Luisa de Medrano: A Legacy of Leadership and Resilience

Saurav Singh

Luisa de Medrano (9 August 1484 – 1527) was a learned woman hailing from Navarre and Castile. She achieved prominence as the first female Professor in Spain at the renowned University of Salamanca. Luisa de Medrano Bravo de Lagunas Cienfuegos belonged to an esteemed group of Renaissance women celebrated for their erudition, often referred to as “puellae doctae” (learned maidens) by their contemporaries.

Life and Career

Her birth took place into the distinguished family of Don Diego López de Medrano, a ricohombre from Iguzquiza Navarre, and Dona Magdalena Bravo de Lagunas from Atienza in Castile. She resided in the Castle of San Gregorio, whose origins were documented in Medina del Campo on July 29, 1461, when King Henry IV granted Don Diego de Medrano the permission to erect this fortified residence.

Endowed with intellectual brilliance and a solid education, she excelled in teaching Latin at the esteemed University of Salamanca. Her brother, Don Luis de Medrano, held the position of Rector of Salamanca University during her tenure. Interestingly, her name was misspelled as “Lucia” by the scholar Sículo instead of “Luisa.”

At the University of Salamanca, she not only taught Latin but also took the place of Antonio de Nebrija. While she composed poems and delved into philosophy, unfortunately, much of her work has been lost over time. Luisa de Medrano benefited from the climate of tolerance and progressiveness for women cultivated by Queen Isabella I in her court, which regrettably declined after the queen’s demise.

Under the patronage of Queen Isabella I, Luisa de Medrano had the opportunity to study history, culture, and humanist philosophy alongside the royal family’s children. Her sister, Catalina de Medrano, held a position as a lady of the Queen. Historical accounts of Luisa de Medrano are mainly derived from two primary sources: a note by Pedro de Torres, a student and rector from Salamanca, and Lucio Marineo Siculo.

Legacy and Awards

In 1943, following a proposal from the Cloister of the National Institute of Secondary Education of Salamanca, the Ministry of National Education granted the privilege to name the institute “Lucía de Medrano” in honor of her memory. On October 12, 2015, the Rectorate and the University of Salamanca came to a unanimous decision to dedicate the Hall of Cloisters of the Higher Schools of the University to “Lucía de Medrano,” paying homage to her as the first female professor in Spain and Europe.

On 9 August 2022, a Google Doodle was created to celebrate Luisa de Medrano’s 538th Birthday.