Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update 15th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update 15th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Sufi and Armaan compete for Kashaf’s affection while the Akhtar family experiences a chaotic breakfast filled with jealousy and emotional confrontations. Ibaadat shines with her cooking, causing tensions to rise between Mannat and Subhan…. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update.

A Feast of Emotions

Today’s episode opens with an unexpected clash between two suitors, Sufi and Armaan. Both young men find themselves vying for the attention of Kashaf, a lovely lady doctor who has captured their hearts. As they stand in the dining area, their competitive spirits ignite a humorous yet tense atmosphere. “Kashaf, let me tell you about my dreams of a perfect wife,” Sufi declares confidently. Armaan quickly counters, “No, no! Let me go first. My dream wife would always support me and share my ambitions!” Their banter fills the room with a playful rivalry as they gesture enthusiastically, trying to impress her.

Kashaf watches with a bemused smile, intrigued by their earnestness. “You both have such interesting ideas!” she replies, laughing softly. Meanwhile, the rest of the Akhtar family gathers around the breakfast table, adding to the cheerful chaos. The aroma of the delicious breakfast wafts through the air, catching everyone’s attention. Gulnaz and Kayanat, two lively members of the family, exchange excited glances at the sight of colorful dishes. “Wow! Look at all this food!” Gulnaz exclaims, her eyes sparkling with joy. Kayanat nods vigorously, “Ibaadat has really outdone herself today!”

With a radiant smile, Ibaadat proudly announces, “I made all of this food because I’m just so happy today!” Her enthusiasm is infectious, and everyone can feel the warmth radiating from her. However, Gulnaz hesitates for a moment, contemplating whether to take food from Ibaadat or wait for her to serve it.

Breakfast Showdown

Ibaadat takes charge of the serving, eager to offer her delicious creations to the family. She approaches Subhan with a plate filled with food. “Please, just try this one dish,” she urges, her eyes pleading with him. However, Subhan hesitates, shaking his head. “I don’t think I’ll like that recipe, Ibaadat,” he replies with a dismissive wave. But Ibaadat is persistent, her voice filled with encouragement. “Just one bite! It’s really tasty, I promise!” Finally, Subhan relents, and with a slight smile, he takes a bite. His expression changes to one of surprise and delight. “Wow, this is actually good!” he admits, which causes Mannat, his wife, to shoot him a glare of jealousy.

Seeing her husband enjoying Ibaadat’s cooking stirs something deep within Mannat. “Why is he suddenly taking orders from her?” Kayanat wonders aloud, sensing the tension. Mannat, unable to contain her annoyance, rises abruptly and decides to intervene. “Let me handle this!” she declares, reaching for the plate to save the food for herself.

Ibaadat Takes a Stand

As Mannat reaches for the food, Ibaadat, feeling protective, grabs her by the throat, her grip firm and resolute. “You won’t take this food from him, Mannat!” she warns, her voice low and fierce. The other family members gasp in shock, unsure of how to react. They rush forward, trying to diffuse the situation. “Mannat, stop! Let her serve the food!” Kayanat pleads, stepping in between them. But Ibaadat, fueled by her emotions, warns, “If you help her, I won’t serve anyone today!” Her eyes blaze with determination, making it clear she means business.

In the struggle, Ibaadat pushes Mannat with such force that she tumbles to the ground. Kayanat immediately rushes to assist her, but Gulnaz holds her back, saying, “Wait! If you help her, we might not get to eat at all!” Mannat, lying on the floor, fumes with anger and humiliation. “I can’t believe I’m being treated like this!” she exclaims, her frustration palpable. Meanwhile, Subhan stands off to the side, his expression weary. “I’m really tired of all this fighting. Can’t we just enjoy breakfast?” he finally says, his voice steady yet fatigued. He turns to Mannat, “You need to understand that Ibaadat is just trying to help.” His words cut deep, leaving Mannat feeling even more upset.

The Jealousy Deepens

Mannat, infuriated by Subhan’s words, confronts him again. “Why are you siding with her? I deserve your support!” she demands, her voice filled with desperation. Subhan remains silent, his gaze fixed away from her. He seems more focused on Ibaadat, who is happily serving him. To add fuel to the fire, Ibaadat enters with a bottle of sanitizer, spritzing it onto Subhan’s hands and body. “You need to stay clean, especially after all this chaos,” she says sweetly, her attention solely on him. Mannat watches with a growing sense of envy, feeling utterly rejected and sidelined. “You shouldn’t touch him!” she snaps at Ibaadat, her emotions boiling over.

Just then, Dua and Hamida stroll into the room, intrigued by the commotion. They pause, watching the scene unfold with a mix of concern and curiosity. “What’s going on here?” Dua asks, sensing the tension. Subhan, eager to escape the awkwardness, sighs. “I just want to spend some peaceful time with Ibaadat. Is that too much to ask?”

Ibaadat’s Moment of Triumph

Dua and Hamida exchange glances and nod in agreement, granting him permission. “Go ahead, Subhan. Enjoy your breakfast,” Hamida says kindly. Mannat, seething with anger, can’t believe what she’s hearing. “So, you’re choosing her over me?” she shoots back at him, her voice shaking with emotion. Subhan, caught in the middle, tries to redirect his focus toward Ibaadat, taking her hand gently. “I’m just trying to make the best of the situation,” he explains, attempting to bridge the gap between his relationships. Ibaadat looks up at him, her eyes shining with affection. “Thank you for understanding,” she whispers, her heart swelling with joy at his attention.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Updates!

Also Read: Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update 14th October 2024

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