International Day of Families: History, Theme, and Singificance

The International Day of Families is celebrated annually on 15 May. The UN General Assembly proclaimed the Day in 1993 with resolution A/RES/47/237, illustrating the importance the international community places on families. Families International Day provides the opportunity to raise awareness of issues relating to families and increase understanding of social, economic, and demographic factors that affect families.
Many countries have created their own Family Days or family-focused programs as a result of this day over the years.
International Day of Families 2023 Theme
For the International Day of Families in 2022, the UN Secretary-General has chosen the theme “Families and Demographic Change“. The theme for this year focuses on the importance of sustainable, family-friendly urban policies.
Significance of International Day of Families
The International Day of Families represents a lot of things. Besides raising awareness about the difficulties facing families around the world, it also serves as a reminder of the importance of family in society. If it weren’t for our families, many of us wouldn’t be where we are today. This day also reminds us that every family is different. Families come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors.
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Each year on this day, all countries hold discussions with community leaders, policymakers, game-changers, influencers, and others, along with the people, to discuss deficiencies and organize activities in which families can participate and feel a sense of bonding.
History of International Day of Families
In the 1980s, the United Nations began to focus on family issues. As a result of the recommendations of the Economic and Social Council, the Commission for Social Development, in its resolution on the role of the family in the development process, requested the Secretary-General to promote awareness among decision-makers and the public of the problems and needs of the family.
The General Assembly proclaimed 1989 The International Year of the Family in its resolution 44/82 of 9 December 1989. The General Assembly declared 15 May to be International Day of Families in a resolution (A/RES/47/237) adopted in 1993.
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