Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update 21st October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update 21st October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, the Oberoi family returns home, and Harleen insists on a Gruhpravesh ritual for Lakshmi, much to Malishka’s frustration. Balwinder’s anger toward Malishka escalates, and he vows revenge. Meanwhile, Rishi apologizes to Lakshmi, marking the beginning of their reconciliation journey…. Now Letโ€™s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update.

Scene 1: The Oberoi Family Arrives Home

The episode begins with the Oberoi family returning to the Oberoi mansion. Neelam, Rishi, Lakshmi, Harleen, and the others arrive at the front door. As Rishi and Lakshmi approach to enter, Harleen suddenly stops them. Rishi looks at her with confusion, but Harleen smiles and gently raises her hand, asking them to wait. She then instructs one of the servants to bring the Aarti Ka Thaal for a proper welcome. The servant nods and hurries away to fulfill the request.

Lakshmi, standing beside Rishi, looks slightly puzzled. She turns to Harleen and softly asks, “Dadi, why do we need to do all of this?” Harleen, with a calm but firm tone, responds that it is necessary because the courtโ€™s decision has made everything clear now. She adds that she wants to welcome Lakshmi properly since it is an important moment for the family. Harleenโ€™s words carry warmth and respect, making Lakshmi smile a little, though she still feels a bit shy.

To assist with the preparations, Harleen asks Shalu and Ayush to help the servant. Both nod and rush off to ensure everything is ready for the special Gruhpravesh ritual. Lakshmi watches them go, feeling a little nervous but grateful for Harleenโ€™s kindness.

Scene 2: Balwinderโ€™s Frustration at Home

Meanwhile, at Balwinderโ€™s house, things are tense. Balwinder paces around angrily, clearly frustrated by something. Bablu, noticing his mood, cautiously approaches and asks what happened. Balwinder, still fuming, snaps back, “Itโ€™s Malishka! She made me lose my mind!” His eyes are filled with anger as he explains that Malishka told him something that pushed him over the edge. According to Balwinder, Malishka had claimed that Rishi and Lakshmi were planning to have another child, one that would call him โ€œBally Mama.โ€

The thought enrages Balwinder further, and he vows to do something that will completely ruin Rishi and Lakshmiโ€™s lives. Bablu listens quietly, a little worried about how far Balwinder might go this time. Balwinder continues to vent, clearly determined to make sure that Rishi and Lakshmi do not stay happy together. His threats are ominous, and it is clear that heโ€™s plotting something dangerous. Bablu, although uneasy, does not argue. He knows better than to question Balwinder when he is this angry.

Scene 3: Ayush and Shalu Discuss Rishi and Lakshmi

Back at the Oberoi mansion, Shalu and Ayush are helping prepare the Gruhpravesh items. While gathering the necessary things, they begin talking about the recent court decision. Shalu, sounding a little surprised, says, “I really thought Rishi and Lakshmi would never be together again after everything that happened between them.” She remembers how much they accused each other, thinking there was no chance for reconciliation.

Ayush, ever the optimist, shakes his head and says, “Donโ€™t think like that, Shalu. Rishi and Lakshmi are meant to be together. They may have had their fights, but deep down, they care for each other.” He smiles as he talks, clearly believing in the strength of their bond. Shalu listens quietly, her thoughts conflicted, but Ayushโ€™s words give her some hope. As they finish gathering the items, they both feel a sense of anticipation. The idea of Rishi and Lakshmi being together again seems more possible now, and Ayush is confident that they will find their way back to each other.

Scene 4: The Gruhpravesh Ritual

Once all the items for the Gruhpravesh are ready, Ayush and Shalu bring them to Harleen. She looks pleased and thanks them. Harleen then asks Lakshmi to come forward to perform the ritual. Lakshmi hesitates at first, feeling a little shy, but Harleen insists with a warm smile. “You are the one who should do this, Lakshmi. This is your home now,” she says. With a gentle nod, Lakshmi steps forward and performs the Gruhpravesh ritual, guided by Harleenโ€™s instructions. As she completes the ritual, there is a feeling of new beginnings in the air. Everyone watches as Lakshmi steps into the house with Rishi by her side. It is a symbolic moment, filled with the promise of a fresh start for the two.

Unbeknownst to them, Malishka arrives at the house just in time to witness the ceremony from a distance. Seeing Lakshmi being welcomed into the family with such love and respect makes Malishka furious. She canโ€™t stand watching them like this, and without saying a word, she turns and leaves the mansion, unable to bear the sight any longer.

Scene 5: Balwinder’s Alcohol-Fueled Rage

Back at Balwinderโ€™s house, he is still brooding. Sitting down with a bottle of alcohol, he takes a long drink as he recounts his earlier confrontation with Malishka. He tells Bablu that Malishka had come to his house, and during their argument, she had said something that really set him off. He looks down at a fresh injury on his arm and curses under his breath.

Bablu, concerned, asks, “Who did this to you? What happened?” Balwinder replies that it was Malishka who injured him during their altercation. His anger only intensifies as he continues to drink, muttering about how heโ€™ll make both Malishka and Rishi pay for everything. Bablu, who had been listening quietly, tries to offer some advice, but Balwinder is too drunk and angry to listen. His eyes narrow as he begins to plan his next move, determined to take control of the situation and get back at everyone who has wronged him.

Scene 6: Malishkaโ€™s Phone Call to Sonal

After leaving the Oberoi mansion, Malishka is still fuming. She grabs her phone and calls Sonal, telling her that sheโ€™s on her way to the farmhouse. Sonal, sensing Malishkaโ€™s frustration, agrees to meet her there. Malishkaโ€™s voice is tense as she explains how upset she is over what she witnessed at the mansion. She is determined to vent her anger to Sonal when she arrives. While driving to the farmhouse, Malishka gets another call from Balwinder. Annoyed, she answers the phone only to hear Balwinder complain about how she had injured him earlier. He taunts her, adding more fuel to her already fiery mood. Frustrated, Malishka abruptly ends the call and switches off her phone. She canโ€™t deal with Balwinderโ€™s whining on top of everything else and focuses on getting to the farmhouse.

Scene 7: Rishi and Lakshmi Comfort Parvati

At the Oberoi mansion, Rishi and Lakshmi turn their attention to Parvati, who seems a bit unsettled. They both sit beside her, offering her comfort and reassurance. Lakshmi gently tells her that everything will be alright and that no bad people will come to harm them. Rishi, in a calm and protective tone, adds that even if someone were to come, he would handle the situation. Parvati begins to relax, feeling safer with both Rishi and Lakshmi by her side. Ayush and Shalu, who had been watching the scene from a distance, exchange a glance and quietly slip away, leaving the family to their moment.

As they walk away, Ayush tells Shalu that he really hopes Rishi and Lakshmi become a strong couple again. “Theyโ€™re good people and great parents. They deserve to be happy together,” he says sincerely. Shalu agrees, nodding as she reflects on the love between Rishi and Lakshmi. She hopes that this will be the start of their journey toward a happier future.

Scene 8: Balwinderโ€™s Next Move

At Balwinderโ€™s house, his mood has not improved. After finishing his drink, he tells Bablu that Malishka is at the farmhouse, and they should go there to teach her a lesson. Bablu looks hesitant but knows that Balwinder will not change his mind once heโ€™s made a decision. They both prepare to leave, with Balwinder determined to confront Malishka and make her regret everything she said. His plan is clear: he wants revenge, and heโ€™s willing to go to any lengths to get it. Bablu, though uneasy, follows along, unsure of what will happen next but knowing that trouble is on the horizon.

Scene 9: Neelamโ€™s Concern for Malishka

Back at the Oberoi mansion, Anushka approaches Neelam with a worried expression. She tells Neelam that Malishka hasnโ€™t returned home yet and that her phone is switched off. Neelam, concerned, shares a look with Karishma. They agree to wait for half an hour, but if Malishka doesnโ€™t come home soon, they will head over to Kiranโ€™s place to check on her. The tension between them is subtle but noticeable, as both women silently wonder what Malishka could be up to.

Scene 10: Rishiโ€™s Apology to Lakshmi

As the episode nears its end, Rishi approaches Lakshmi with a serious expression. He gently takes her hand and, with a sincere voice, apologizes for the way he spoke to her earlier. “I know I hurt you with my words,” he says softly. “I was angry, and I shouldnโ€™t have said those things. Iโ€™m really sorry, Lakshmi. I promise I wonโ€™t hurt you again.” Lakshmi looks at him, her eyes softening as she sees the sincerity in his apology. She nods, accepting his words, though it is clear that they still have a long way to go to rebuild their relationship. But for now, this moment of understanding and apology feels like a small step in the right direction.

The Episode Ends Here

Thatโ€™s it for todayโ€™s episode! Donโ€™t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Bhagya Lakshmi Written Updates!

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