Kumkum Bhagya Written Update 9th September 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to the Kumkum Bhagya written update 9th September 2024. In today’s episode, the drama revolves around Neha’s secret identity, Poorvi’s relentless pursuit of the truth, and Monisha’s dangerous manipulations. As tensions rise, more truths are revealed, and plans are set into motion. Let’s read out the full Kumkum Bhagya written update!

Harleen and Dadi Are Worried About Poorvi

Harleen’s worried because Poorvi’s gone missing. Dadi’s concerned too, but Harleen thinks Poorvi must have found some evidence. Deepika overhears and tells Monisha that her mom thinks Poorvi has proof against Nethra. She warns Monisha to be careful, but Monisha’s relaxed, saying she’s watching Nethra.

Just then, Neha arrives with Poorvi and others. Yug wonders what happens if someone drinks the truth serum. Neha tells the priest to start the engagement ceremony. As he’s about to begin, Sahil grabs the tray with the truth serum. Yug wants to knock it over, but Vikrant stops him, saying the serum’s been tampered with.

Neha Drinks the Truth Serum

Sahil offers Neha some juice. Diya reminds her that she refused earlier, but Neha wants to drink it now. She takes the glass and drinks. Yug realizes she’s just had the truth serum. Sahil whispers to her that he’ll be there for her.

The priest asks Neha and RV to exchange rings. Poorvi hands a ring to Neha. Everyone’s watching nervously. Neha starts to feel dizzy. Monisha tells RV to take off the ring Poorvi made him wear. He does, and Monisha smiles.

As Neha’s about to put the ring on RV’s finger, she gets drowsy and collapses, grabbing his hand. Everyone’s shocked. Jassi runs after Sahil. RV suggests taking Neha to the guest room, and Poorvi agrees. Harman, Jaswant, Vikrant, and Dadu think the truth serum is working.

Harleen and Dadu’s Secret Plan

Dadi wonders where they’re all going, but Dadu dismisses her concerns. Harleen tells them to eat, then confronts Dadu about his secrecy. She accuses them of making the same mistake Poorvi did. Harman argues they’re trying to do the right thing.

Meanwhile, Monisha pulls Sahil aside. He comments that she doesn’t seem like family, or she wouldn’t have done this. She reveals that he knew her name and asks Jassi if he came to stop the engagement because he doesn’t want Neha to marry someone else. Jassi denies any interest in Neha and says he would have fought Sahil that day if he cared. Monisha threatens to call the police if Sahil doesn’t leave. She’ll tell them he came in disguise, and even Neha won’t be able to help him because she’s not feeling well. Jassi tells Sahil to go and talk to Neha later.

Poorvi Begins Her Investigation

Back inside, Poorvi tells everyone Neha fainted. RV worries if the serum was too strong. Soham calls Diya, and Poorvi asks her to talk to him. Poorvi then suggests they get Neha to confess. RV questions Nethra’s motives. Poorvi says Neha’s not fully conscious yet; they should wait until she’s more alert to question her. They help Neha into a chair. Poorvi tells RV to get her some water. He leaves, and Poorvi closes the door.

She searches Neha’s bag for evidence and finds her ID. It says “Neha Singh.” Poorvi realizes she’s not Nethra or even Neha Rai Singh, just Neha Singh. She asks Neha to tell her who she really is. Neha admits she’s a bar dancer, not an actress.

Dadu tells the others they haven’t hidden anything. Harman assures them they’re doing the right thing. Jaswant and Vikrant are hopeful about the plan’s success. Harleen feels excluded and questions why they weren’t included. Vaishali wonders what harm it would have done to involve them; they would have gladly helped. Dadi agrees it’s their problem too. Vaishali points out they sensed something was going on, and Harleen expresses her frustration at being kept in the dark.

The Family’s Secret Plan Is Revealed

Deepika voices her suspicion that they’re outsiders and Poorvi is the true family member. Dadu explains they wanted to keep the plan secret to avoid any mistakes. Harman and Jaswant reiterate their desire for the mission to succeed, and Jaswant believes it is. Vaishali asks about Nethra and the plan. Harleen presses Vikrant for answers. Vikrant admits they just wanted Nethra to confess, and Yug explains they used truth serum. Dadi’s curious about what that is.

Dadu explains that the truth serum forces people to be honest. Vikrant says Yug tried to give Neha the juice, but she refused. Poorvi also tried, but no luck. Yug thinks she might have finally drunk it, but he’s not sure. Harman thinks RV and Poorvi might be getting a confession right now. Deepika’s surprised and asks if it’ll work. Yug’s confident it will.

Harleen’s relieved, thinking Neha’s confession will save her son. Harman’s glad they finally get it. Vikrant mentions they’re recording everything. They all smile. Deepika’s shocked by their big plan and decides to warn Monisha. She coughs and makes an excuse to leave.

Wrap-Up: Kumkum Bhagya written Update 9th September 2024

Meanwhile, Poorvi wants to be absolutely sure Neha’s telling the truth, so she asks her to say her name again. Neha says “Neha Singh.” Poorvi then asks if she wants to marry RV. Neha says no.

Precap: In the precap, Poorvi asks Neha who’s paying her to cause trouble for RV. Neha spills the beans – it’s Monisha. Poorvi offers to have RV pay Neha even more to leave him alone. Neha admits she can’t, as there’s another guy involved too.

That wraps up the Kumkum Bhagya written update 9th September 2024. In this episode, we saw Poorvi uncovering the truth about Neha’s identity and Monisha’s involvement in the conspiracy. Stay tuned for the next Kumkum Bhagya written update.

Also Read: Kumkum Bhagya Written Update 7th September 2024

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