Tilka Manjhi – a martyr to the cause of freedom
(Death anniversary – 13th January)

In the freedom struggle for the country the contribution given by many other than a particular political class, more so particular political family, is either ignored or just fulfilled the formality showing them advertently in lesser light. Fortunately, how the freedom reached to us via armed struggles led by the heroes of different sections of community living countrywide that the glorious episodes of them is now coming out in the new political dispensation.
The Rise of Tilka Manjhi: A Tribal Revolutionary
The tribal region adjoining Bhagalpur of Bihar is highlighted in the history for ‘Santhal Kranti‘ or ‘Santhal Armed revolution’. Once on the forefront of arm revolution was Tilka Manjhi, who was born into the Murmu family in 1750 in the village Tilakpur. Well adept in bowmanship, it was Tilka Manjhi who first made the people of Santhal alert about British policy of ‘Divide and rule’ fomenting the regional and casteist feeling.
The Battle Against British Oppression
In protest against exploitation, oppression and arbitrary taxation Tilka Manjhi called agitation against British official Augustas Cleveland and his subordinates. With the resolution of rooting out alien autocratic administration the battle began. Entire land reverberated with the slogan, ‘Dharti hamari hai‘ (Land is our). Meantime in the battle Tilka Manjhi crawled up the tree and shot down the Cleveland with his arrow. In retaliation the British force though try to lay besiege around the Tilka and his follower brave bowmen, but Tilka amid the operation managed to escape somersaulting from one branch to another branch without bringing himself into the notice of adversaries.
The Final Stand: Guerrilla Warfare and Capture
Then what, he unleashed guerilla-warfare against British, putting them into a more trouble at one point of time. However, in the condition of struggle having been stretched for a longer period this renewed assault too could not stand before many time advanced and well replenished strategic resources British force laced with. He was surrounded by the opponents, and fell imprisoned ultimately. Tilka Manjhi was taken to a square of Bhagalpur where he was hung to death having tied his body with the rope tethered against a branch of a Banyan tree stood there.
Though no more, yet his sacrifice for the greater cause of the nation is still sung in the folk songs popular in Santhal region.
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