GHKKPM Written Update 11th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to GHKKPM Written Update 11th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Tara accuses Savi of trying to frame her husband, Jigar, leading to Savi’s desperate attempts to prove her innocence. Despite Savi’s defense, the Thakkars refuse to believe her, and tensions rise as Isha and Shantanu step in to support Savi….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise GHKKPM Written Update.

Scene 1: Tara’s Outburst

The episode starts with an intense moment when Tara slaps Savi in front of everyone. The slap echoes through the room, leaving the family members shocked. Tara’s eyes are full of anger as she accuses Savi of sending an inappropriate message to her husband, Jigar. “How dare you try to frame my husband? You think you can fool me?” Tara says, her voice trembling with rage. Savi, completely taken aback, denies the accusations. “I didn’t send any message! This is all a lie!” she exclaims. Tara doesn’t back down, stating that she has seen the message with her own eyes and that she’ll prove Savi’s guilt. “You’ll not get away with this,” she says, determined to expose her.

With a sense of urgency, Tara pulls out her phone and begins to read the message aloud, intending to humiliate Savi. Meanwhile, Jigar stands beside his wife, backing her up. “Savi has been after me ever since I came to this house,” Jigar says, adding to the drama. He explains that he ignored her advances out of respect, but when he finally confronted her to set things straight, she flipped the situation.

Scene 2: Savi’s Denial and Rajat’s Doubt

Savi, visibly upset, tries to defend herself. She looks around at everyone, feeling cornered, but her voice remains firm. “I did not send that message. I swear. My phone died, and I left it charging,” she says, turning toward her husband, Rajat, pleading for him to trust her. “You know me, Rajat. Please, believe me. I would never do something like this.” Rajat, however, doesn’t seem convinced. His face is cold, and he demands Savi to hand over her phone. “Let me see your phone,” he orders, ignoring her pleas. Savi hesitates for a moment, then slowly hands him her phone. “Do you really want to check it?” she asks quietly, hoping deep down that Rajat will believe her without needing proof.

But Rajat takes the phone and begins to search through it, looking for the evidence that Tara and Jigar claim is there. Savi watches him nervously, her heart pounding as Rajat’s expression darkens while he scrolls through her messages.

Scene 3: Jigar’s Secret Plan

As Rajat reads the messages, Jigar stands back with a smug look on his face, recalling how he had set everything up. He remembers how he had noticed Savi leaving her phone unlocked when she plugged it in to charge. Taking advantage of the situation, Jigar had quickly grabbed the phone and sent the inappropriate messages to himself, all to frame Savi and clear his own name. Jigar smirks to himself as Rajat continues reading. His plan is working perfectly, and now, it seems like no one will believe Savi. After reading the messages, Rajat glares at his wife with disappointment and anger. “What do you have to say now, Savi?” he asks, holding up her phone as if to showcase her betrayal.

Jigar steps forward and adds, “I understand that things between you and Rajat aren’t good, Savi. Maybe you thought you could find something with me, but I only see you as a sister. Please, let this go.” His words twist the situation even more, painting Savi in a negative light while making himself appear innocent.

Scene 4: Tara’s Accusations Continue

Tara, now feeling even more empowered by Rajat’s reaction, turns to Savi again, accusing her of trying to destroy her marriage. “You’ve been trying to steal my husband all along, haven’t you?” she yells. “You thought you could come into this house and take Jigar away from me, but I won’t let that happen!” Savi, still in shock, tries to defend herself again. “This is all a setup! I would never do such a thing!” she insists, but her voice cracks with frustration. She feels completely trapped, with no one believing her side of the story.

At that moment, Bhagyashree steps in and sides with Tara. “Now I understand why Urmila dislikes you so much, Savi,” she says, her voice filled with regret. “I was wrong to choose you for Sai. You’ve let us all down.” Savi looks around, her eyes filling with tears, feeling as though the entire world is turning against her.

Scene 5: Shantanu and Isha Arrive

Meanwhile, outside the house, Isha and Shantanu are returning from the party with Sai. They talk about the event and wonder why Savi didn’t attend and why Milind left midway. As they reach home, Shantanu notices Savi standing in the corner, tears streaming down her face. Concerned, Shantanu immediately asks, “What’s going on here? Why is Savi crying?” Isha steps forward and demands an explanation from the family. She can sense the tension in the room and looks at Rajat, hoping he will say something to clarify the situation. But before anyone can answer, Rajat asks Ridhi to take Sai inside. “Ridhi, please take Sai to her room,” he says sternly, not wanting Sai to witness the chaos. Sai, however, hesitates and asks, “Why is Savi crying?” But Ridhi pulls her away, leaving Isha and Shantanu to face the angry crowd.

Scene 6: Isha Confronts the Thakkars

Tara steps forward and explains the situation to Isha and Shantanu. “Savi falsely accused Jigar of molestation, but the truth is, she’s the one who wants to have an affair with him,” Tara says, clearly trying to convince them of her side. Isha is shocked by the accusation. “That can’t be true,” she says firmly. “Savi would never do something like that.” Shantanu agrees, defending Savi’s character. Milind, who has been quiet until now, also speaks up, supporting Savi. “Savi is innocent. There must be some misunderstanding,” he says.

But Tara insists that they have proof. She points to the messages on Savi’s phone, determined to prove her case. Bhagyashree, now furious, tells Isha, “It’s best if you take Savi and leave. We don’t need her here anymore.”

Scene 7: Savi Leaves with Isha and Shantanu

Isha, standing strong beside Savi, refuses to believe the accusations. “If Savi has spoken up, then Jigar must be guilty,” she says, looking directly at Rajat. She tries to get Rajat to speak up, but he remains silent, avoiding her gaze. Realizing that nothing she says will change the Thakkars’ minds, Isha decides it’s time to leave. “We’re not staying here any longer,” she declares. “Savi will stay with us from now on.” Shantanu agrees, supporting his wife’s decision.

As they prepare to leave, Isha looks at Shantanu and says, “Rajendra and his family betrayed us. We made a mistake by marrying Savi into this terrible household.” With that, Isha takes Savi’s hand and walks out, with Shantanu following closely behind. The Thakkars silently return to their own home, the conflict still unresolved.

Scene 8: Milind Confronts Rajat

Before leaving, Milind approaches Rajat. His face is filled with disappointment. “You’ve betrayed my trust, Rajat,” he says coldly. “You’ve mistreated my sister, and I will not forget this.” Without waiting for a response, Milind turns and walks away, leaving Rajat to reflect on the situation. Mrunmayi, having heard everything, is equally furious. She turns to Savi and says, “I’m angry with the Thakkars. They should have asked you first instead of jumping to conclusions.” She vows to confront Rajat but is stopped by Milind, who urges her to calm down.

“Give Rajat some time to realize his mistake,” Milind says softly, trying to keep the peace. He reassures Savi that they trust her completely and advises her to rest. “We believe in you, Savi. Just get some rest,” he says before leaving to take a call from Harini.

Scene 9: Aman Arrives

As Milind steps out, Aman arrives with soup for Ahana. Mrunmayi, still upset, tells him, “Ahana is sleeping, but you’ve ruined both her life and Savi’s life.” Aman, confused, asks what she means. Mrunmayi explains the situation to him. “Rajat has thrown Savi out of the house, accusing her of something she didn’t do. And now, she’s being treated unfairly.” Aman listens, realizing how serious the situation has become.

The Episode Ends Here

Precap: In the next episode, things get tense when Ashika stops Sai from meeting Savi. With a serious look on her face, Ashika says, “I won’t let my daughter meet a characterless woman like her!”

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest GHKKPM Written Updates!

Also Read: GHKKPM Written Update 10th October 2024

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