Bill Gates’ Summer Picks 2024 Highlight Stories of Service and Helping Others

OV Digital Desk

Bill Gates, the billionaire Microsoft co-founder and avid reader, has shared his top recommendations for summer reading and viewing. In a post on his personal blog, Gates emphasized the theme of service to others, a concept he finds particularly relevant today. His carefully curated list includes four books and one TV series, each shedding light on different aspects of helping and connecting with others.

Gates expressed special enthusiasm for one book that he “can’t recommend highly enough”: “How to Know a Person” by David Brooks. The bestselling book, written by the New York Times op-ed columnist, offers insights on improving listening and communication skills. Gates noted that the book prompted him to reflect deeply on his own habits, leaving a lasting impact on him.

Bill Gates’ Summer Recommendations:

How to Know a Person by David Brooks

This bestseller provides practical advice on becoming a better listener and communicator. Gates found the book particularly impactful, offering a fresh perspective on his own communication skills that he believes will stay with him for a long time.

The Women by Kristin Hannah

A novel that tells the story of a U.S. Army nurse serving in Vietnam, capturing the sacrifices and resilience of veterans. Gates appreciates the beautifully written tribute to those who served and the challenges they faced upon returning home.

Infectious Generosity by Chris Anderson

Written by the longtime curator of TED Talks, this book explores how the internet can enhance the impact of generosity. Anderson presents a comprehensive plan for fostering generosity beyond just monetary contributions, making a compelling case for creating a more equitable world.

Brave New Words by Sal Khan

Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, envisions a future where artificial intelligence transforms education. He argues that AI can significantly improve student outcomes and teacher experiences, democratizing access to high-quality education. Gates recommends this book for its insightful look into the future of learning.

Slow Horses

A British series about a group of misfit spies assigned to Slough House, a department for MI5 agents who have made significant mistakes but are not fired. Featuring Gary Oldman as the unconventional head of the department, the show offers complex characters and intricate plots. Gates, a fan of spy stories, places this series alongside the best in the genre. It’s available on Apple TV+.