OV Digital Desk

Under the revised MPLADS Guidelines, 2023, Members of Parliament have been granted flexibility in the choice of jobs that can be resumed under the MPLAD scheme, provided it leads to the creation of durable public goods for the wider public good of society. Public utility works not mentioned in the indicative list given in Annex-VIII of the MPLADS Guidelines, 2023 may be added to the list on the recommendations of a Member of Parliament subject to the procedure and general principles of the Plan set out in chapter- 5 of the Guidelines.

The Government carries out the Implementation Assessment of the Members of Parliament Local Area Development Program (MPLADS).

The latest assessment of the implementation of the MPLAD scheme was done in the year 2021 in which the Ministry conducted a third-party assessment of the MPLADS works created during the period of 2014-04-01 to 2019-03-31, in 216 districts across the country.

The recommendations contained in the final report of the Assessment, which were found to be feasible and aligned with the objectives of the Plan, were incorporated into the revised MPLADS Guidelines, 2023.

This information was provided today by the Minister of State (I/C) for the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation, Ministry of Planning and Minister of State at the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Shri Rao Inderjit Singh in a written reply to the Lok Sabha.



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