Kumkum Bhagya Written Update 17th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Kumkum Bhagya Written Update 17th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, RV struggles to maintain hope as he searches for Poorvi, who is in great danger from Mathew. Meanwhile, Neha’s unstable behavior creates chaos for Monisha, adding to the tension. As the story unfolds, the urgency grows, leading to a thrilling climax where RV’s determination to save Poorvi shines through….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Kumkum Bhagya Written Update.

Scene 1: RV’s Desperation

The episode begins with RV looking up at the sky, feeling lost and sad. “Why are you putting me through so many tests, God?” he asks, his voice shaking. “Please don’t break my trust. Don’t punish me!” Diya stands next to him, trying to be strong. “Don’t worry, Bhabhi will be fine,” she says softly. Yug joins them, agreeing, “We’ll find her. We have to.” But RV feels doubt creeping in. “How will we find her? It feels like God is not with us,” he replies, frustration in his tone. He remembers how Poorvi prays every day but wonders why they are struggling.

“I will save Poorvi! No one can stop me,” RV declares, a spark of determination in his eyes. He starts running, ready to face whatever comes next. Yug, confused, wonders, “Should I help Bhai or get petrol first?” Diya quickly responds, “We need a car, and we need petrol. That’s our first step!” The three of them are determined, but they know the path ahead will be tough.

Scene 2: Neha’s Fury at Monisha

At the same time, Neha storms into Monisha’s house, looking furious. “What are you doing here?” Monisha yells, shocked by Neha’s sudden arrival. In a burst of anger, Neha grabs Monisha and pushes her against the wall. “Get out of my way!” Monisha screams back, trying to fight back. “I’ll call the police!” she threatens, but Neha smirks, “And what will you tell them? If you can talk, I can talk too!” Monisha is scared and replies, “You’re out of your mind!” In a fit of rage, Neha throws things around the room. “You ruined my life!” Neha shouts, her eyes wild. Monisha’s phone crashes to the ground. “Hey! That was my expensive phone!” Monisha exclaims, upset. “I’m breaking the contract we had!” Neha announces angrily. Confused, Monisha asks, “What contract?” But before Monisha can react, Neha shoves her aside and rushes out the door.

Neha searches for Monisha outside, but Monisha hides inside a parked car, holding her breath. Just then, Sahil calls Neha, sounding apologetic. “I’m sorry for leaving you. I’ll come back,” he says. Neha, feeling a bit relieved, hops into an auto and leaves. Monisha sighs in relief, thinking, “Thank goodness she’s gone! She’s lost her mind! I need to call Jassi for help.”

Scene 3: Jassi’s Dilemma

Meanwhile, Jassi is in a car with his friend Shera. He notices his Uncle and Aunt in another car following them. “Let their car pass, then we’ll follow them,” he tells the driver. He wants to be in control of the situation. Suddenly, Monisha calls Jassi. “Neha is going crazy! She attacked me!” she cries, her voice shaky. “What happened?” Jassi asks, concerned. Monisha explains, “Neha came into my house and hurt me! She said she wouldn’t leave me alone!” Jassi’s face becomes serious as he reveals, “Sahil has lost it too. He killed someone named Mathew, who wants to hurt Poorvi.” He feels a rush of protective instinct. “I won’t let anything happen to Poorvi!” he insists before ending the call, leaving Monisha scared and confused. “Sahil hired someone to kill Poorvi? She could be dead already!” Monisha thinks to herself, a sly smile appearing on her face. “I don’t need that Nethra anymore; my life is simpler now!”

Scene 4: The Threat of Mathew

eanwhile, Mathew and his gang are looking for Poorvi. “She’s hiding nearby,” Mathew growls, looking dangerous. His men scatter to search for her. Poorvi is terrified and runs as fast as she can, but Mathew’s goons are close behind her. One of them spots her and shouts, “There she is!” Mathew chases after her, grabbing her hair roughly when he catches up. “You made me angry, and now you’ll pay!” he shouts. Holding a gun, he threatens her, “Should I give you an easy death?” He laughs darkly, “No way! I want to make you suffer!” Poorvi’s heart races with fear as she begs, “Why do you want to kill me?” Mathew smirks, “Because it’s fun for me!” His goons stand around, eager for the show. “Close your eyes, everyone!” one of them shouts, preparing for something awful. But Poorvi refuses to give up. She quickly throws sand in their eyes and runs away, desperately seeking safety.

Scene 5: A Glimmer of Hope

Back on the roadside, Diya is worried about their next move. “What will we do? We need petrol!” she says, feeling the pressure. “What if we don’t find any?” she frets. Yug, trying to stay positive, responds, “Let’s pray like Poorvi does. God will help us.” Diya nods and closes her eyes, praying sincerely, “Please, send us help.” Just then, Yug spots a car coming. “Look! There’s a car!” he exclaims, excitement bubbling in his voice. “We need to stop them!” He waves his arms, hoping they will notice. The car pulls over, and the driver rolls down the window. “We need petrol!” Yug explains quickly, his voice filled with urgency. “Can you help us?”

Scene 6: Poorvi’s Narrow Escape

While RV continues searching for Poorvi in the jungle, she manages to escape and runs to a nearby Dhaba. She tries to call RV but feels anxious. The Dhaba owner approaches, saying, “Come sit and have some food.” Poorvi shakes her head, saying, “No, my husband is coming. I can’t stay here with so many men. I don’t feel safe.” The owner nods and backs away, understanding her fear. Suddenly, RV arrives at the Dhaba, his heart pounding. “Poorvi, where are you?” he murmurs to himself, searching the area with growing urgency. “She must be here somewhere!” he thinks, looking for any sign of her. The tension builds as he feels the need to protect her at all costs.

Scene 7: The Climax Approaches

At Neha’s house, Jassi bursts in, pushing the door open forcefully. “What’s wrong with you? Can’t you see I’m unhappy?” he shouts, frustration clear in his voice. Neha, startled, falls to the floor, glass shattering around her. “I’ve done everything you wanted! Your boyfriend is blackmailing me!” Jassi accuses her, feeling betrayed. Outside, RV presses on in his search, going deeper into the jungle near the Dhaba. “Poorvi! Where are you?” he calls out, determination filling his voice. His love for Poorvi drives him as he races forward, desperate to save her from Mathew and the danger that surrounds her.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Kumkum Bhagya Written Updates!

Also Read: Kumkum Bhagya Written Update 16th October 2024

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