Jhanak Written Update 3rd October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Jhanak Written Update 3rd October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Aniruddha falls critically ill, but Arshi and Srishti dismiss his sickness as an act. Jhanak rushes him to the hospital, where his condition is revealed to be severe, while Arshi returns home and declares her desire to end her relationship with him….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Jhanak Written Update.

Scene 1: Aniruddha Falls ill

The episode begins with Aniruddha suddenly falling ill during a journey with Arshi and Srishti. As they prepare for their trip, Aniruddha’s body weakens, and he struggles to stand. His face turns pale, and he holds his stomach as pain shoots through him. Despite his discomfort, Arshi and Srishti believe he is pretending. They exchange glances, convinced that Aniruddha is just trying to avoid the trip. “This is all an act,” Arshi mutters under her breath, rolling her eyes. Srishti nods in agreement, her arms crossed.

“Come on, Aniruddha! Stop this drama and get in the car!” Arshi demands, her tone harsh. Aniruddha attempts to get up, but his legs tremble under his weight, and he collapses. Still, Arshi and Srishti are unmoved. They glare at him, irritated. “Why are you wasting our time? We’re not falling for this!” Srishti snaps, clearly annoyed.

Chhoton, who has been watching this scene unfold, is shocked at how little sympathy Arshi shows toward her husband. His eyes widen in disbelief as he sees Aniruddha gasping for breath. “Can’t you see he’s in pain? What’s wrong with you two?” Chhoton shouts at Arshi and Srishti. Despite his words, the two women remain cold and decide to leave the scene, their frustration evident in every step they take.

Scene 2: Arshi and Srishti’s Cold Reaction

As soon as Arshi and Srishti leave, Jhanak arrives at the scene. She rushes toward Aniruddha, panic flashing in her eyes as she sees him struggling to breathe. Aniruddha lies on the ground, his body trembling as he gasps for air. His face is drenched in sweat, and his breaths come out in short, shallow bursts. “What happened here?” Jhanak asks in a trembling voice, fear gripping her heart.

Chhoton, equally worried, quickly fills her in on what has transpired. “He’s been like this for a while, but Arshi and Srishti refused to believe him. They thought he was faking it,” Chhoton explains, shaking his head in disbelief. Jhanak’s face turns pale as she listens. She kneels beside Aniruddha, her hands trembling as she gently lifts his head and places it on her lap. “Aniruddha, hang in there. We’re getting you to the hospital,” she whispers softly, her voice filled with concern.

Chhoton, sensing the urgency, helps Jhanak get Aniruddha into the car. They carefully lay him down in the back seat, where he continues to struggle for breath. His body feels cold to the touch, and Jhanak’s heart races in fear. “Don’t worry, Aniruddha, we’ll get you help soon,” she assures him, stroking his forehead.

Scene 3: Jhanak Rushes to Help

While rushing to the hospital, the car speeds through the streets, and Aniruddha lies on Jhanak’s lap, barely able to breathe. Each breath he takes seems like a painful battle, and his eyes are half-closed from exhaustion. “Stay with us, Aniruddha,” Jhanak pleads, her voice shaking with emotion. Her hand gently rests on his chest, trying to comfort him.

At that moment, Lalan receives a phone call from the commissioner. The commissioner’s voice is serious as he requests Lalan to come to the office immediately. “We’ve found something important,” the commissioner says, the urgency clear in his tone. Lalan looks at his phone and contemplates whether to stay or go, but duty calls. “I’ll be there right away,” Lalan responds, hanging up the phone.

As Lalan leaves, Bablu arrives at his house, carrying a plate of sweets. Meanwhile, Appu finds out that Aniruddha has left the country with Arshi. Her heart sinks at the news. “How could they leave without even letting me say goodbye?” she murmurs, tears welling up in her eyes. The thought of not being able to meet her brother one last time breaks her heart. She wipes away her tears, trying to compose herself, but the sadness overwhelms her.

Scene 4: Aniruddha’s Critical Condition at the Hospital

At the hospital, Jhanak rushes to get a stretcher for Aniruddha. Nurses and doctors quickly respond as she explains the situation. “Please help him! He’s been struggling to breathe for hours,” Jhanak pleads, her voice thick with desperation. The hospital staff immediately take action, laying Aniruddha on the stretcher and wheeling him inside.

Jhanak’s eyes follow Aniruddha as he disappears behind the hospital doors, her heart pounding with worry. She turns to Chhoton and asks, “Will he be alright?” Her voice is barely above a whisper, fear evident in every word. Chhoton sighs deeply before answering, “Jhanak, when Aniruddha went to Mumbai, you didn’t treat him well. The pain you caused him led to his depression. I hope he pulls through.”

Jhanak’s guilt deepens as she processes Chhoton’s words. She watches as the doctors begin their assessment, hoping against hope that Aniruddha will be okay.

Scene 5: Doctor’s Grim Diagnosis

The doctor arrives, checking Aniruddha’s vitals as the nurse stands by. The tension in the air is thick as Jhanak and Chhoton wait for the diagnosis. “Doctor, how is he? Will he be fine?” Jhanak asks, her voice trembling with fear. The doctor’s face remains serious as he examines Aniruddha’s condition.

“He’s in critical condition. We need to run some tests to understand what’s causing this,” the doctor explains. He orders immediate tests, and the nurses spring into action. Chhoton, standing beside Jhanak, is overwhelmed with guilt as he recalls how he and others neglected Aniruddha’s warnings.

Scene 6: Arshi Returns Home, Unmoved by Aniruddha’s Health Condition

Meanwhile, back at the Bose house, Arshi returns with Shrishti. Their sudden return from the airport surprises everyone at home. “Why are you back so soon? Weren’t you supposed to leave for the trip?” a family member asks, clearly confused.

Arshi, with a frown, replies, “Aniruddha started his usual drama again. Pretending to be sick to cancel the trip.” Shrishti nods in agreement, adding, “We decided to leave him behind. He’s just wasting time.” Their cold words shock the family members, who are concerned about Aniruddha’s health.

Subho tries calling Aniruddha, but no one answers the phone. “Why isn’t anyone picking up?” Subho wonders aloud, worry creeping into his voice. Arshi, however, seems indifferent. She looks around the room and declares, “I don’t want to stay in this house anymore. I’m done with him.”

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Jhanak Written Updates!

Also Read: Jhanak Written Update 2nd October 2024

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