Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update 2nd October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update 2nd October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Lakshmi visits Rohan at the hospital, where he confesses his feelings of abandonment due to being adopted. She reassures him about the love from his family, promising to help him find his real mother. Upon returning home, Rohan receives emotional support from his parents, Rishi and Malishka, as they bond over toys and shared laughter, slowly helping him heal emotionally….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update.

Scene 1: Lakshmi’s Visit to Rohan

The episode begins with Lakshmi walking into Rohan’s hospital room. She sees him lying there, still recovering, but his eyes slowly flutter open. As Rohan regains consciousness, he immediately locks eyes with Lakshmi. There’s a look of guilt on his face, and without wasting any time, he apologizes. “I’m sorry, Lakshmi aunty. I didn’t listen to you, and because of that, I got hurt,” Rohan says softly. Lakshmi, with a comforting smile, sits beside him. “No, Rohan, you don’t need to say that. You’re a good boy, and everyone makes mistakes,” she says, stroking his head gently. However, Rohan’s eyes begin to fill with tears, and soon, he’s crying. Concerned, Lakshmi asks him, “What’s wrong, Rohan? Why are you crying?”

Rohan wipes his tears and says, “I’m in pain.” Lakshmi, sensing there’s more to this, leans closer. “I know you’re lying, Rohan. Tell me the truth, what’s really bothering you?” she urges. Rohan, still reluctant, stays silent for a moment. Lakshmi then asks, “Will you tell Rishi the truth?” She offers to call him, but Rohan quickly grabs her hand, stopping her. “No! Please don’t call him. I don’t want him to know,” Rohan pleads, his voice trembling. Lakshmi sits back and watches him closely.

Scene 2: Rohan’s Confession

With a deep sigh, Rohan opens up. “It would have been better if you were my real mother,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper. Lakshmi is taken aback by his words. Rohan continues, “You are my mother… in my heart. But the truth is, I’m adopted.” The weight of his confession hangs in the air. Lakshmi’s heart aches for the little boy. She leans forward, her voice soft but firm. “Being adopted is a blessing, Rohan. Children like you have two fathers and two mothers—twice the love,” she explains, trying to soothe him.

But Rohan shakes his head, clearly troubled. “No, Lakshmi aunty, that’s not true. Adopted kids… they’re the ones whose parents didn’t want them,” he says, his voice filled with sadness. He looks down at his hands, unable to meet Lakshmi’s eyes. “No one loves me,” he adds in a defeated tone. Lakshmi, now more serious, gently cups his face and says, “Don’t ever say that, Rohan. Rishi and Malishka love you so much. They would do anything for you.” But Rohan isn’t convinced. “Then why doesn’t their blood match mine?” he asks, confusion etched on his face.

Lakshmi suddenly realizes what must have happened. “You overheard the nurse, didn’t you?” she asks, and Rohan nods slowly. “Listen to me, Rohan. It doesn’t matter if your blood doesn’t match theirs. What matters is that you’re a part of their family, and they love you just like any real parent would,” Lakshmi assures him.

Scene 3: Rohan’s Request

Rohan looks at Lakshmi with a glimmer of hope. “Can you promise me something?” he asks hesitantly. Lakshmi, without any hesitation, says, “Of course, Rohan. What do you want me to promise?” Rohan takes a deep breath and finally says, “Help me find my real mother.” Lakshmi is momentarily taken aback, but she understands why Rohan wants this. She gently nods her head. “I promise, Rohan. I’ll help you find her,” she says softly. Rohan finally seems at peace for the first time in a while.

Feeling reassured, Rohan looks at her and smiles weakly. “Thank you, Lakshmi aunty. Can I go home now?” he asks. Lakshmi smiles and agrees, “I’ll talk to the doctor. You’ll be home soon.”

Scene 4: Parvati’s Arrival

Just then, Parvati walks in to check on Rohan. She walks over to him, placing her hand on his head. “How are you feeling, Rohan?” she asks with concern. “I’m fine, but I really want to go home now,” Rohan replies with a little more energy than before. Parvati smiles and turns to Rishi, who is standing by the door. “Do you think Rohan can be discharged now? He really wants to go home,” she asks. Rishi looks unsure for a moment, but before he can reply, the doctor walks in.

The doctor looks at Rohan and says, “He’s recovering well, but you have to make sure he gets enough rest and isn’t surrounded by too many people.” Rishi and the entire Oberoi family agree to follow the doctor’s advice. The doctor nods in approval. “In that case, you can take him home, but be careful,” the doctor advises before leaving.

Scene 5: Rohan Returns Home

Back at the Oberoi mansion, everyone is happy to have Rohan back. As they walk inside, Parvati reminds the family of the doctor’s words. “Remember, Rohan shouldn’t be surrounded by too many people. He needs peace and rest,” she tells them. The family agrees and begins to leave the room one by one. Malishka, however, is the first to leave, preparing to follow Parvati’s advice. But Karishma stops her.

Scene 6: Karishma Confronts Malishka

Karishma pulls Malishka aside and says, “Can we talk for a moment?” Malishka looks a bit nervous but nods. “What is it, Maa?” she asks, her eyes wide. Karishma takes a deep breath, trying to find the right words. “I know Rohan means a lot to you, but you need to be careful with him right now,” she says, her voice serious. “He’s still vulnerable after everything he’s been through.”

Malishka frowns slightly. “I understand, Maa, but I just want to support him. He needs me!” she replies, her voice rising a bit. Karishma shakes her head, trying to calm her daughter. “I get that, but we need to focus on his healing first. We can’t overwhelm him with too much love or attention right now. It might scare him,” Karishma explains, her tone softening.

Malishka nods, realizing her mother’s intentions. “You’re right, Maa. I just feel like he needs me more than ever,” she admits, a hint of sadness in her voice. Karishma places her hand on Malishka’s shoulder. “And he will, but let him come to you when he’s ready,” she advises. Malishka smiles at her mother’s words, feeling reassured.

Scene 7: Rohan’s Room

Back in Rohan’s room, he’s sitting up in bed, playing with a small toy car. Lakshmi comes in to check on him and notices he looks a bit more relaxed. “How are you feeling now, Rohan?” she asks with a warm smile. Rohan glances up and replies, “A little better. Thank you for being here.”

Lakshmi takes a seat beside him and watches him play. “What are you playing?” she asks, trying to lighten the mood. Rohan holds up the car and grins. “It’s a racing car! I want to be a race car driver when I grow up,” he exclaims, excitement sparkling in his eyes. Lakshmi laughs softly. “That’s amazing! You’ll be the fastest driver out there,” she encourages.

Rohan’s expression turns serious again. “But what if I’m not as fast as I should be?” he asks, a hint of doubt in his voice. Lakshmi looks him in the eye and reassures him, “Everyone has their own speed, Rohan. What matters is that you try your best.” Rohan nods, appreciating her words. Just then, Rishi walks in, and Rohan’s face brightens. “Look, Dad! I’m a race car driver!” he says, holding up the toy car.

Scene 8: Family Bonding

Rishi chuckles and joins them on the bed. “You better be careful on the track, then!” he teases, winking at Lakshmi. “You wouldn’t want to crash!” Rohan giggles at his father’s playful tone. “Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll win every race!” he declares, raising the toy car high in the air.

Lakshmi watches the father-son moment, feeling a sense of warmth. Rishi turns to her and says, “Thank you for being here for Rohan. It means a lot.” Lakshmi smiles and replies, “He’s a special kid, Rishi. He just needs a little extra love and support right now.”

Just then, Malishka pops her head into the room. “Can I come in?” she asks. Rohan’s eyes light up. “Yes, please!” he says eagerly. Malishka walks in with a bright smile and sits down beside Rohan. “I brought you a surprise!” she says, pulling out a small box. Rohan’s curiosity piques. “What is it?” he asks excitedly.

Scene 9: The Surprise Gift

Malishka opens the box to reveal a beautiful, shiny model car. “It’s a special gift just for you!” she announces, handing it to Rohan. His eyes widen in amazement. “Wow! It’s amazing!” he exclaims, holding it carefully. “Thank you so much, Malishka! It’s my favorite color!” he adds, looking at the car with pure joy.

Malishka smiles, feeling happy to see Rohan’s excitement. “I knew you’d love it! Now you can race two cars!” she laughs, making Rohan giggle. Rishi watches them, a proud smile on his face. Lakshmi, too, is glad to see Rohan’s spirit lifting.

As the family bonds over the moment, Rohan looks around at his loved ones and says, “I feel so happy to have all of you.” His heartfelt words resonate in the room, and everyone shares a warm smile. Lakshmi glances at Rishi, and they both know that they will do everything to make sure Rohan feels loved and safe.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Bhagya Lakshmi Written Updates!

Also Read: Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update 30th September 2024

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