GHKKPM Written Update 4th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to GHKKPM Written Update 4th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In this episode of Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein, Rajat confesses his love for Savi, leading to a series of misunderstandings and emotional turmoil, especially for Ashika. The episode highlights the complex dynamics of love, jealousy, and family relationships, ultimately leaving viewers intrigued about what will happen next….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise GHKKPM Written Update.

Scene 1: A Sudden Confession

The episode opens with Savi and Rajat in a heated conversation. Savi, with a serious expression, tells Rajat firmly, “You don’t have the right to make decisions about someone else’s life.” She seems upset and is ready to leave. Just then, in a surprising move, Rajat hugs her tightly and confesses, “I love you, Savi.” This unexpected declaration catches Savi off guard.

Meanwhile, Ashika, who is watching from her car, witnesses this heartfelt moment. As Rajat embraces Savi, he notices Sai standing nearby, watching them. Sai feels a wave of happiness wash over her as she sees Rajat express his feelings for Savi. Rajat, in turn, catches Sai’s joyful reaction, and it brings a smile to his face.

Suddenly, Jigar steps out with his daughter, and he spots Rajat and Savi in their affectionate moment. He raises an eyebrow and makes a teasing comment about their public display of affection. Not wanting to linger, he takes Sai away from the scene, leaving Savi confused about Rajat’s actions. She asks him, “What was that all about?”

Rajat, looking serious, explains, “I did that for Sai.” Savi, puzzled, asks, “Where did Sai go?” Rajat responds, “She has gone home.” As they prepare to leave, Ashika, sitting in her car, becomes suspicious about the relationship between Savi and Rajat. She thinks to herself that she must find out what is going on between them.

Scene 2: Rainy Pleas and Interruptions

Meanwhile, at another location, Ahana is seen pleading with Aman to let her enjoy the rain. “Please, Aman! It’s just a bit of rain; I want to feel it!” she insists. Just then, Ashika passes by and makes a comment about Aman, which catches his attention. He shoots back at her, “Mind your own business!”

As the scene shifts, Sai arrives home and excitedly shares the news with the family, saying, “You won’t believe it! Rajat proposed to Savi!” The family is surprised, and they all begin to chatter about the news, asking, “Is it true?” Jigar, with a proud smile, confirms, “Yes, it really happened!”

Shortly after, Rajat and Savi walk into the house, where Ridhi and Tara are waiting. They start teasing Rajat and Savi about their relationship, filling the air with laughter and joy. Rajat and Savi decide to freshen up after their eventful day.

As they head toward the room, Savi playfully asks, “Rajat, can you open the door?” Rajat, with a grin, closes it quickly. Tara notices Savi in her wet clothes and kindly offers, “I can get you a towel!”

Meanwhile, Jigar’s gaze lingers on Savi, and he thinks, Rajat is lucky to have her as a wife. Just then, Tara walks in with the towel, and she raises an eyebrow at Jigar, questioning his intentions. “What are you thinking, Jigar?” she asks teasingly. He quickly sends Tara to help someone else and takes the towel to Savi himself.

As he approaches Savi, he tries to touch her shoulder gently, but Rajat opens the door just in time. “Savi, you should change your clothes now. I’ll freshen up in Lucky’s room,” he says, making sure she stays comfortable.

Scene 3: Family Matters

Later, Isha scolds Ahana for being late, saying, “You should have been home by 8 p.m.!” Ahana looks down, admitting, “I know, I should have listened to Aman. I just wanted to enjoy the rain.” She sneezes unexpectedly, which draws a worried glance from Isha.

In the midst of this, Ahana tries to dry Aman’s hair with a towel, but Mrunmayi walks in and sees the intimate moment. She raises an eyebrow, intrigued by their closeness.

Meanwhile, Ashika is on a mission. She visits Rajat’s house to find out more about his relationship with Savi. When Bhagyashree questions her about her visit, Ashika quickly lies, saying, “I just came to get Rajat’s signature for Kiyaan’s residential proof.”

Bhagyashree, feeling skeptical, insists, “That sounds suspicious. Tell me the truth.” Ashika, maintaining her facade, insists it’s just about the signature. Tara steps in, sensing the tension, and adds, “Rajat and Savi are a new couple, and they are enjoying their time together. You can come back tomorrow.”

Bhagyashree nods, agreeing with Tara’s suggestion, and Ashika is left feeling frustrated but determined.

Scene 4: Misunderstandings and Frustrations

In a private moment later, Savi turns to Rajat and asks, “Why didn’t you tell me that Saisha was nearby?” Rajat, feeling defensive, replies, “You should have guessed from the way I hugged you! Why would I hug you if it wasn’t for Saisha?”

Savi, growing frustrated, counters, “Stop repeating that! I didn’t know you were there!” She adds, “You didn’t even think about Mrunmayi before sending Ahana to her as a paying guest.” Rajat, feeling annoyed, retorts, “I don’t want to interfere in other people’s lives.”

Just then, Bhagyashree comes near Rajat and Savi’s room with Ashika. Inside, Rajat teasingly tells Savi, “You should remove your saree,” and Savi playfully replies, “And you should take off your shirt!”

Ashika, eavesdropping outside, misinterprets their playful banter and feels a pang of jealousy. Bhagyashree, sensing the tension, tells Ashika to give Rajat and Savi some privacy and leads her away.

Meanwhile, Ridhi is distracted by a phone call and accidentally hands Ashika the wrong certificate instead of the residential one. Ashika looks at the document in confusion but quickly hides her surprise.

Scene 5: Caring Moments

As Savi sits down, she suddenly feels dizzy. Rajat, concerned, rushes to her side and asks, “What’s wrong, Savi?” She replies softly, “I’m just feeling a bit lightheaded.” At that moment, Sai walks in and expresses her desire to sleep with them.

Rajat and Savi try to refuse her, but Sai insists, “No! I want to sleep here!” She makes them sit on the bed and ties a thread around their hands, playfully saying, “Now you can’t leave!” Then, she settles between them, falling asleep happily.

As time passes, Savi and Rajat also drift off to sleep. Sai, waking up a little later, feels a sense of happiness seeing them together, a smile on her face as she observes their peaceful slumber.

Scene 6: Jealousy and Determination

Meanwhile, Ashika is troubled by thoughts of Savi and Rajat’s closeness. She feels hurt and alone. When Harsh notices her distress, he asks, “What’s wrong with you?” Ashika, putting on a brave face, replies, “I just have a headache.”

As Harsh glances at some papers on the table, he spots Savi and Rajat’s marriage certificate. Confused, he confronts Ashika, saying, “Why did you go to Rajat’s house and lie about it?” Ashika sticks to her story, insisting she was only there for the residential certificate. Harsh, however, accuses her of spying on them because she feels insecure.

Ashika denies this and storms off to her room, feeling even more determined to reclaim her place in Rajat’s life.

Scene 7: A Wake-Up Call

Later that night, Savi and Rajat wake up, and as they untie the thread that Sai had bound them with, Rajat kisses Savi softly, saying, “I’m glad we’re together.”

Meanwhile, Ashika wakes up in shock, exclaiming to herself, “Rajat can’t just give her my place!” Filled with anger and jealousy, she tears up Savi and Rajat’s marriage certificate, determined to take action.

The next day, Ashika has a new plan. She tells Kiyaan, “I’m going to enroll you in Sai’s school. We’ll have an interview for admission today!” Kiyaan, visibly upset, refuses, saying, “I don’t want to study in Savi’s school.”

Ashika explains, “You don’t understand. I’m scared Savi will try to separate Sai from me. I need you close to her so she knows that the Thakkars are not good for her!”

The Episode Ends Here

Precap: The Thakkar family is filled with excitement, believing that Savi is expecting a baby. However, Rajat approaches Savi, questioning the absurdity of the situation and reminding her that nothing occurred between them that could result in a pregnancy. Savi agrees and then asks Rajat whether he thinks Saisha can cope with the reality of the situation.

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest GHKKPM Written Updates!

Also Read: GHKKPM Written Update 3rd October 2024

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