Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update 22nd October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update 22nd October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Rishi and Lakshmi make a heartfelt promise to stop fighting for the sake of their children. Shalu and Ayush share an emotional moment, while Malishka spirals into despair, drowning her sorrows in alcohol. Neelam, Karishma, and Rishi head out to bring Malishka home, and Balwinder arrives unexpectedly at Sonalโ€™s, adding to the growing tension….. Now Letโ€™s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update.

Scene 1: Rishi and Lakshmiโ€™s Heartfelt Discussion

The episode begins with a serious but calm atmosphere as Rishi and Lakshmi sit together. Rishi, sensing some unresolved tension, asks her if she has anything she would like to share. Lakshmi pauses for a moment, unsure of how to express her feelings. She looks down, thinking deeply, and then speaks. Her voice is quiet but full of emotion as she says, “I donโ€™t know what to say, Rishi. Every time I try to explain myself, it feels like no one truly understands what I mean.”

She glances at Rishi, hoping he will understand her this time. She continues, “All I want is for us to stop fighting. Letโ€™s focus on our children. They need us to be united.” Lakshmiโ€™s words carry the weight of her concerns for their family, and Rishi listens carefully. He nods, realizing that their disagreements have been affecting everyone, especially their children.

Rishi smiles a little and replies, โ€œYouโ€™re right, Lakshmi. From today, I promise I wonโ€™t argue with you anymore. I want peace in our home.โ€ His tone is gentle but sincere. He reaches out to her, making it clear that he means what he says. He asks Lakshmi to make a promise too, wanting to ensure they are both on the same page. Lakshmi gives a small but hopeful smile and responds, “I promise. For our children, I wonโ€™t fight with you anymore.” Thereโ€™s a sense of relief between them after these promises. Lakshmi then leaves to prepare food for the children, while Rishi goes to spend time with them. Itโ€™s a moment that brings a sense of calm and unity to their relationship.

Scene 2: Shalu and Ayushโ€™s Emotional Conversation

Elsewhere, Shalu sits alone, her mind filled with memories of Ayush. She canโ€™t help but think about the moments theyโ€™ve shared over the years. She feels a lump in her throat, and without realizing it, a tear slips down her cheek. Just then, Ayush walks in. His face is serious, but his eyes show concern. He approaches Shalu, feeling guilty for the things he said earlier. He softly says, “Shalu, Iโ€™m really sorry if I hurt you in any way. I didnโ€™t mean to.”

Shalu quickly wipes her tears and tries to act like sheโ€™s fine. “I donโ€™t know what youโ€™re talking about, Ayush,” she says, her voice shaky. But Ayush isnโ€™t convinced. He steps closer and says, “You do know. I wanted to tell you something seven years ago, but I never had the chance. I thought you felt the same way about me.” His voice trails off as he looks at her, waiting for her response.

Shalu avoids eye contact, clearly emotional but not wanting to admit her feelings. “I donโ€™t understand what youโ€™re saying,” she whispers, her voice barely audible. Ayush sighs deeply, noticing the tears welling up in her eyes. “If you didnโ€™t understand, why are you crying?” he asks softly. Shalu doesnโ€™t answer. She just stands there, overwhelmed with emotions. Ayush, feeling like itโ€™s too late now, apologizes again. “I was too late, wasnโ€™t I?” he says, his voice filled with regret. Without another word, Shalu hugs Ayush tightly, holding onto him for a brief moment before pulling away and walking out of the room. Ayush watches her leave, his heart heavy with unspoken words.

Scene 3: Malishka and Sonalโ€™s Tense Evening

Meanwhile, at Sonalโ€™s house, Sonal notices that a storm is brewing outside. The sky is dark, and the wind begins to pick up. Feeling anxious about the storm, Sonal decides to take sleeping pills, hoping to sleep through the thunder. As she prepares to go to bed, the doorbell rings. Surprised, Sonal opens the door and finds Malishka standing there. Sonal smiles and invites her in, saying, “Thank you for coming over.” But Malishka doesnโ€™t seem in the mood for pleasantries. She walks in, takes a wine glass from the table, and drinks from it before suddenly throwing the glass to the floor.

Sonal is confused and asks, “What are you doing, Malishka?” Malishka, her eyes filled with frustration, replies, “Iโ€™ve lost everything. My husband, my son… all gone, right in front of me. And I couldnโ€™t do anything to stop it.” Her voice is shaky, and itโ€™s clear that sheโ€™s been holding in her pain for too long. She grabs another bottle of wine, determined to drink more. Sonal, seeing where this is headed, tries to stop her. “Malishka, this isnโ€™t the way to deal with things. Drinking wonโ€™t solve anything.”

But Malishka, lost in her despair, doesnโ€™t listen. “I need this,” she insists. “I need to forget everything, at least for tonight.” Sonal, worried for her friend, watches helplessly as Malishka continues to drink. Outside, the storm grows louder, with thunder clapping in the background. Malishka glances at the window and yells, “Why, God? Canโ€™t you see Iโ€™m trying to talk here?” Sonal, confused, asks, “Who are you talking to?” Malishka answers, “Iโ€™m talking to God. Iโ€™m asking Him to stop the storm.” Sonal shakes her head in disbelief and mutters, “How can a storm just stop because you ask?” Malishka, still fixated on the storm, doesnโ€™t respond. Sheโ€™s too caught up in her emotions and the alcohol to think clearly.

Scene 4: Neelam, Karishma, and Rishiโ€™s Decision

Back at the main house, Neelam and Karishma are preparing to leave for Kiranโ€™s house. They plan to bring Malishka home, worried about her state of mind. Neelam turns to Rishi and asks him to come with them. Rishi agrees but then surprises everyone by asking Lakshmi to come along as well. Neelam is puzzled and questions why Lakshmi needs to be involved. “Why do you want her to come?” she asks, her tone slightly irritated. Rishi calmly replies, “I need to talk to Malishka, and I think itโ€™s important that Lakshmi is there.”

Lakshmi, overhearing the conversation, is confused. “What would my role be in all of this?” she asks. Before Rishi can answer, Karishma jumps in, “Yes, Rishi, whatโ€™s Lakshmi going to do there?” But Rishi remains firm. He turns to Karishma and says, “Trust me. I need Lakshmi to be there.” His tone leaves no room for argument. After a brief pause, Lakshmi nods, agreeing to go with them. Together, they all leave the house, heading towards Kiranโ€™s.

Scene 5: Malishkaโ€™s Breakdown

Back at Sonalโ€™s house, the storm continues to rage outside as Malishka drinks more wine. Sonal, still concerned, tries to reason with her. “Malishka, how much more are you going to drink? This wonโ€™t make anything better.” Malishka, now heavily intoxicated, starts talking about Rishi. “Do you know,” she slurs, “Rishi used to love me. He loved me so much. And I… I pushed him to marry Lakshmi.” She laughs bitterly and adds, “I thought I was doing the right thing. But now… now Iโ€™ve lost everything.”

Sonal gently takes the wine bottle from Malishkaโ€™s hand, trying to stop her from drinking any more. “You donโ€™t need this,” Sonal says softly. But Malishka, her eyes filled with sadness, looks at her and says, “I really do, Sonal. I need it today.” Sonal watches her friend with a heavy heart, unsure of how to help her.

After Sonal leaves the room for a moment, the doorbell rings again. This time, itโ€™s Balwinder, who stumbles in, clearly intoxicated. He confronts Malishka, his speech slurred as he angrily says, “You think you can just ignore me? Iโ€™m not going anywhere, Malishka.” Malishka, still upset and drunk herself, doesnโ€™t respond.

The Episode Ends Here

Thatโ€™s it for todayโ€™s episode! Donโ€™t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Bhagya Lakshmi Written Updates!

Also Read: Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update 21st October 2024

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