GHKKPM Written Update 3rd October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to GHKKPM Written Update 3rd October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In this episode of Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein, tensions rise as Rajat struggles to connect with his daughter, Saisha, while Jigar influences Tapsee to remain silent about her molester. A heated argument between Rajat and Savi leads to an unexpected confession of love, witnessed by Ashika, adding to the drama….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise GHKKPM Written Update.

Scene 1: Savi Questions Tapsee

The episode begins with Savi confronting Tapsee, urging her to reveal the identity of the person who molested her in Canada. Savi’s expression shows concern and determination as she tries to help her friend find justice. Tapsee hesitates, and Jigar, who is also present, coughs nervously, making the atmosphere tense.

Tara joins in, gently asking Tapsee to come forward with the truth. Tapsee looks around the room, clearly distressed. “It’s important, Tapsee. If you don’t speak up, how will we get justice?” Tara’s voice is soft but firm.

Jigar, sensing the gravity of the situation, tries to divert Tapsee’s attention. “Your mother is sick. Shouldn’t you focus on her instead of court cases right now?” he subtly hints, hoping Tapsee will drop the issue. Savi doesn’t agree with Jigar’s manipulative words. “Tapsee deserves justice too, and the molester should be punished,” she asserts, her eyes full of empathy for her friend.

Tapsee sighs deeply. “You’re right, but… for now, I need to take care of my mother.” With that, she leaves the conversation, her conflict evident in her eyes as she walks away.

Scene 2: Ahana’s Arrival at Mrunmayi’s House

Mrunmayi is surprised when Aman and Ahana arrive at her doorstep. She raises her eyebrows, questioning their unexpected visit. “What are you both doing here?” she asks, her voice stern.

Ahana smiles, trying to lighten the mood. “You don’t know? I’m your new PG guest!” she says, looking around and complimenting the house. “This place is lovely! And by the way, Aman isn’t the playboy you thought he was. He’s actually very helpful.” Her tone is cheerful, but Mrunmayi remains unimpressed.

As Ahana goes to explore the house, Mrunmayi’s temper flares. She pulls Aman aside. “What is this? You brought your girlfriend to stay in my house?” Her voice is sharp, showing clear disapproval.

Aman tries to calm her down, “Let me explain. Rajat asked me to bring her here. I didn’t even know she was going to stay in your house!” Mrunmayi isn’t convinced, but before the conversation can continue, Ahana calls Aman to help her with the luggage, leaving Mrunmayi fuming.

Scene 3: Rajat’s Attempt to Connect with Saisha

Rajat, always trying to impress Savi, spots Saisha drinking milk while Bhagyasree struggles with a glass of bitter gourd juice. Rajat, hoping to win over Saisha, strikes up a conversation. “Hey Saisha, how about some ice cream? What’s your favorite flavor?” he asks, with a playful grin.

Saisha beams, replying, “I like the same flavor as Savi!” Rajat nods and leaves to fetch the ice cream, determined to bring Saisha’s favorite one and win her over.

At the ice cream shop, Rajat calls Savi, trying to figure out which flavor to get. “Savi, what’s your favorite ice cream? Saisha wants the same one,” he says on the phone. Savi replies with a message, sending him the details of her favorite masala red guava ice cream.

Scene 4: Jigar and Tapsee’s Secret Meeting

As Rajat picks up the ice cream, he spots Jigar talking to Tapsee at the same shop. He tries to call out to Jigar, but Jigar hurriedly leaves before Rajat can catch up. Tapsee, still recovering from her earlier conversation with Savi, looks conflicted.

Jigar confronts her again, his voice low but threatening. “Why did you join Savi’s school? And why did you come to my house?” Tapsee looks confused and a bit scared, replying softly, “I didn’t know it was your house, Jigar.”

Jigar’s expression turns cold. “Stay away from my family, and quit the job,” he warns, leaving Tapsee looking lost and helpless as she watches him walk away.

Scene 5: Tension Between Savi and Rajat

Back at home, Isha and Shantanu return, where they are greeted by Ahana. Meanwhile, Mrunmayi pulls Isha aside and vents her frustration about Rajat letting Ahana stay at their house. “How could he do this after knowing everything about me? Why is Ahana here?” she asks, her voice filled with disappointment.

Isha reassures her. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle this,” she promises. Mrunmayi nods, feeling somewhat relieved but still uncertain about the situation.

In the meantime, Rajat returns home with ice cream for everyone. Savi thanks him for bringing her favorite flavor and asks Saisha if she’ll eat it. Saisha nods happily, taking the ice cream.

Scene 6: Jigar’s Deception

Rajat becomes suspicious of Jigar after spotting him earlier. “Where were you?” he asks Jigar later. Jigar, lying easily, replies, “I was on the terrace.”

Rajat confronts him further, mentioning that he saw Jigar outside with a girl. “Who was that?” he demands to know. Before Jigar can answer, Tara intervenes, explaining that Jigar had gone to meet a recruiter for a job. Jigar confirms, trying to shift the conversation. “Yes, I was just talking about work. Let’s not make a big deal out of it.”

Scene 7: Savi and Rajat’s Growing Rift

Later, Savi approaches Rajat with a request. “Jigar’s self-esteem is hurt staying here without a job. Can you give him a position in your company?” she asks, her voice gentle but firm. Rajat, sensing Savi’s sincerity, agrees to talk to Aman about it.

However, the tension between them quickly rises again when Rajat finds out about Saisha’s upcoming speech competition. He accuses Savi of being irresponsible, as he couldn’t find the details. “You’re her teacher, Savi! How could you not keep track of something so important?” he scolds.

Savi stands her ground. “The school sends these details to the parents through WhatsApp. If you had checked, you’d know the competition is tomorrow at 4 p.m.” Rajat, embarrassed, falls silent for a moment.

Scene 8: Rajat’s Confession

The argument continues when Rajat confronts Savi about taking Saisha home early. “You’re turning her against me!” he accuses, his frustration boiling over. Savi is taken aback. “What are you talking about? I took her home because she asked to leave,” she retorts.

Rajat, caught off-guard by her directness, suddenly pulls Savi into a hug. “I love you,” he confesses, his voice barely a whisper. Savi is shocked, unable to respond. Unbeknownst to them, Ashika watches from a distance, her face filled with disbelief.

The Episode Ends Here

Precap: The Thakkar family mistakenly believes that Savi is pregnant, leading them to celebrate the news, unaware of the growing tension between Savi and Rajat.

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest GHKKPM Written Updates!

Also Read: GHKKPM Written Update 2nd October 2024

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