Kundali Bhagya Written Update 4th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Kundali Bhagya Written Update 4th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Preeta takes a stand and punishes Shaurya for his wrongdoings, while Shaurya rebels against his family’s discipline. Tensions rise as everyone tries to bring Shaurya back to the right path, but his defiance only grows stronger….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Kundali Bhagya Written Update.

Scene 1: Preeta Confronts Shaurya

The episode begins with Rakhi approaching Preeta, deeply concerned about Shaurya’s recent behavior. She pleads with Preeta, “You have to bring him back on the right path, Preeta. Only a mother can do that.” Preeta, visibly determined, takes hold of a stick. Shaurya, standing nearby, is shocked as he watches this. His eyes widen as he murmurs, “Mom, what are you doing?” But Preeta remains calm yet firm. She tells him, “A mother needs to be strict when her child loses his way. You have crossed the line, Shaurya.”

Preeta’s voice carries the weight of disappointment as she continues, “You must apologize to Lokesh and his family. You’ve wronged them, and it’s time you make it right.” Shaurya, defiant, refuses. “I won’t apologize,” he says, crossing his arms, but Preeta’s patience is wearing thin. “A mother punishes her child when necessary, and you’ve left me no choice,” she declares. In a swift but controlled manner, Preeta strikes Shaurya lightly with the stick. Shaurya winces but doesn’t react. She scolds him, “You have committed a grave sin. Do you think I enjoy punishing you? I am ashamed that I have to do this at your age, but I cannot stand by and watch you go down this wrong path.” Her words pierce through Shaurya, and for a brief moment, he seems to understand.

Rakhi, who had been watching from the side, whispers to Dadi, “Nidhi never disciplined him. That’s why he’s become this way.” Dadi nods in agreement. Rakhi adds, “Karan and Rishabh were never like this because they were given proper upbringing.” Karan, who overhears the conversation, steps in, “If Shaurya had been raised with better values, he could have become another version of me. But now, look at him.”

Shaurya, growing frustrated with the mounting accusations, yells, “Enough! Stop it, all of you!” His anger bubbles over as he storms off inside, unable to handle the pressure any longer.

Scene 2: Nidhi Tries to Calm Shaurya

Nidhi, sensing the tension in the room, approaches the family. “Stop cornering my son!” she pleads, her voice breaking with emotion. Karan, however, is not ready to back down. “Bring Shaurya here, Nidhi,” he orders sternly. Nidhi nods and goes after Shaurya.

She finds him pacing angrily in his room. “Shaurya, control yourself,” she advises softly, trying to calm him down. Shaurya turns to her, his eyes filled with resentment. “You didn’t even do anything when Preeta was beating me,” he spits out. His voice is cold, almost accusing her. Nidhi feels helpless but still urges him, “Your father is calling you.” Shaurya scoffs, “I don’t care what he wants,” and storms out of the room. Sunny, who had been standing nearby, follows closely behind him.

Scene 3: Preeta Apologizes to Lokesh’s Family

Meanwhile, Preeta approaches Lokesh and his family, her face full of regret. “I am truly sorry for what Shaurya did,” she apologizes sincerely. Kavita, Lokesh’s wife, steps forward. “Thank you, Preeta. You understood our pain, and we appreciate that,” she says with gratitude. She then adds, “I never expected that someone from the Luthra family would understand us like this.”

Rakhi, listening to the conversation, smiles proudly at Preeta. “You’ve done the right thing,” she says, her eyes shining with approval. Karan, joining the group, assures Kavita, “Don’t worry about your house. I’ll make sure someone comes and helps you.” Rajveer, ever ready to help, volunteers, “I’ll go and take care of everything.”

Mahesh steps forward as well, apologizing on behalf of the family. “I’m truly sorry for Shaurya’s behavior. Please, come work at Luthra Company. You’ll find peace there.” Lokesh, visibly moved, replies, “It feels like my life is starting over. This family is good, except for Shaurya and… Shanaya.”

Scene 4: Shanaya Expresses Her Anger

Elsewhere, Shanaya is talking to Palki and Daljeet. “Everyone is treating Preeta like she’s Shaurya’s mother,” Shanaya says, her tone laced with bitterness. “Preeta shouldn’t have beaten him. I hate her for that.” Palki, though, defends Preeta. “She did what was necessary,” Palki says firmly, trying to reason with Shanaya.

But Daljeet disagrees with Palki. “Preeta went too far. She shouldn’t have done that,” she says, siding with Shanaya. Palki, unwavering, stands her ground. “Shaurya was wrong, and Nidhi failed to give him a proper upbringing. Preeta was only doing what needed to be done.”

Suddenly, Shaurya appears, overhearing their conversation. “Stay out of my business, Palki,” he snaps, his voice dripping with anger. Palki, taken aback but undeterred, follows him as he leaves the house.

Scene 5: Palki Confronts Shaurya

Outside, Shaurya is fuming as he gets into his car. Palki, running after him, tries to stop him. “Preeta had every right to punish you. She’s the only one who cares enough to set you straight,” Palki says breathlessly. Shaurya, glaring at her, retorts, “Preeta has no right over me! You and she are the same—both of you are always meddling in my life.” With that, he speeds off in his car, leaving Palki standing there, watching helplessly as he drives away.

Scene 6: Karan and Rajveer Discover Shaurya is Missing

Back inside the house, Karan and Rajveer go up to Shaurya’s room, hoping to speak with him. But to their surprise, they find the room empty. “He’s gone,” Rajveer remarks, looking around. Karan’s face tightens with worry as he realizes Shaurya has left the house in a fit of anger.

Scene 7: Palki and Shanaya’s Argument

In another part of the house, Shanaya confronts Palki once more. “What’s your problem, Palki? Why are you always interfering?” Shanaya demands, clearly frustrated. Palki responds calmly, “I’m not interfering, Shanaya. I just want Shaurya to change for the better, and you should be helping him instead of enabling him.”

Shanaya rolls her eyes. “I don’t need your advice, and neither does Shaurya,” she snaps. Palki, however, doesn’t back down. “It seems like you’re becoming just like him,” she says softly, her words carrying a hint of sadness. Shanaya, not interested in any further lectures, dismisses Palki’s concerns with a wave of her hand. “I don’t care about what you think, Palki.”

Palki, with a sigh, adds, “I just hope you’ll both find your way before it’s too late.”

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Kundali Bhagya Written Updates!

Also Read: Kundali Bhagya Written Update 3rd October 2024

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