Kumkum Bhagya Written Update 18th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Kumkum Bhagya Written Update 18th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Jasbir almost kills Neha, but Shera intervenes. Purvi tries to escape from Matthew’s men but is eventually caught. Sahil and Neha discuss Purvi’s fate, while RV continues his search for her. Monisha hints that Sahil hired a hitman to kill Purvi….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Kumkum Bhagya Written Update.

Scene 1: Jasbir’s Anger at Neha

The episode begins with Jasbir talking to Neha about Sahil. He is furious because Sahil demanded more money from him. Jasbir reminds Neha that everything he has done was for Purvi’s sake. But now, Sahil has gone too far by putting a hit order on Purvi. Jasbir’s face is filled with anger as he talks about this betrayal. Neha, however, doesn’t seem to care. She coldly replies, “You don’t know what Purvi has done to me. She deserves to die.” Her words shock Jasbir. Hearing this, Jasbir loses his temper and, in a fit of rage, yells, “I will kill both you and Sahil!” He grabs Neha by the throat and starts choking her. Neha struggles to free herself, gasping for air.

Suddenly, Shera arrives just in time and rushes over to pull Jasbir away. Neha, catching her breath, warns Jasbir, “Sahil will kill you for this!” But Jasbir, still seething with anger, says he’ll take care of them both. Shera then escorts Jasbir out of the house to calm him down.

Scene 2: Purvi’s Escape at the Dhaba

Meanwhile, at a small roadside dhaba (restaurant), Purvi is in hiding. She looks around nervously and spots Matthew and his men arriving. She quickly takes out her phone and calls RV (Ranveer). “RV, it’s me, Purvi. Are you nearby?” she asks, her voice shaky. RV, on the other end, replies, “Yes, I’m close. Are you alright?” Purvi, glancing around to make sure she isn’t being watched, says, “I’m okay for now. But I had to run away, and I couldn’t call you before. I’m sorry.” RV reassures her, “Don’t worry about it. Just tell me where you are.”

Purvi whispers, “I’m at a dhaba, but Matthew and his men are here too. They’re looking for me.” As they speak, Matthew’s men begin scaring the people at the dhaba, demanding to know if anyone has seen Purvi. Purvi realizes she’s running out of time, so she hangs up the phone. In a desperate move, she sneaks outside, finds a truck parked nearby, and jumps inside, taking control of the vehicle. As Purvi starts the truck and drives away, the driver of the truck notices her and shouts, “Hey! Someone’s stealing my truck!” Matthew and his men hear the commotion and quickly realize that Purvi is trying to escape. They jump into their vehicles and begin chasing her.

Scene 3: Sahil and Neha Discuss Jasbir’s Attack

Back at Neha’s house, Sahil arrives, looking concerned. Neha opens the door, and the first thing she says is, “You won’t believe what happened! Jasbir tried to kill me today!” She tells Sahil how Jasbir almost choked her to death and how lucky she was that one of Jasbir’s men, Shera, stopped him just in time. Sahil is furious. His face hardens as he listens to Neha. “How dare Jasbir try to hurt you?!” he exclaims. “I will handle him myself!” Neha, still shaken, looks at Sahil and says, “But what about Purvi? Did Matthew do his job?”

Sahil replies, “Matthew should have taken care of her by now.” But Neha isn’t convinced. “Are you sure? What if she’s still alive?” she asks. Sahil pauses for a moment and then tells her about Matthew’s mission. “Matthew and his men are after her as we speak. I’ll wait for confirmation before I call Jasbir.”

Scene 4: The Chase and Capture

As Purvi drives the truck, she glances at the side mirror and notices some of Matthew’s men have caught up. They are hanging onto the back of the truck, holding onto ropes. “Stop the truck!” Matthew shouts from his car, driving alongside her. Purvi refuses, gripping the steering wheel tightly, determined to escape. Despite her best efforts, the truck is forced to slow down as Matthew’s men get closer. Eventually, they manage to pull the truck to a halt. Matthew and his men surround her. Matthew steps out of his vehicle, smiling smugly at Purvi. “You’ve managed to escape me so many times,” he says. “But not anymore.”

Purvi glares at him, but before she can react, Matthew grabs her by the arm and pulls her out of the truck. “You’re going to regret running away,” Matthew sneers. “I’m going to make sure you suffer before you die.” One of Matthew’s men, Mark, approaches from behind and knocks Purvi out cold.

Scene 5: Monisha’s Thoughts on Purvi

In another part of town, Monisha is sitting with her mother, looking lost in thought. Her mother, noticing that Monisha is distracted, asks her, “What’s on your mind? And how did you get hurt?” Monisha replies with a sigh, “I’m thinking about Purvi. She just keeps causing trouble for everyone.” Her mother, curious, asks, “What do you mean?” Monisha explains, “Purvi is always in the middle of chaos. No one is safe around her. She never learns.” Her mother listens quietly, sensing Monisha’s frustration. Monisha then shifts her gaze, clearly troubled, but doesn’t say anything more about Purvi.

Scene 6: RV’s Determination to Find Purvi

Elsewhere, RV receives a phone call from Harleen, who sounds worried. “RV, where are you? Are you still looking for Purvi?” she asks. RV, who is on his way to look for Purvi, responds, “Yes, I’m still searching for her. I can’t stop until I find her.” Harleen, trying to reason with him, reminds him, “But the police are already on the case. You should come home.” RV, however, remembers everything Purvi has done for him in the past. “I owe it to her to find her,” he says firmly. “I’ll come back once I know she’s safe.”

Not wanting to worry Harleen more, RV lies and tells her, “I’m just heading to Jasbir’s house. I need to check something.” He doesn’t reveal the real reason he’s still out searching for Purvi, not wanting Harleen to worry even more.

Scene 7: Monisha Learns of Sahil’s Plan

Back at Monisha’s house, her mother continues to question her about Purvi. “What happened to her?” she asks. Monisha, still deep in thought, replies, “Purvi might already be dead.” Her mother looks shocked. “What do you mean?” she asks, her voice filled with concern. Monisha finally reveals, “Sahil hired a contract killer to take her out. If everything went according to plan, Purvi might be dead by now.” Monisha’s mother sits back, processing the information. There is a silence in the room as they both realize the gravity of the situation.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Kumkum Bhagya Written Updates!

Also Read: Kumkum Bhagya Written Update 17th October 2024

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