PM to inaugurate National Conference of Environment Ministers

OV Digital Desk

The Prime Minister will inaugurate the National Conference of Environment Ministers in Ekta Nagar, Gujarat on 23rd September 2022 at 10:30 AM via video conference.

In keeping with the spirit of cooperative federalism, a conference will be convened in order to facilitate further synergy between the central government and state governments for formulating better policies on issues such as Elimination of Plastic Pollution through a multi-pronged approach, and State Action Plans to combat Climate Change effectively with a focus on LiFE- Lifestyle for Environment. Additionally, special attention will be given to the restoration of degraded lands and wildlife conservation.

On the 23rd and 24th of September, the Conference will consist of six thematic sessions with topics pertaining to LiFE, Combating Climate Change (Updating State Action Plans on Climate Change for Mitigation of Emissions and Adaptation to Climate Impacts); PARIVESH (Single Window System for Integrated Green Clearances); Forestry Management; Pollution Prevention and Control; Wildlife Management; Plastics and Waste Management.