GHKKPM Written Update 14th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to GHKKPM Written Update 14th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Savi struggles with her emotions after being humiliated at school, while Sai falls ill from the stress of the situation. Shantanu tries to help Savi, and Isha vows to take action. Rajat, despite his inner turmoil, brings Sai and Savi together, and the family begins to heal….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise GHKKPM Written Update.

Scene 1: Savi’s Emotional Walk and Shantanu’s Timely Help

The episode begins with Savi walking along the street, lost in her thoughts. Her mind is filled with the painful memory of the school incident. Cars honk around her, but she barely notices. Her feet drag, and the weight of everything that happened earlier at school bears down on her. She walks as if she’s carrying a heavy burden. Suddenly, she stumbles. Her legs weaken, and she’s about to collapse when Shantanu appears from behind and catches her just in time. He holds her firmly, his face showing concern. “Savi, what happened?” he asks softly, but she doesn’t respond. Shantanu sees the deep sadness in her eyes, and without another word, he takes her back home, hoping she’ll be okay soon.

Scene 2: Sai’s Heartbreaking Cry in the Bathroom

At the same time, back at the school, the teacher rushes to the bathroom with a key. She unlocks the door, and when it swings open, she finds Sai sitting on the floor, sobbing. Sai’s face is tear-streaked, and her whole body is shaking from the crying. The teacher quickly crouches down beside her, unsure of how to comfort her. Sai, with her voice breaking, asks, “Why did everyone insult Savi? She did nothing wrong!” The teacher looks at Sai closely and realizes she has a fever. “You’re burning up,” the teacher says softly, touching Sai’s forehead. Sai is clearly ill, both physically and emotionally exhausted, but her main concern is still her daughter, Savi.

Scene 3: Isha’s Determination to Fight Back

Meanwhile, at home, Isha is pacing the floor, angry about what happened to Savi. She looks at Shantanu and says, “I won’t let Aashika or the school management get away with this! How could they suspend Savi without thinking about her contributions to the school?” Her voice is filled with fury, and it’s clear she’s not going to let this go easily. Shantanu, calmer, replies, “Sometimes, school management acts under pressure. It’s not always fair, but they don’t have a choice.” He hopes to calm Isha, but she remains upset. “That’s not an excuse, Shantanu! Savi deserves better!” Isha is determined to take action against those who wronged Savi.

Scene 4: Savi’s Struggle to See Sai

While all this is happening, Savi overhears Bhagyashree talking to someone about Sai’s fever. Her heart sinks hearing that her mother isn’t well, and she rushes to see her. “I need to see my mom!” Savi pleads as she tries to enter the room, but Bhagyashree and Tara stop her at the door. “Stay away, Savi. You can’t meet her,” Bhagyashree says sternly, blocking the door with her body. Savi’s eyes fill with tears. “Please, let me see her! I need to know if she’s okay!” she begs. But Bhagyashree shakes her head, her face hard. “No, Savi. You’ve caused enough trouble.”

Savi feels defeated. Lucky, seeing how upset Savi is, tries to convince Bhagyashree, “Come on, she just wants to see her mom.” But Bhagyashree scolds him, “Stay out of this, Lucky!” Finally, in her frustration, Bhagyashree throws Savi out of the house, leaving her standing outside in shock. Overcome with emotion, Savi faints. Once again, Shantanu arrives just in time to catch her, and he takes her back to their home.

Scene 5: The Doctor’s Diagnosis and Shantanu’s Worry

After bringing Savi home, Shantanu quickly calls the doctor. The doctor examines Savi carefully, checking her pulse and her breathing. “She’s unconscious due to mental stress,” the doctor explains. “You need to help her resolve her issues if you want her to recover fully.” Shantanu nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. After the doctor leaves, Ahana approaches Shantanu, worry etched across her face. “How is she?” she asks quietly. “She’s not doing well,” Shantanu replies, his voice low with concern.

Ahana then suggests, “Maybe you should talk to Rajat. He might be able to help.” But Shantanu shakes his head, “Rajat’s been missing since last night. No one knows where he is.”

Scene 6: Rajat’s Inner Turmoil

Elsewhere, Rajat sits in his farmhouse, drinking heavily. He’s reflecting on the events of the previous night, his mind clouded with guilt. Aman arrives and sees the state Rajat is in. “You can’t run away from this forever,” Aman says firmly. “You need to face the truth, Rajat. Go home. Bring Savi back.” Rajat looks at Aman, his eyes filled with uncertainty. “I have no proof, Aman. If I try to defend Savi, Tara and Bhagyashree will lose faith in me. I can’t risk that.” Aman, growing frustrated, replies, “But your family is suffering! Savi is suffering! You’re breaking her heart.”

Rajat doesn’t respond, choosing instead to drown his sorrow in more alcohol. Aman sighs, shaking his head in disappointment. “You’ll regret this for the rest of your life if you don’t fix it now,” Aman warns before leaving. Rajat remains silent, troubled by his own conscience.

Scene 7: Jigar’s Next Move and Savi’s Despair

Meanwhile, Jigar is plotting his next move. He knows that Savi won’t stay quiet like Tapsi did. “Savi is not one to sit back and accept defeat,” Jigar thinks to himself. He is certain that she will try to prove her innocence. Tara enters the room, and Jigar reassures her, “Don’t worry, Rajat will bring his wife back. He has no choice because of their child. But I can’t live under the same roof as Savi.” Jigar suggests that they move to his parents’ house, and Tara agrees without hesitation. Jigar, determined, wants to leave the Thakkar house before Savi can expose his misdeeds.

Scene 8: Shantanu and Isha Try to Comfort Savi

Back at Shantanu’s house, Savi lies in bed, still weak. Shantanu and Isha try to get her to drink some soup. “Come on, Savi, you need to eat something,” Isha encourages gently. But Savi doesn’t respond, her mind clearly elsewhere. Isha, worried, asks, “Where is the strong girl I know? Why are you letting this break you?” Savi, with tears in her eyes, finally speaks, “It’s not just about me. Sai is suffering because of all of this, and I can’t bear it.” Her voice cracks, and she looks at Shantanu, “Why did Sai run away from you? Does she think I’m guilty?”

Shantanu quickly reassures her, “No, Savi. Sai loves you more than anything. She probably left because she couldn’t stand seeing you being insulted.” Savi nods, but her heart is still heavy with guilt and worry for her mother.

Scene 9: Rajat Returns Home and Takes Sai to Savi

Later, Rajat returns home and notices Savi’s phone lying on the table. He frowns, wondering how it got there. Bhagyashree rushes over to him as soon as she sees him. “Where have you been? Don’t disappear like that again!” she scolds him, but her tone softens as she adds, “Sai has a fever.” Alarmed, Rajat hurries to Sai’s room. He kneels beside her and asks, “Sai, what do you need?” Sai, weak from the fever, slowly opens her eyes and whispers, “I want to see Savi.” Rajat, determined, says, “I’ll take you to her.”

Ignoring Bhagyashree’s protests, Rajat picks up Sai and carries her to the Bhosale house. When they arrive, Shantanu informs him that Savi is unwell too. Rajat enters Savi’s room with Sai, and as soon as Sai calls out to her, Savi wakes up. She rushes to her mother, and the two share a tearful embrace.

The Episode Ends Here

Precap: Rajat takes a bold step to expose Jigar’s wrongdoings. Determined to prove Savi’s innocence, he reaches out to Tapsi, hoping she will help him uncover the truth and clear Savi’s name. The stakes are high, and Rajat is prepared to face whatever comes next to set things right.

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest GHKKPM Written Updates!

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