GHKKPM Written Update 2nd October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to GHKKPM Written Update 2nd October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Rajat struggles with guilt over hurting Savi and tries to make amends by cooking her favorite dish. Meanwhile, Sai remains distant, waiting for a bigger apology, as Tapsee’s troubled past comes to light….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise GHKKPM Written Update.

Scene 1: Rajat’s Guilt and Bhagyashree’s Comfort

Late at night, Bhagyashree heads to the kitchen for water, her steps quiet in the dimly lit house. As she passes by, she notices Rajat sitting in the dark, lost in his thoughts. Curious and concerned, she walks up to him. As she gets closer, she realizes his eyes are filled with tears. Surprised, Bhagyashree asks, “What happened, Rajat? Why are you crying?” Rajat, struggling with his emotions, responds after a heavy silence, “I hurt Savi because of Kiyaan’s request… and in doing so, I hurt Sai too.” His voice cracks, and Bhagyashree listens carefully. Rajat continues, “I thought fulfilling Kiyaan’s request would make him happy, but I now feel like I’ve distanced myself from Sai. I don’t know if I can survive if I lose her this time.”

Bhagyashree, seeing his genuine pain, softly reassures him, “Rajat, you were wrong to hurt Savi, but that doesn’t mean you’ve lost Sai forever. No one can take her away from you.” She advises him to express his love for Sai, to show her how much she means to him. Rajat wipes his tears and vows, “I will make her happy. I’m ready to fall at Savi’s feet and ask for forgiveness if I have to.”

Scene 2: Morning Routine and Prashad Offering

The next day arrives, and Bhagyashree, along with her daughters, is getting ready for their morning exercise. The sun is just beginning to rise, casting a soft light through the windows. As they prepare, Isha and Shantanu arrive at the Thakkar household with prashad in hand. Bhagyashree greets them warmly, asking, “Where have you both been so early?” Isha smiles and responds playfully, “We went to the temple. Shantanu even carried me in his arms all the way.” Bhagyashree raises her eyebrows in amusement, exchanging a teasing look with Isha. She chuckles, “I’m sure Shantanu will have a backache soon with all that carrying!” Shantanu, overhearing the banter, gently pulls Isha away with a smile, trying to escape the playful jabs.

Scene 3: Rajat’s Apology to a Sleeping Sai

Later that morning, Rajat finds Sai sleeping peacefully in their room. Quietly approaching her bedside, he kneels down and gazes at her with a heavy heart. “I’m sorry, Sai,” he whispers, his voice filled with regret. “I promise I’ll regain your trust. You’ll be proud to call me the best dad someday.” His words come from a place of deep sincerity as he watches her breathe softly. “I love you, Sai,” he says with a final sigh before standing up and leaving the room, determined to make things right.

Scene 4: Shantanu’s Backache and Rajat’s Cooking Plans

Back at the Thakkar household, Shantanu complains to Isha about his back. “I think I’m getting too old for carrying you around like that,” he jokes, rubbing his lower back. Isha, still in a teasing mood, laughs and says, “Well, I haven’t changed. You’ll have to keep up!” Meanwhile, Rajat is on a mission. He decides to cook Savi’s favorite dish, Puran Poli, to apologize to her. Unsure of where to start, he turns to Isha for help. “I’m trying to make Puran Poli for Savi. Could you help me with the puran?” Isha, always willing to lend a hand, agrees. “Sure, I’ll prepare the puran for you. That’ll make it easier to finish the dish.” Rajat is relieved and grateful. They exchange light conversation as Isha gets to work.

As they talk, Rajat notices some magazines scattered around. “Who’s been reading all these magazines?” he asks. Shantanu, overhearing the question, explains, “Isha has been feeling a bit lonely lately, so she’s been reading to pass the time.” Rajat, ever thoughtful, suggests, “Maybe Ahana could be a paying guest here. She’s been looking for a more homely environment.” Shantanu agrees with the idea, and Isha hands the puran over to Rajat with a smile.

Scene 5: Rajat’s Cooking Struggles and Sai’s Observations

Rajat returns home, ready to prepare the Puran Poli for Savi. However, as he tries to follow the steps, he realizes it’s harder than he thought. His sisters, noticing his struggles, tease him mercilessly. “Making Puran Poli, huh? Is it for Savi?” they ask, smirking. Rajat, embarrassed but determined, asks for their help. “Can you please give me a hand?” he pleads. But they only laugh and refuse, enjoying his struggle. As Rajat continues to fumble, Sai overhears the commotion from a distance. She listens quietly but doesn’t intervene, walking away with a thoughtful expression.

Scene 6: Jigar’s Request and Savi’s Gesture

Later that day, Jigar meets with Savi and asks, “Hey, can I borrow your laptop? I need to check for job replies.” Savi, always willing to help, responds, “Why don’t you work at Rajat’s company? I can talk to him for you.” She hands over the laptop, but as Jigar takes it, his hand brushes hers. Savi notices the brief contact but doesn’t say anything. Before she can react, Sai arrives, gently pulling Savi away. Sai then surprises Savi by showing her the Puran Poli. “Rajat made this for you,” she says, handing her the plate. Savi, genuinely surprised, takes a bite and exclaims, “It’s perfect!” Just then, the doorbell rings. Savi opens the door to find Sitaphal Rabdi, a dessert sent to complement the Puran Poli. Realizing that Rajat had ordered the dish from a restaurant, Savi teases him, “So you didn’t make it after all!” Rajat, caught red-handed, laughs awkwardly.

Scene 7: Sai’s Cold Response and Rajat’s Apology

Later, as Sai and Savi prepare for Savi’s upcoming speech competition, Rajat tries to check in on them. He walks up to the room but is met with a closed door. Sai shuts it in his face, leaving him standing outside. Savi, sensing the tension, asks her mother, “Why did you do that? He made the Puran Poli and apologized.” Sai, still upset, responds, “I can’t forgive him so easily. It’ll take more than that to make things right.” Rajat, standing outside the door, overhears every word, his heart sinking as he realizes how much more he has to prove.

Scene 8: Tapsee’s Arrival

Jigar, still at home, is surprised when the door opens, revealing Tapsee standing at the threshold. “What are you doing here?” he asks, confused. Savi steps in and explains, “Tapsee is a new student at my school. Our teacher asked me to guide her.” Savi goes on to share that Tapsee had been assaulted while living in Canada, which is why she moved here. Savi, wanting to help, suggests that Jigar use his contacts to locate the assailant, but Tapsee hesitates to reveal the name. Jigar, Savi, and Tapsee stand in silence as the weight of her past lingers in the air.

The Episode Ends Here

Precap: In the next episode, Savi challenges Rajat, accusing him of always holding her responsible for every problem. In an emotional moment, Rajat expresses his love for her, embracing her as Ashika watches from a distance, completely stunned.

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest GHKKPM Written Updates!

Also Read: GHKKPM Written Update 1st October 2024

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