Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update 18th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update 18th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, tensions rise between Mannat and Kayanat over Subhan’s loyalty, while Ibaadat experiences a whirlwind of joy and love from Subhan’s proposal. As secrets and conflicts brew, the episode ends with a beautiful surprise for Ibaadat….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update.

Scene 1: A Heated Confrontation

The episode begins with Mannat pacing back and forth, clearly upset. She turns to Subhan, frustration spilling out of her. “You’ve changed so much! Why are you following Ibaadat’s orders?” she questions, her voice rising with emotion. Subhan, taken aback, tries to defend himself, but Mannat’s words cut deep. Just then, Kayanat storms into the room, her face filled with anger. Without a second thought, she slaps Mannat hard across the face. “How dare you speak about my son like that!” Kayanat shouts, her protective instincts flaring. Mannat stumbles back, clutching her cheek, her eyes wide with shock. “Subhan has broken my trust!” she cries, her voice trembling.

Kayanat, furious, shifts the blame back to Mannat. “When Subhan agreed to marry you, you ran away with Farhan! You think he’ll forget that?” she retorts, her voice dripping with scorn. Mannat’s heart sinks as she realizes Kayanat believes she’s the one at fault. “You don’t understand! He’s different now,” Mannat pleads, but Kayanat is unyielding, leaving the air thick with tension.

Scene 2: Ibaadat’s Happiness

Meanwhile, Ibaadat is busy getting ready, her heart fluttering with excitement. She received a proposal from Subhan, and she can’t help but smile. She twirls in front of her mirror, adjusting her dress and making sure everything is perfect. “I hope he likes it,” she whispers to herself, her face glowing with anticipation. In the hallway, Hamida and Dua quietly peek through the door, watching Ibaadat. “She looks so happy!” Hamida whispers, her eyes sparkling with joy. Dua nods, her expression serious. “I just hope nothing goes wrong,” she replies, her worry evident. They both share a silent prayer, hoping that Kayanat doesn’t ruin this moment for Ibaadat.

Hamida bites her lip, remembering how Kayanat can be. “What if she tries to turn Subhan against Ibaadat?” she wonders aloud, her heart heavy with concern. The scene is filled with warmth, contrasting sharply with the earlier conflict, as Ibaadat continues to prepare for what she hopes will be a beautiful day.

Scene 3: A Romantic Surprise

Suddenly, Ibaadat’s phone rings. It’s a video call from Subhan! With a mix of excitement and nerves, she answers, her heart racing. “You look stunning!” Subhan’s voice fills the screen, and Ibaadat can hardly contain her blush. “Thank you! You’re so sweet,” she replies, her voice soft. Subhan continues to shower her with compliments. “Honestly, I don’t know how I got so lucky,” he says, making Ibaadat’s heart skip a beat. “You really think I’m beautiful?” she asks, feeling shy yet thrilled. Subhan’s words make her feel special, and for a moment, everything else fades away.

After they finish chatting, Subhan leans back, a satisfied smile on his face. “Now, it’s time to set my plan into motion,” he thinks, clearly having something exciting in mind. The scene wraps up with a sense of anticipation for what he’s planning next.

Scene 4: A Tense Argument

Back in the other room, Kayanat and Mannat’s argument reaches a boiling point. Kayanat suggests, “Forget about Subhan, Mannat. Just accept that you’ve lost.” Mannat’s eyes flash with anger. “How can you say that? I won’t just give up!” she yells, feeling the heat of the moment. In the midst of their heated exchange, Ibaadat enters the room, catching the tail end of the argument. “Kayanat, how could you choose Mannat over me?” she exclaims, her voice filled with urgency. Mannat glares at Ibaadat, jealousy boiling inside her. “You think you deserve him? Just because he gave you a proposal?” she snaps back, bitterness in her tone.

Kayanat watches the clash, feeling overwhelmed. “Both of you need to calm down! This fighting won’t help,” she tries to intervene, but the tension only seems to rise. Ibaadat stands her ground, vowing, “If you choose Mannat as your daughter-in-law, I will never forgive you!” The room becomes a battlefield of emotions, filled with anger and confusion.

Scene 5: Parting Blessings

As the day moves on, Hamida and Dua approach Ibaadat, ready to give her their blessings. “We wish you all the happiness in the world,” Hamida says, her voice warm and loving. Dua adds, “May your journey with Subhan be filled with joy and love.” Ibaadat beams, feeling cherished and supported. However, as she steps toward the door, she bumps into Kayanat, who glares at her with disdain. “You think you’re so special, don’t you?” Kayanat hisses, her jealousy clear. Ibaadat, refusing to back down, retorts, “I deserve this happiness, Kayanat!”

Dua quickly steps in, trying to diffuse the situation. “Let’s not do this right now,” she pleads, but Kayanat’s temper flares. “You haven’t seen the last of me!” she promises, vowing to take revenge. The atmosphere is charged, leaving Ibaadat feeling uneasy as she steps out into the world.

Scene 6: A Beautiful Surprise

As Ibaadat arrives at a beautiful outdoor location, her heart swells with joy. Subhan has prepared a surprise for her, filling the space with flowers and soft lights. “Wow! This is amazing!” Ibaadat exclaims, her eyes wide with wonder. Subhan smiles, his heart full, glad to see her happy. “I wanted today to be special for you,” he says, his voice sincere. Ibaadat feels overwhelmed with gratitude. “Thank you so much! You’ve made me feel so loved,” she replies, her heart fluttering. The two share a moment, surrounded by the beauty of the setting. The episode closes with Ibaadat and Subhan enjoying this perfect moment together, leaving viewers eager for what’s next in their unfolding story.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Updates!

Also Read: Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update 17th October 2024

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