Kundali Bhagya Written Update 10th October 2024

Saurav Singh

Welcome to Kundali Bhagya Written Update 10th October 2024. In this written update, we follow the ongoing story of our favorite characters as they face new challenges, share emotional moments, and continue their journey. In Today’s Episode, Shaurya continues to feel lost and angry as he believes everyone is against him, while Preeta and Karan clash over how to handle their troubled son. Rajveer and Palki grow closer as Shaurya’s hate deepens….. Now Let’s read out the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events that happened through our scene-wise Kundali Bhagya Written Update.

Scene 1: Shaurya’s Anger and Palki’s Frustration

Shaurya angrily tells Palki, “Rajveer is nothing but a loser. He only has everything because he is Karan’s son!” Palki, tired of the argument, looks at Shaurya and says, “There’s no point in talking to you,” before turning around to leave. Shaurya watches her walk away and shouts, “You don’t have any real answers, that’s why you’re running away!” He then leaves too, feeling that he won the argument. In another part of the house, Nidhi stands quietly. She didn’t expect Karan to take such big steps. Shaurya isn’t listening to her anymore, and she knows that. She feels stuck, not knowing how to fix things.

Scene 2: Family Worries About Shaurya

Kareena and Mahesh are talking. Kareena looks worried. “We can’t change Shaurya’s behavior like this,” she tells Mahesh. He nods, sighing deeply. “Karan shouldn’t have made that decision in anger,” Mahesh admits, rubbing his forehead. Kareena agrees, saying, “Karan and Shaurya are both so similar when they are angry.” Kavya, meanwhile, walks over to Rakhi. She has an idea. “Dadi,” Kavya says softly, “please talk to Mom. I think only Preeta can help Shaurya now.” Rakhi listens carefully but Kareena cuts in. “But Preeta doesn’t remember anything, Kavya. She can’t do much,” Kareena says. Kavya disagrees. “Shaurya needs love. He needs attention,” she insists. Rakhi finally agrees with Kavya, saying, “Yes, you might be right.”

Scene 3: Preeta Tries to Help

Preeta finds Karan alone and starts talking to him about Shaurya. “You can’t just give up on Shaurya like this,” Preeta says with concern in her voice. “He needs love, not judgment. Be his friend, Karan. Don’t just be a strict father.” Karan looks at her and sighs. “I’ve tried everything, Preeta,” he says. “Shaurya is not a little boy anymore. He has to learn his lessons. Life will teach him what he needs to know.” With that, Karan turns and walks away, leaving Preeta standing there, still worried about Shaurya.

Scene 4: Shaurya’s Pain Grows

Later, Shaurya meets Sunny, and Sunny offers to let Shaurya stay at his house for the night. But Shaurya is upset and not thinking clearly. “I don’t want to stay anywhere,” Shaurya says. “I want something to make me forget everything. I need drugs.” Sunny looks at him, concerned. “Shaurya, calm down. You don’t need this,” he says. But Shaurya’s face is full of frustration and hurt. He just wants to escape his problems, even if it’s not the right way.

Scene 5: Preeta and Karan Clash Again

Preeta doesn’t give up. She goes back to Karan and continues to talk about Shaurya. “You should have given Shaurya the best companies to run,” Preeta says. “He’s your son. He deserves it.” Karan shakes his head. “Shaurya doesn’t even have a goal in life. He’s not ready for any of this,” he replies. But Preeta won’t back down. “He is still the rightful heir to the Luthra business,” she insists. Karan then says, “Rajveer is my son too, Preeta. And I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

Preeta continues, her voice more emotional now. “Please, give the best companies to Shaurya. He needs this to feel important.” Karan looks at her, feeling frustrated. “You’re talking like Shaurya now!” he snaps. “I can feel his pain,” Preeta says softly. But Karan thinks she is only feeling guilty for punishing Shaurya before. “You’re just feeling bad because you hit him. Don’t feel guilty; you did nothing wrong,” Karan tells her. Preeta, though, won’t let it go. “I punished him, Karan, so why are you still punishing him too?” she asks, confused.

Karan remains firm. “Shaurya won’t change if I change my decision. He has to learn,” Karan says, not willing to budge. Preeta sighs. “I feel like you’re not understanding me,” she says. “Shaurya will start hating everyone, including Rajveer. You’ll regret this,” she warns, before walking away. Rakhi and Kavya overhear everything and look at Preeta with concern. Preeta notices them but doesn’t say anything.

Scene 6: Rajveer and Palki Talk About Shaurya

Rajveer is with Palki when she returns, looking upset. “Why did you come back?” Rajveer asks, noticing the tension on her face. Palki replies, “Shaurya can’t be your brother, Rajveer. He’s acting like everything is unfair, as if he’s the victim here.”

Rajveer frowns and says, “Just ignore him, Palki. Don’t let him get to you.” But Palki shakes her head. “I can’t stay quiet when I see Shaurya acting like this. It’s too much!” she exclaims. Rajveer gently holds her hand. “Please, calm down. For my sake,” he says softly. Their eyes meet, and for a moment, the world seems to fade away as they share a silent connection. The song “Yaara ve mere yaara” plays in the background as they stand together.

Scene 7: Shaurya’s Struggle with Hate

Back at Sunny’s house, Shaurya is drinking heavily. His words are slurred as he talks about his problems. “Everything went wrong when Rajveer, Palki, and Preeta came into my life,” Shaurya says bitterly. Sunny, sitting beside him, listens carefully. “You’re drunk, Shaurya. You don’t mean this,” Sunny says, but Shaurya doesn’t stop. “No, I’m serious. My image is ruined. My family is against me. All because of them!” Shaurya rants. Shaurya continues to drink, and his anger only grows. “Rajveer took everything from me. It’s my right to have it all!” he shouts. Sunny, feeling uneasy, asks him, “Who do you hate the most, Shaurya?”

Shaurya doesn’t hesitate. “I hate everyone!” he says, his voice filled with bitterness. He takes another drink and then starts remembering the harsh words from Palki, the way Karan scolded him, and how Preeta even hit him. These memories only make him feel more hurt and angry, as he sits there drowning in his pain.

The Episode Ends Here

That’s it for today’s episode! Don’t miss the next one as the story continues with even more surprises and emotional moments. Stay tuned to see what happens next and how the characters will handle their new challenges. Keep reading for all the latest Kundali Bhagya Written Updates!

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