Udne Ki Aasha Written Update 21st October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Udne Ki Aasha Written Update 21st October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Sayali feels tense and worried about her husbandโ€™s absence, but her spirits lift when Sachin shows her affection. Meanwhile, Riya struggles with her feelings about returning home, and the brothers face misunderstandings in their relationships. The episode concludes with a comedic moment between Sachin and Sayali…. Now Letโ€™s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Udne Ki Aasha Written Update.

Scene 1: Sayali’s Worry

The episode begins with Sayali sitting in the living room, looking anxiously at the door. It is late, and her husband has not come home yet. She can feel her heart racing as she checks her phone for messages, hoping for an update. The worry grows stronger in her stomach, twisting it into knots. She realizes she hasnโ€™t eaten anything since breakfast. โ€œWhat if something happened to him?โ€ she whispers to herself, feeling uneasy.

As the minutes tick by, her unease turns into dizziness. She places her hand on her forehead and closes her eyes, trying to steady herself. Just then, Paresh enters the room and notices her condition. โ€œSayali, you should sit down. You donโ€™t look well,โ€ he says, gently guiding her to a comfortable chair. โ€œTake a deep breath; everything will be fine.โ€ His voice is calm, but Sayaliโ€™s mind is racing. While she tries to focus on her breathing, Sachin walks in with a bright smile, holding a small box. โ€œHey, Sayali! I brought you something,โ€ he says, cheerfully. He hands her a silver box filled with vermilion, a symbol of good fortune and strong relationships. โ€œI hope your marriage is as strong as this box,โ€ he adds, his eyes twinkling. Sayaliโ€™s mood brightens slightly, but her concern for her husband still lingers in her mind.

In the corner, Renuka and Roshni watch the interaction with a hint of jealousy. They exchange glances, feeling envious of the chemistry between Sachin and Sayali. โ€œWhy does he always have to be so charming?โ€ Roshni mutters under her breath, while Renuka nods in agreement, trying to hide her irritation.

Scene 2: An Unexpected Evening

After some time, Sayali and Sachin sit together, enjoying each otherโ€™s company. They share laughter and stories, and Sayali starts to forget about her worries for a little while. Sachin leans in closer and says, โ€œLetโ€™s celebrate this festival together. Itโ€™ll be fun!โ€ He suggests lighting some candles and decorating the house. Sayali nods enthusiastically, her heart warming at his thoughtfulness. โ€œIโ€™d love that!โ€ she replies, feeling a spark of happiness. They start planning their evening, imagining the colorful decorations and the delicious food they can prepare. The atmosphere is light and joyful, contrasting sharply with Sayaliโ€™s earlier anxiety. โ€œWe can even make some sweets together!โ€ Sachin adds, his eyes gleaming with excitement. Sayali laughs, picturing them covered in flour.

Meanwhile, Renuka and Roshni watch from a distance, their jealousy deepening. โ€œLook at them, acting like theyโ€™re the only two people in the world,โ€ Renuka says, rolling her eyes. โ€œItโ€™s so obvious that he likes her.โ€ Roshni agrees, feeling frustrated that their friend is getting so much attention. โ€œWe need to remind Sayali that her husband will be home soon,โ€ she suggests.

Scene 3: Tejas and Akash’s Phone Call

The next morning, Tejas is lounging in his chair when he receives a call from his younger brother, Akash. โ€œHey, Tejas, itโ€™s been a while! Howโ€™s everything?โ€ Akashโ€™s voice sounds lonely and distant. Tejas leans back, ready to tease his brother. โ€œEverything is great! Except that you have a beautiful and rich wife while youโ€™re all alone. What a lucky guy you are!โ€ he jokes, trying to lighten the mood. Akash chuckles, but thereโ€™s a hint of sadness in his voice. โ€œYeah, well, itโ€™s not as fun being away from home. I really miss everyone,โ€ he admits. Tejasโ€™s laughter fades as he shifts the conversation to the current situation at home. โ€œThings are… complicated. Sayaliโ€™s worried about her husband, and Riya is still upset,โ€ he explains, trying to sound casual.

โ€œDid she say anything about coming back?โ€ Akash asks, his curiosity piqued. Tejas rolls his eyes, feeling restless. โ€œNot really, but she has her reasons. You know how it is.โ€ Akash tries to ask about his job, but Tejas abruptly cuts the call, feeling irritated. โ€œWhy canโ€™t he just be happy with his wife? I canโ€™t deal with this right now,โ€ he mutters to himself.

Scene 4: Riya’s Frustration

Riya walks into the room just as Tejas hangs up. She crosses her arms and frowns. โ€œWhy did Akash cut the call? I wanted to hear what he has to say!โ€ she exclaims, feeling frustrated. Tejas shrugs, not wanting to explain the conversation. โ€œHe was just rambling about feeling lonely. Itโ€™s nothing,โ€ he replies dismissively. Riya is not convinced. โ€œWell, I think he needs to hear that he canโ€™t just give up. We all have our problems, but that doesnโ€™t mean we run away,โ€ she says, her voice rising slightly. Tejas rolls his eyes again. โ€œYou know heโ€™s married to a great woman. What does he have to complain about?โ€ he snaps back.

Riya shakes her head, feeling hurt. โ€œItโ€™s not just about that! Itโ€™s about being a part of this family, about support. I canโ€™t believe youโ€™re being so insensitive,โ€ she responds, anger brewing in her chest. Akashโ€™s struggles weigh heavily on her mind, but Tejas seems to dismiss them easily. The disagreement leads to a tense silence, with both feeling misunderstood.

Scene 5: Sayali’s Morning Routine

Later, Sayali wakes up to the smell of delicious food cooking in the kitchen. She stretches and feels a wave of gratitude. โ€œI should check on Sachin,โ€ she thinks, remembering the fun they had together. As she walks into the kitchen, she sees Sachin sitting at the table with a big plate of food in front of him. โ€œGood morning! I made breakfast just for you,โ€ he says with a cheerful smile. Sayaliโ€™s heart melts at his effort. โ€œYou didnโ€™t have to, but thank you!โ€ she replies, feeling special. But then she remembers her husband and feels a bit guilty. โ€œI should be taking care of him,โ€ she murmurs, suddenly feeling a physical ache in her body.

โ€œIs everything okay?โ€ Sachin asks, noticing her discomfort. Sayali nods but tries to hide her pain. โ€œI just want to take care of my husband,โ€ she says softly. But when she asks Sachin for some money for household expenses, he hesitates. โ€œIโ€™d rather not spend money on that right now,โ€ he replies, making her feel irritated. โ€œI just wanted to help out a bit! Why canโ€™t you support me?โ€ she snaps, her patience wearing thin. Sachin looks taken aback, and Sayali quickly realizes her harsh tone. โ€œIโ€™m sorry, I didnโ€™t mean to sound like that,โ€ she apologizes, feeling embarrassed.

Scene 6: Riya and Akash’s Argument

Meanwhile, Riya is feeling anxious about returning to the Deshmukh family. She remembers the hurtful words Sachin said to her and shakes her head. โ€œI canโ€™t go back there. I wonโ€™t face that humiliation again,โ€ she tells Akash, who sits beside her, trying to reason with her. โ€œRiya, you canโ€™t let one bad moment dictate your whole life. Sachin is a good person, and he made a mistake,โ€ Akash explains, hoping to change her mind. But Riya crosses her arms, her mind made up. โ€œYou donโ€™t understand. I want to build my life away from that family,โ€ she insists, frustration evident in her tone.

Akash tries to convince her of the benefits of being in a joint family. โ€œThink of the support, the love! Itโ€™s not all bad,โ€ he urges. Riya shakes her head firmly, unwilling to budge. โ€œI will not go back there, Akash. I just wonโ€™t,โ€ she repeats, her voice strong. The argument leaves both of them feeling upset, highlighting the divide growing between them.

Scene 7: A Comedic Moment

Back at Sachinโ€™s home, heโ€™s enjoying the breakfast, but he suddenly pretends to have a pain in his hand. โ€œOh no! My hand!โ€ he exclaims dramatically. Sayali looks concerned and rushes to him. โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong?โ€ she asks, her heart racing. He grins mischievously, enjoying the attention. โ€œIt hurts! Can you feed me?โ€ he requests, putting on his best sad face. Sayali rolls her eyes but cannot help but smile. โ€œFine, but youโ€™re acting,โ€ she says playfully. She takes a piece of food and gently feeds him, her heart warming at the sight of him enjoying the meal.

As she feeds him, Sachin suddenly bursts into laughter. โ€œGotcha! I was just pretending!โ€ he reveals, his laughter ringing through the kitchen. Sayaliโ€™s face turns red with embarrassment, and she playfully pushes him away. โ€œYou tricked me!โ€ she exclaims, unable to hide her smile. Their lighthearted moment fades as Sayali suddenly remembers her husbandโ€™s absence. โ€œI hope heโ€™s okay,โ€ she murmurs, her smile fading. Sachin notices her change in mood and quickly shifts the conversation back to fun, suggesting they prepare for the festival together. โ€œLetโ€™s make this day special,โ€ he says, hoping to lift her spirits.

The Episode Ends Here

Precap: Sayali is approached by a group of media reporters who ask her for a public interview. She feels unprepared and wonders what she has done to attract their attention.

Thatโ€™s it for todayโ€™s episode! Donโ€™t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Udne Ki Aasha Written Updates!

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