Kundali Bhagya Written Update 15th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Kundali Bhagya Written Update 15th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Preeta continues her efforts to bring Shaurya closer, while Nidhi’s secret plot against her unfolds. Rajveer and Shaurya’s tension deepens, but Preeta remains hopeful that Shaurya will eventually change…. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Kundali Bhagya Written Update.

Scene 1: Preeta Visits Shaurya with Food

The episode begins with Preeta walking into Shaurya’s room, holding a tray of food in her hands. She looks at her son with a gentle smile and says, “I brought you food. You haven’t eaten, and you must be hungry.” Shaurya, clearly upset about something, doesn’t even look at her and replies, “I’m not hungry. I’ll eat when I feel like it.” Preeta, concerned but calm, insists, “I am your mother. I’ll feed you myself if you won’t eat. You can’t stay without eating.” Shaurya, still not facing her, grumbles in frustration, “Just leave me alone! Stop bothering me.”

Preeta, not backing down, asks, “Is this how you talk to your mother now? Do you think this is right?” Shaurya’s temper flares, and he shoots back sarcastically, “Go ahead and complain to Karan about me if you want, or better yet, why don’t you beat me up?” Seeing that her words aren’t getting through, Preeta sighs and says, “At least eat something. I’ll leave the food on the dining table, and you can have it when you feel like eating.” Without waiting for a response, Preeta exits the room, leaving the food behind, hoping that Shaurya will eventually come around.

Scene 2: Nidhi’s Plot with Varun and Anshuman

Meanwhile, in jail, Nidhi is seen discussing a secret plan with Varun and Anshuman. Varun confidently tells Nidhi, “We’ll do exactly what you want once we get out of here.” Anshuman nods in agreement, adding, “We’ll make sure Preeta leaves the Luthra house for good. That’s a promise.” Nidhi, looking serious, warns them, “This deal is just between the three of us. No one else should know about it. If even one person finds out, we’ll all be in trouble.” Aarohi, who is also present, adds, “She’s right. If anyone else learns about this deal, it will all fall apart, and we’ll be on the losing side.”

Nidhi reassures them, saying, “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you both get your freedom. Tomorrow, Anshuman and Varun, you will both get bail. Then, you can carry out the plan.” Varun, feeling grateful, smiles and says, “Thank you, Nidhi. We’ll make sure everything goes according to plan.”

Scene 3: Shaurya and Kritika’s Conversation

Back at the Luthra house, Shaurya is distractedly playing a game on his phone. Kritika enters the room, smiling warmly at him. “Congratulations, Shaurya!” she says excitedly, “You’re now the owner of three companies. Isn’t that great?” Shaurya doesn’t share her enthusiasm and replies, “It’s not a big deal. Those aren’t even the best companies.” Kritika, sensing his frustration, tries to encourage him. “You should take it as a challenge, Shaurya. Use this opportunity to prove yourself. Show everyone what you’re capable of.”

But Shaurya, still uninterested, shrugs and says, “I don’t need to prove anything to anyone anymore.” He stands up abruptly, leaving the room without further explanation, his mind seemingly elsewhere. As he walks away, Shaurya thinks about Rajveer, knowing he’s probably having a difficult time adjusting. Out of curiosity, Shaurya decides to call Rajveer to check in on him.

Scene 4: Shaurya Calls Rajveer

Shaurya dials Rajveer’s number, and after a few rings, Rajveer picks up the call. “Hello, Rajveer,” Shaurya says, his tone smug. “How’s your day going?” Rajveer, busy with work, responds briefly, “I’m busy, Shaurya. What do you want?” Shaurya, with a sarcastic edge, asks, “So, how does it feel to have snatched my father’s business from me?” Rajveer, without missing a beat, replies, “I didn’t snatch anything. Karan trusted me because he knew I was capable of handling the business. I’ve earned this responsibility, Shaurya. You, on the other hand, are unworthy.”

Before Shaurya can say anything else, Rajveer hangs up the call. Annoyed by the abrupt end to the conversation, Shaurya calls him back, but Rajveer doesn’t answer this time. Frustrated, Shaurya storms out of his room and heads downstairs.

Scene 5: Shaurya and Preeta’s Tense Moment

As Shaurya reaches downstairs, he calls for Girish, but instead, Preeta approaches him, noticing his sour mood. “Shaurya, what’s wrong?” she asks gently. Shaurya, feeling irritated, snaps, “I’m already in a bad mood because of Rajveer. Don’t make it worse.” Preeta, refusing to be put off, says, “You shouldn’t take your anger out like this, Shaurya. It’s not good for you.” She pauses and then reminds him, “Remember, I left your food on the dining table.” Shaurya, still angry, retorts, “You expect me to eat cold food now?”

Preeta remains calm, replying, “If you ask me nicely, I’ll bring fresh food for you. But Shaurya, you won’t get fresh food for disrespecting the meal I made for you.” Shaurya, feeling stubborn, replies, “Just keep your food to yourself. I’ll eat outside.” Preeta sighs and informs him, “You won’t find any restaurants open at this time. If you want fresh, healthy food, you should eat here. Restaurant food won’t be as hygienic.” Shaurya, now feeling the pangs of hunger, grumbles, “I’m hungry, not in the mood for a lecture. I need food.” Preeta smiles slightly and says, “Next time, eat with everyone else at the table. I’ll make you fresh food this time.” Shaurya reluctantly agrees, and Preeta heads to the kitchen to prepare a fresh meal for him.

Scene 6: Kitchen Conversations

In the kitchen, Rakhi is already there, working on some cooking. When she sees Preeta, she says with a smile, “I noticed Shaurya listened to you this time. That’s a good sign.” Preeta, her expression hopeful, replies, “He’ll find the right path eventually, Rakhi. I know he will.” Just then, Karan enters the kitchen, overhearing their conversation. “Preeta, you handled Shaurya very well,” he says, looking proud of her. Preeta, not wanting to encourage Karan’s interference, gently reminds him, “Let me handle things with Shaurya. Don’t come between a mother and her son.” Karan, a bit surprised, replies, “I just want you to help him become more like Rajveer. That’s all.” Preeta says nothing, simply focusing on making the food. She knows this situation needs time.

Scene 7: Family Dinner and Shaurya’s Acceptance

Shaurya waits at the table for his food, feeling a bit more settled after his earlier outburst. As he sits there, the other members of the Luthra family can’t help but glance at him. They exchange soft smiles, feeling happy to see this small change in Shaurya. Just then, Rajveer enters the house. Kavya immediately approaches him, grabbing his arm and leading him inside, “Come on, Rajveer, you’re just in time.” Meanwhile, Preeta finally brings the fresh meal to Shaurya and places it in front of him. Shaurya begins to eat quietly, and Preeta watches from a distance, smiling softly to herself. There’s a long way to go, but this moment feels like a small victory.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Kundali Bhagya Written Updates!

Also Read: Kundali Bhagya Written Update 14th October 2024

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