Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update 16th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update 16th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Subhan reignites his affection for Ibaadat, igniting jealousy and conflict with Mannat…… Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update.

Scene 1: The Warm Reconnection

The episode opens with Subhan, who unexpectedly shows interest in Ibaadat again. “Ibaadat, I’ve missed spending time with you,” he says, his voice warm and inviting. His words fill the air with a gentle tenderness that melts Ibaadat’s heart. She can hardly believe her ears; this is the moment she has been dreaming about. Overcome with joy, Ibaadat rushes to Subhan, wrapping her arms around him tightly. “Oh, Subhan! This means so much to me!” she exclaims, tears of happiness welling up in her eyes.

Subhan smiles, enjoying her reaction. “Let’s get ready; I have a surprise for you. We’re going out together,” he adds, his excitement palpable. As Ibaadat nods eagerly, her heart races with anticipation. However, in the background, Mannat watches with narrowed eyes, her heart heavy with jealousy. “Why is he paying so much attention to her?” Mannat thinks bitterly, her expression darkening as she grapples with her feelings of resentment.

Scene 2: The Confrontation

Mannat’s frustration spills over as she approaches Kayanat, her voice filled with anger. “Did you see how Subhan is treating Ibaadat? It’s like I don’t even exist anymore!” she declares, her hands trembling. Kayanat raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. “Why aren’t you doing anything about it? You have every reason to confront Ibaadat,” she replies sharply.

Mannat sighs, feeling overwhelmed. “I’m trying, but Subhan won’t listen to me. He only cares about her!” she complains, her voice tinged with despair. Kayanat’s face hardens. “Don’t you dare speak ill of my son!” she snaps, her loyalty to Subhan evident. “You’re the one messing this up. Maybe if you managed the household better, he wouldn’t have to seek comfort elsewhere,” she chastises Mannat. Feeling belittled, Mannat clenches her fists, trying to hold back tears. Kayanat continues to berate her. “You need to fix your attitude, or Subhan will start to resent you,” she warns. Mannat feels crushed under the weight of Kayanat’s words, unsure of how to respond.

Scene 3: Ibaadat’s Determination

As the tension in the room rises, Ibaadat strides in confidently. “Mannat will never be accepted as Kayanat’s daughter-in-law,” she states firmly, her voice unwavering. Ibaadat’s presence commands attention, and she radiates confidence. “I have my own plans, and I won’t let anyone stand in my way,” she declares, glancing at Mannat with a smirk. Dua watches with intrigue. “What’s your plan, Ibaadat?” she asks, leaning closer. Ibaadat holds up two beautiful dresses, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “I want to look stunning for Subhan,” she replies, her smile contagious. Kayanat, feeling threatened by Ibaadat’s boldness, asks, “What do you think you’re doing? You need to know your place!”

Ibaadat responds with a confident grin. “I know exactly where I stand,” she says defiantly. After Ibaadat leaves, Dua can’t resist taunting Kayanat, “Looks like Ibaadat is taking charge, don’t you think?” Kayanat’s expression darkens, frustration etched on her face as she grapples with the unfolding drama.

Scene 4: Mannat’s Desperation

Meanwhile, Mannat decides she needs to confront Subhan directly. She enters his room, her eyes filled with determination. “Subhan, why have you been ignoring me lately?” she questions, her voice shaky yet firm. Subhan looks up, annoyance flickering in his eyes. “Mannat, Ibaadat is still my wife. You can’t just expect me to ignore her,” he responds, exasperation clear in his tone. Mannat’s heart sinks as she hears his words. “But what about us? We’re supposed to be a family!” she pleads, desperation creeping into her voice. In a moment of impulse, she steps closer and hugs him tightly, hoping to rekindle their bond. However, Subhan’s discomfort is evident. “Mannat, this is too much. Let go of me,” he gasps, feeling trapped.

Just then, Ibaadat appears, her expression fierce. “Mannat, let him go!” she commands, stepping forward with authority. But Mannat, fueled by jealousy, refuses to release Subhan. “No! He needs to understand how I feel!” she retorts defiantly, her heart racing.

Scene 5: The Tension Escalates

The atmosphere becomes electric as Mannat holds on to Subhan, her grip tightening. “What are you doing?” Subhan asks, confusion in his eyes. Mannat, her voice rising, declares, “I’m showing you that I matter too!” But Ibaadat, sensing the rising tension, warns, “Mannat, this is not the way to go about it!” Suddenly, Mannat reaches for a mysterious package she brought with her. “Everyone, stay back!” she yells, her voice sharp and commanding. Ibaadat’s eyes widen in shock. “What are you planning to do with that?” she asks, concern flooding her features. Mannat’s lips curl into a defiant smile as she holds the package closer.

“I’m going to show you both what it means to be pushed aside,” Mannat proclaims dramatically. Her heart races with a mixture of fear and excitement, ready to unleash chaos in the room. Ibaadat stands her ground, determined to confront Mannat’s reckless behavior.

Scene 6: The Final Confrontation

Mannat tears open the package, revealing a packet of chili powder. “This will teach you both a lesson!” she shouts, her eyes blazing with fury. Before anyone can react, she throws the chili powder toward Ibaadat, aiming to provoke her. “You think you can take my place? Think again!” she cries out, her voice echoing through the room. Subhan instinctively shields his face, realizing the danger of the situation. “Mannat, stop!” he yells, panic evident in his voice. But it’s too late; the chili powder flies through the air, landing around them. Ibaadat yells in pain, “What have you done?” as the burning sensation overwhelms her senses.

Mannat stands there, her heart pounding, realizing the severity of her actions. Tears stream down Ibaadat’s face as she cries out for help. “Someone, please help me!” she begs, her voice filled with anguish. The chaos that ensues leaves everyone stunned, caught between their emotions and the reality of what just happened. Subhan rushes to Ibaadat’s side, his protective instincts kicking in. “Ibaadat, are you okay?” he asks frantically, concern etched on his face. Meanwhile, Mannat stands frozen, the weight of her actions crashing down on her. “I didn’t mean for it to go this far,” she whispers. Kayanat rushes into the room, horrified by the sight before her. “What happened here?” she gasps, taking in the chaos and pain surrounding her. Ibaadat continues to cry, clutching her burning skin. “Someone help me, please!” she cries out, her voice filled with desperation.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Updates!

Also Read: Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update 15th October 2024

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