Kundali Bhagya Written Update 17th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Kundali Bhagya Written Update 17th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Palki’s awkward encounter with Rajveer and her argument with Shaurya. Meanwhile, Nidhi plots against Preeta, setting a dangerous plan in motion…. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Kundali Bhagya Written Update.

Scene 1: Palki Arrives at Luthra House

Palki enters the Luthra house. She sees Preeta busy with the Diwali decorations and quickly offers to help. Preeta smiles and says, “You always come to help me, don’t you?” Palki replies with a laugh, “Yes, I’ll be like your shadow!” While Palki offers help, her eyes search the house, clearly looking for Rajveer. Preeta notices this and, with a gentle smile, tells her, “Rajveer is in his room.” Palki, feeling shy, says she’ll come back after meeting him. Preeta nods and watches Palki leave, knowing that Palki and Rajveer share a special bond.

Karan then walks in, watching Preeta as she decorates. Preeta, noticing him staring, teasingly asks, “Are you going to help or just stand there?” Karan, with a playful smile, says, “I’ll do whatever you tell me to.” But when a servant comes over to help Preeta, Karan feels a little jealous. He thinks to himself, When there’s love, jealousy is normal. He then tells Preeta that this Diwali is special for him because someone important has returned to his life. Preeta, a little confused, asks, “Who?” Karan looks at her lovingly and replies, “It’s you.” Preeta is left speechless as Karan walks away, leaving her deep in thought.

Scene 2: Anshuman and Varun’s Heated Fight

In another part of town, Anshuman and Varun are locked in a tense argument. Anshuman tells Varun angrily, “I will kill you before you get the chance to kill Nidhi!” Varun, not backing down, says, “I’m not scared of you or anyone else!” Anshuman tries to reason with him, telling him to calm down, but Varun is stubborn. Anshuman then turns to Nidhi and says, “You need to stop all this and leave!” Nidhi, showing no fear, replies coldly, “You’re just a bankrupt criminal. Don’t forget that.” This only makes Varun angrier, and he tells Nidhi to watch her mouth.

The argument keeps heating up, with Anshuman saying that if Varun attacks Nidhi again, he won’t stop him next time. But Nidhi, clearly unbothered, says she’s seen plenty of men like Varun before. She reminds them that she was the one who arranged their bail, but Anshuman quickly says, “You didn’t do us any favors.” Just then, Varun, full of rage, grabs Nidhi by the neck. Shockingly, Anshuman starts laughing while watching the scene unfold. Nidhi manages to push Varun away and tells him to leave her alone before he does something he’ll regret. Varun, still furious, warns her to leave or he might just kill her. They exchange harsh words, and Varun insults Nidhi by comparing her to Preeta. Nidhi snaps back, “Don’t you dare compare me to Preeta!” In a twisted turn, she suggests that they should go after Preeta to take revenge on the Luthras. Nidhi is determined to see Preeta destroyed, and she urges them to finish her at any cost.

Scene 3: Palki’s Embarrassing Moment with Rajveer

Palki heads to the outhouse to meet Rajveer. As she enters, she sees him in nothing but a towel, fresh out of the shower. Embarrassed, she quickly turns around, her face turning red. Rajveer, noticing her reaction, walks over to grab his clothes, teasing her as he does. Palki, still flustered, almost trips, but Rajveer quickly catches her, pulling her close for a moment. He laughs softly and says, “You’re feeling awkward, aren’t you?” Palki stammers, “Yes, I’m sorry, this is really awkward!” Rajveer smiles and says, “Well, I’m in a pretty awkward position myself!” Palki apologizes again, and Rajveer quickly grabs his clothes, but just as he’s about to leave, his towel slips. Both Rajveer and Palki scream in shock. Palki covers her eyes and runs out, leaving Rajveer standing there, both of them laughing awkwardly.

Scene 4: Shaurya and Palki’s Argument

After her embarrassing encounter with Rajveer, Palki bumps into Shaurya in the hallway. Shaurya, as usual, is full of attitude and tells her, “You should watch where you’re going!” Palki, still flustered from before, snaps back, “It was your fault!” The two start arguing, with Shaurya calling her annoying. “You’re super annoying, you know that?” he says. Palki, not backing down, fires back, “And you’re a spoiled brat!” Their argument goes back and forth for a while until Shaurya, clearly frustrated, leaves in a huff. Palki rolls her eyes and mutters to herself, “He’s impossible.”

Scene 5: Preeta and Kareena Discuss the Decorations

Meanwhile, Preeta walks over to Kareena, eager to hear her thoughts on the decorations. “Do you like how everything looks?” Preeta asks hopefully. Kareena, never one to give easy praise, replies, “It’s alright, but you need to work harder if you want it to look amazing.” Preeta nods, trying to stay positive, even though Kareena’s comment wasn’t exactly encouraging. Dadi steps in and takes Kareena away, offering Preeta a kind smile as if to say, Don’t worry too much about it.

Just then, Palki returns to Preeta and complains about her run-in with Shaurya. “He’s so rude! He called me annoying!” she says, clearly upset. Preeta, always calm and understanding, says, “Don’t worry. I’m sure Shaurya will be polite to you next time.” Palki looks doubtful and mutters under her breath, “I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon.”

Scene 6: Nidhi’s Dangerous Plan

Back with Anshuman, Nidhi, and Varun, the tension remains high. Anshuman asks Nidhi, “Is the Ramleela happening in the backyard of the Luthra house this year too?” Nidhi nods, a sinister look in her eyes. It’s clear that something more dangerous is brewing, and their plan to target Preeta seems to be falling into place.

Scene 7: Shaurya and Palki’s Unlikely Interaction

Later, Palki runs into Shaurya again. This time, their conversation isn’t as heated. Shaurya, though still arrogant, seems a little less hostile. Palki, though still annoyed with him, tries to keep her cool. There’s a strange tension between the two, as if they’re both holding back from saying what they really feel. Shaurya, unable to resist teasing her, smirks and says, “Still as annoying as ever, huh?” Palki rolls her eyes and walks away, not willing to get into another argument.

Preeta approaches Kareena, eager to hear her opinion about the decorations. “Do you like how everything looks, Kareena?” Preeta asks with hope in her voice. Kareena, as blunt as ever, looks around and replies, “It’s okay, but you need to work harder. It’s not amazing yet.” Preeta, though slightly taken aback, nods and smiles, understanding Kareena’s high standards. Just then, Dadi walks over and gently takes Kareena by the arm, leading her away from the scene. As Preeta stands there, Palki walks up to her, looking frustrated, and complains about Shaurya. He’s so rude! He called me annoying!” she complains. Preeta listens patiently and smiles, trying to calm her down. “Don’t worry, Palki. I’m sure Shaurya will speak to you politely next time,” Preeta reassures her. However, as Preeta walks inside, Palki mutters to herself, “I really don’t think that’s going to happen.”

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Kundali Bhagya Written Updates!

Also Read: Kundali Bhagya Written Update 16th October 2024

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