Brazilian Navy delegation visits Western Naval Command

OV Digital Desk

A Brazilian Navy delegation led by Vice Adm Liberal Enio Zanelatto, Director of Industrial Production & Engineering, called on Vice Adm Ajendra Bahadur Singh, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Naval Command on 11 Jul 2022.

The two senior officers discussed various issues of common interest, including defence & submarine technology, Make in India, initiatives towards professional cooperation between the navies, and the outlook of the Indian Navy towards shared maritime interests with all like-minded navies/ nations.

During the two-day visit, the Brazilian delegation held extensive discussions with the Indian Navy counterparts with a focus on maintenance of submarines. As part of the visit, the delegation also visited Mazagon Docks Shipbuilders Ltd. & a Kalvari (Scorpene) class submarine of the Indian Navy.

The Brazilian Navy also operates 4 Scorpene class submarines and is exploring options for collaboration towards maintenance of the diesel-electric attack submarines.