Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update 13th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update 13th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Dua’s inner conflict, Hafeez’s departure, Kayanat’s anger, and Mannat’s emotional outburst. As tensions rise, Mannat vows to destroy Ibaadat, leaving Hamida uneasy about a mysterious eavesdropper…. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Update.

Scene 1: Dua’s Conflict and Hamida’s Comfort

The episode opens with Dua sitting alone in her room, deeply troubled by her recent confrontation with her brother, Hafeez. She reflects on how she insulted him in front of everyone, calling out his negligence towards their family business. Even though she knew it was necessary to push him to take responsibility, her harsh words now weigh heavily on her. Dua feels torn between duty and guilt, wondering if she went too far.

Hamida enters the room quietly, sensing the tension in Dua’s mind. Sitting beside her daughter, she softly says, “I know you’re upset, Dua, but sometimes we have to make hard decisions for the people we love.” Hamida gently holds Dua’s hand and adds, “Hafeez will understand. He knows you didn’t mean to hurt him, but to make him realize what’s important.” Dua nods, feeling a bit reassured. “I hope so, Amma. I just don’t want him to leave with anger in his heart.” Hamida smiles warmly, “Trust him, Dua. He knows his sister well. He will see the truth behind your words.”

Scene 2: Hafeez and Kayanat’s Dilemma

In another room, Hafeez is preparing to leave for London. He is packing his bags when Kayanat, his wife, enters, her face clouded with anger. “How could you let Dua speak to you like that?” Kayanat demands, her voice filled with frustration. “She’s blaming you for something she did wrong! And now, she’s making you leave the country!” Hafeez pauses, his expression calm but serious. “Kayanat, I made a mistake. Dua was right to be upset. I need to go to London and fix this.”

Kayanat crosses her arms, clearly unhappy. “But she humiliated you! You should stand up to her.” Hafeez shakes his head, refusing to be swayed by his wife’s anger. “I won’t let my ego get in the way. This is about our family, Kayanat. I’m doing what’s right.” Before leaving, Hafeez turns to her and firmly says, “Please, don’t do anything reckless while I’m gone. Focus on keeping peace in the house.” Kayanat watches him walk out, her frustration boiling over. Left alone, she clenches her fists, anger burning inside her, but she doesn’t have anything to do about it.

Scene 3: Kashaf’s Promise to Ghazal

Meanwhile, Kashaf, feeling bad for her friend Ghazal, sits down with her to offer support. Ghazal has been through a lot because of the actions of Hamida and Dua. “I know how much pain they’ve caused you,” Kashaf says softly, “but I promise you, I’m on your side. I won’t let them hurt you again.” Ghazal, still upset but comforted by Kashaf’s words, nods. “Thank you, Kashaf. It feels good to know I’m not alone.” Kashaf squeezes her hand and adds, “We’ll face them together. You’re stronger than you think.” Ghazal gives a weak smile, appreciating the loyalty of her friend.

Scene 4: Gulnaz and Nigar’s Annoyance

In a different part of the house, Gulnaz and Nigar are looking through old family photos. As they flip through the pictures, they come across images of Subhan and Ibaadat together. Seeing these pictures makes them both feel irritated. Gulnaz frowns, “Look at them, acting so perfect together. It’s disgusting.” Nigar sighs, clearly annoyed. “They always find a way to be in the spotlight. As if we don’t exist.” The two women share a bitter glance, feeling sidelined by Subhan and Ibaadat’s bond. It’s clear they aren’t happy with how things are playing out.

Scene 5: Subhan and Ibaadat’s Joy

The next morning, Subhan wakes up to a pleasant surprise. Ibaadat eagerly shows him a magazine, where their photo is proudly displayed on the cover. “Look, Subhan!” Ibaadat beams with pride. “Our picture is on the front page!” Subhan smiles, clearly pleased. “That’s wonderful, Ibaadat. We’ve come a long way.” Ibaadat grins, “The whole country is talking about us! They love seeing us together.” Subhan leans back, feeling a sense of pride in their relationship and the positive attention they’ve received.

Scene 6: Mannat’s Breakdown

Elsewhere in the house, Mannat is sitting alone in her room, tears streaming down her face. Her heart feels heavy with disappointment as her wish hasn’t been fulfilled. She desperately wanted things to go differently, but they haven’t. Hamida and Dua enter her room, concerned. “Mannat, are you okay?” Hamida asks gently, sitting beside her daughter. Dua stands by, watching quietly. Mannat looks up, hurt in her eyes, and says, “I thought you would finally understand me. I thought you’d see what Ibaadat is doing.” Hamida tries to calm her, “We’re just here to support you, Mannat.”

But instead of feeling comforted, Mannat grows more frustrated. “You don’t see it, do you? Ibaadat is manipulating everyone, and you’re praising her!” she cries out. To add to Mannat’s frustration, Hamida shows her the magazine with Subhan and Ibaadat’s picture on the cover. “Look, Mannat, everyone is talking about how great they are together,” Hamida says, clearly trying to make her see things differently. Mannat’s anger flares up, realizing they’ve come to rub salt into her wounds. “You’ve come here just to insult me!” she shouts.

Scene 7: Emotional Confrontation Between Dua and Mannat

Dua steps forward, trying to make Mannat understand. “Mannat, you’ve been wrong about Ibaadat from the start. You need to accept that.” But Mannat, shaking with anger, isn’t ready to listen. “Ibaadat is not even your real daughter!” she yells, reminding Hamida of the bitter truth. Dua’s emotions boil over, and in a rare moment of losing control, she slaps Mannat. Tears well up in her eyes as she says, “She may not be my blood, but Ibaadat has been more loyal to me than anyone else.”

Mannat glares at her mother, refusing to back down. “I’ll destroy Ibaadat,” she threatens, her voice cold. Suddenly, Hamida notices a shadow outside the door. A suspicious woman had been listening to their conversation the entire time. Who is she? What is she planning? Hamida feels uneasy as she watches the figure disappear down the hallway.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Updates!

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