Indian Railways prioritizes coal transportation for the power sectorโ€™s rake demands

Coal transportation by Indian Railways in terms of tonnage and NTKM has increased by 11.92 % and 24.51 % in this current fiscal (up to Feb). Loading of rakes for the power sector from various sources in the current fiscal (April-Feb) is 408 rakes per day against 344 rakes per day last year i.e. an increase of 64 rakes per day. In the month of February 2023, 426.3 rakes per day have been loaded for Powerhouses against 399 rakes per day on February,22 i.e. the increase of 27.3 rakes. In order to meet the projected demand for rakes by the power sector in the coming fiscal, the following action has been taken:-

a) Higher induction of coal-carrying wagons โ€“ 7692 BOXNHL and 1052 BOBRN wagons have been inducted from April-22 to January-23. Around 32,534 BOXNHL and 2450 BOBRN wagons indent are pending.

b) During the current fiscal, 1018 freight locomotives have been added to the fleet of IR till the end of February-23. This increase is expected to continue.

c) 4500 Km of new tracks is expected to be commissioned in 2022-23, the majority of which is on coal-carrying routes. This will further improve the turnaround of coal-carrying rakes.

d) Keeping in view the rising demand in the next few years, comprehensive planning of the Energy Corridor has been done with a planned investment of one lakh crore ranging from 100 projects.

**PIB India**

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