Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update 10th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update 10th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update.

Scene 1: Vijay and Lakshmi’s Tension

The episode opens with Vijay trying to calm a distraught Lakshmi, urging her to go inside and take some rest. He gently reassures her, “Lakshmi, please trust us. We will find Parvati. You need to take care of yourself.” But Lakshmi, overwhelmed with worry for her missing daughter, can’t hold back her frustration. “What kind of person are you?” she snaps. “My daughter has been kidnapped, and you’re asking me to rest?”

Vijay tries again to explain, his tone calm yet firm. “Lakshmi, let us do our job. I promise we are doing everything we can.” But Lakshmi isn’t having any of it. She lashes out, “All you’ve done since you arrived here is talk! What action have you actually taken to bring her back?” Her voice shakes with anger and fear. At this point, Rishi steps in, his voice soothing but firm. “Lakshmi, stop. The police are here to help us. Let them do their work.” Lakshmi falls silent, though her eyes still burn with worry and frustration.

Scene 2: Rohan’s Worry and Sickness

Just then, Rohan enters the room, his face pale and his steps uneasy. Lakshmi and Rishi pause their heated argument, and Rishi turns to him, concern on his face. “Rohan, why are you here? Have you found Parvati?” he asks, hoping for good news. Rohan shakes his head, looking worse by the second. “No, we haven’t… but I feel really sick. My stomach hurts, and I feel like I might throw up.”

Neelam steps closer, recognizing the signs. “Whenever Rohan is really worried about someone he cares for, this happens. He gets a stomachache and feels sick.” Aanchal, observing from the side, adds softly, “Rohan must really love Parvati. His worry is making him physically ill.” With that, Malishka takes Rohan’s arm and gently leads him away, saying, “Come on, Rohan, let’s get you to the washroom. You’ll feel better after some rest.”

Scene 3: Malishka’s Secret Call

Rohan heads towards the washroom, but Malishka takes a quick moment to step aside and make a phone call. Dialing Ashish’s number, she speaks in a hushed tone, “Ashish, don’t call me for a while.” Her voice is tense, as if she’s hiding something. Ashish, on the other end, doesn’t understand why. “What do you mean? This involves Rs 50 lakhs. I need to stay in touch!” Malishka, annoyed, cuts him off, “If you don’t listen to me, you’ll end up getting caught. Just follow my instructions!” With that, she quickly hangs up, not wanting anyone to overhear her conversation.

Scene 4: Lakshmi’s Breakdown

Back in the living room, Lakshmi is unable to control her emotions any longer. She reaches out and angrily throws the police equipment on the floor. “Get out! All of you!” she screams at the officers, her voice cracking under the weight of her fear and anger. “You’re not doing anything to help my daughter!” Rishi rushes over to her, trying to calm her down. “Lakshmi, please, don’t do this. We need their help!” he pleads, but Lakshmi doesn’t want to listen. “I don’t care! I just want my daughter back!” she cries, tears streaming down her face.

Seeing her pain, Rishi pulls her into a tight hug, his voice soft and reassuring. “She’s my daughter too, Lakshmi. I won’t let anything happen to her, I promise.” Lakshmi clings to him, her body shaking with sobs as she whispers, “I just want Parvati back, Rishi. That’s all I want.” Rishi looks into her eyes and promises, “I will bring her back safe and sound.” Standing nearby, Malishka watches them, her heart sinking as she sees Rishi and Lakshmi growing closer in their shared pain. Upset, she quietly leaves the room.

Scene 5: Malishka’s Frustration

Malishka retreats to a quiet room, her mind racing with frustration. She had hoped that the crisis would drive Rishi and Lakshmi apart, causing arguments and distance between them. But to her dismay, it seemed to be bringing them closer together. Pacing the room, she mutters to herself, “This isn’t what I wanted. They should be fighting, not comforting each other! What am I supposed to do now?” She sits down, frustrated, unsure of her next move.

Scene 6: Ashish’s Call and Ransom Demand

Later, the phone rings again. This time, it’s Ashish calling the Oberoi family. Rishi picks up the call, his heart pounding. “Don’t try to trace this call,” Ashish warns immediately. “Do you love Parvati?” Rishi doesn’t hesitate. “You’ll soon see how much I love her,” he replies, his voice filled with determination. Ashish chuckles darkly. “Good. I’ve sent you proof that she’s still alive.” As Ashish hangs up, the doorbell rings. Leo, the family’s driver, drops a box at the doorstep before quickly leaving. Rishi and the others gather around and open the box, their hearts sinking as they see a photo of Parvati tied to a chair.

Scene 7: The Ransom Plan

Rishi, furious, immediately calls Ashish back. “Let my daughter go!” he demands, but Ashish only taunts him further. “I want to talk to Lakshmi,” Ashish says. Hesitant, Rishi passes the phone to Lakshmi. On the other end, Ashish tells her, “Bring the money to the address on the back of the photo. No tricks, or you’ll regret it.” With that, the call ends abruptly. Lakshmi, holding the phone tightly, turns to Rishi. “I have to go. They asked for me.” Rishi tries to protest, “I’ll go with the money.” But Lakshmi insists, “No. They want me. Will you give the money?”

Before Rishi can respond, Neelam steps in. “I’ll get the money ready,” she says, taking charge of the situation. She hurriedly packs the ransom into a bag and hands it to Lakshmi. “Please bring Parvati home safely,” Neelam begs. Lakshmi nods, her mind focused on saving her daughter.

Scene 8: Vijay’s Warning

As Lakshmi prepares to leave, Rishi turns to Vijay. “What should we do next?” he asks urgently. Vijay, looking serious, replies, “We can’t trust the kidnappers to keep their word. Even if Lakshmi delivers the ransom, they might still harm Parvati to cover their tracks.” Rishi’s face darkens with worry, but he knows they have no choice but to go ahead with the plan. “I’ll make sure nothing happens to her,” he says, determined to protect both his wife and his daughter.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Bhagya Lakshmi Written Updates!

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