CCI approves acquisition of certain shareholding in Brillio Holdings, Inc. by Orogen-Brunson L.P.

OV Digital Desk

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved the acquisition of certain interests in Brillio Holdings, Inc. by Orogen-Brunson LP The proposed combination involves the acquisition of certain interests in Brillio Holdings, Inc. by Orogen- Brunson LP


Orogen-Brunson LP is a limited partnership incorporated in the United States to facilitate the proposed combination. It is part of the following groups: (i) the Orogen Holdings LLC group and (ii) the Atairos Group, Inc.


Brillio Holdings, Inc., incorporated in the United States, provides global technology consulting and business solutions, with a focus on digital technologies and big data analytics. The Target is present in India through its subsidiary Brillio India Technologies Private Limited.

The detailed order of the CCI will follow.



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