Ivan Mikhaylovich: Exploring the Enigmatic Life and Legacy

Saurav Singh

Image Courtesy: Google Doodle

Dr. Ivan Mikhaylovich Sechenov (13 August 1829 – 15 November 1905) was a renowned Russian psychologist, physiologist, and medical scientist.

During his time, the famous Russian scientist of human reflexes, Pavlov, referred to Sechenov as the “Father of Russian physiology and scientific psychology.” Today, we recognize Sechenov as a prominent scientist in medical physiology and a key figure in Russian physiology and neurological physiology. Additionally, he made significant contributions to the field of psychology, particularly as one of the originators of objective psychology, an endeavor to introduce objectiveness into the expansive domain of Russian psychology and its various developments.

Selected Works

  • In 1860, Sechenov published “Materials on the Future of Physiology” in St. Petersburg. Part I of this work focused on “Some Facts for the Future Study of Alcohol Intoxication,” written in Russian.
  • In 1862, he released “On Animal Electricity” in St. Petersburg, also in Russian.
  • The year 1863 saw the publication of “Reflexions of the Brain” in the Medical Newspaper 47-48, written in Russian.
  • In 1866, Sechenov published “Physiology of the Nervous System” in St. Petersburg, again in Russian.
  • In 1873, he wrote “Who Should and How to Develop Psychology” for Vestnik Evropy, written in Russian.
  • In 1897, Sechenov released “The Physiological Criteria of the Length of the Working Day.”
  • In 1900, he published “Participation of the Nervous System in Man’s Working Movements.”

Sechenov’s pioneering work and extensive research have left a lasting impact on the fields of physiology and psychology, cementing his status as a highly esteemed and influential figure in the scientific community. On 13 August 2014 a Google Doodle was created to celebrate Ivan Mikhaylovich ‘s 185th Birthday.