate news coverage. It is clear that AI is playing an ever-increasing role in the journalism industry.

10. Financial Analyst

AI technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated and is now capable of performing many of the tasks that a Financial Analyst would traditionally do, such as analyzing market trends, identifying investment opportunities, and making stock recommendations. AI can also automate tedious tasks such as portfolio management and data analysis, freeing up Financial Analysts to focus on more complex tasks. It can also help to reduce errors and improve the accuracy of financial decisions. AI systems can also be used to detect fraud and other potential risks. Additionally, AI can provide valuable insights which can help Financial Analysts make more informed decisions.

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The rise of AI and automation means that some jobs are going to disappear soon. While this may be a cause for concern for many people, it’s essential to remember that technological advancements bring about new opportunities and innovations. AI and automation will create new jobs and industries, and we must adapt and reskill to take advantage of these opportunities. It’s also crucial to remember that AI is not a silver bullet that can solve all of our problems. Technology is still in its infancy, and it has its limitations. While AI can automate certain tasks, it cannot replicate human creativity, empathy, and problem-solving abilities. As we move into the future, we must embrace the changes that AI and automation will bring while also recognizing the importance of human skills and talents. By working together, we can create a world where AI and humans coexist and thrive.


Q1) Will all the jobs mentioned disappear entirely, or will they be replaced by other roles?

While some of these jobs will disappear entirely, others may be replaced by different roles that require new skills.

Q2) How can workers prepare for the rise of AI and automation?

Workers can prepare for the rise of AI and automation by reskilling, upskilling, and embracing new technologies.

Q3) Will the rise of AI and automation lead to mass unemployment?

While some jobs will disappear, new jobs and industries will emerge. It’s crucial to remember that technological advancements create new opportunities.

Q4) How can companies ensure that AI and automation benefit everyone?

Companies must invest in training and reskilling programs to ensure that workers are not left behind. They must also consider the social and ethical implications of AI and automation.

Q5) Will AI and automation make the world a better place?

AI and automation have the potential to make the world a better place, but it’s up to us to ensure that we use these technologies for the greater good.

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